PM Browne announces liberalization of egg market


In the absence of an agreement; our government will be forced to discontinue the protections and support for these uncooperative poultry farmers.

The increase of $2.00 will bring the wholesale price of eggs to $14; an increase of 40 percent in two years. The retail pride of eggs will increase to $18-19 per dozen, putting one of the most significant sources of protein beyond the affordability of the poor and vulnerable .

If we do not stop this developing egg cartel that is unjustifiably increasing the costs of eggs, we will be faced with other frivolous increases in the near future.

The egg market will be opened.

The forty percent duties and taxes on imported eggs and import permits will be eliminated and no further support or subsidies will be given to these poultry farmers. Our government subsidies costs to lower prices, not to inflate profits.

The subsidies were designed to drive down costs to keep egg prices affordable for all, especially poor and vulnerable.

The poultry industry will be regulated by a Poultry Development Board that will be responsible for setting egg prices and to monitor the sanitary and phytosanitary conditions of poultry farms, to reduce the escalating incidences of salmonella and other microbial diseases.

Farms that do not satisfy these conditions will be closed in protection of consumers.

We have been advised that under the new dispensation that imported eggs can retailed for $12.50 per dozen, compared to $19.00 per dozen.

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    The farmers in Antigua suffers because USA heavily subsidize their farmers in an effort to keep the prices stable and affordable.

    ABLP has absolutely no intention of subsidizing the farmers. They prefer to support the USA farmers.

  2. Gaston needs to realize that he cannot tell Rob Barret anything how to price his goods in his supermarkets. His supermarkets are the most expensive in Antigua. Up to the time he gets concessions from the government, he is still expensive. Chinese and Syrians get concessions and their prices aren’t as high as his. I don’t know why government keeps giving concessions to people who can afford the Custom Duty on their imports goods. The small man is who needs the government concessions.

  3. If you care so much for the poor why are so many of us crying out for our social security money which is due to us for the past four years.You pick and choose which Battle you want to fight.If it was any of your goons who was President of Egg farmers you would not act so.You just a Bully.

  4. Why don’t we just conclude that Gaston Browne is an economic dunce? As leader,you’re gonna try to fight and bullyrag these local farmers? Every country is attempting to prop up the farmers to reduce import and food security and this dunce tries to create difficulties for them.
    Oh when will we learn that thus guy is a scourge on our country? When?
    Barrett builds a monstrosity on Long Bay, breaking all kinds of laws. This idiot acts as if he can do anything ,making big talk. Nada. Barrett owns him as do others because of his incurable greed.
    Anyone who supports this fool is eating from the trough(Tinman for instance🙂 ) parasiting off taxpayers, highlighting the selfishness and greed that runs rampant in our country.
    Folks, don’t allow this UPP defections to distract from the real issues in Antigua and Barbuda

  5. @Donna September 20, 2024 At 9:02 am
    Spent your dollars at CMC. That is government answer to escalating prices. Government should empower CMC to bring in eggs at a price the poor man can afford. I did indicate in my earlier posts on this topic that they will not subject themselves to audit of their cost build up. Because that will show them up. The Service Station tried the same thing. And my question remains, Where is the IRD on ensuring these farmers submit their audited financial statements so they analysis can be done and see where it is that the cost is spiraling out of control. Just telling me it’s because of the high price of chicken feed etc. doesn’t cut it. Caricom has so many trade treaties that would allow us to purchase feed economically. But I guess some are hell bend to upset the status quo. Well lets see who can hold their breath the longest.

  6. This move was already planned and like a chess match, the Poultry Farmers made the move that the Money-Hawk was hoping they’d make, and immediately, he pounced on them with his conditions just to make way for his business buddies. This Guy is deliberate with his contempt for most Antiguans and Barbudans; he only learned this week that Poultry Farms should be sanitary to prevent the transfer of diseases and food borne illnesses to us, and to give it the polish, he’s going to constitute a Board; not of volunteers but well paid persons who will be handpicked from within his circle. We need this Guy removed for the stability of the country. By not entertaining a convention tells us just what his intentions are but Chet s getting impatient so it might have to be a coup. His days in leadership might very well be numbered.

  7. Where I am living,I buy and eat one brand of eggs.It is called EGGLAND’S BEST. The eggs are packed in boxes of 12,18 and 24.There are also 3 different sizes,medium,large and extra large.The prices are not over $7.00 for any pack and sizes.example:at KROGER a box of 12 large eggs is $4.99


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