Prime Minister Gaston Browne Criticizes Union Tactics and Emphasizes Reasonable Negotiations for National Benefit
Prime Minister Gaston Browne recently expressed criticism towards union tactics and highlighted the importance of maintaining a productive relationship between the unions and the government.
In a radio interview, Browne emphasized that the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP), which he represents, is inherently pro-worker. However, he expressed concerns over what he described as “unreasonable demands” from some union leaders that potentially jeopardize worker benefits and the economic stability of the nation.
The Prime Minister mentioned specific union leaders, such as Chester Hughes, accusing them of creating noise and giving false impressions about their effectiveness in negotiations.
“They make a ton of noise, and people believe they’re effective,” Browne said, stressing that such actions often put workers’ jobs at risk rather than securing their rights and benefits.
In his statement, Browne recounted incidents where the unions made demands that were not in the best interest of the workers or the country, especially during critical negotiations related to the vaccine mandate and previous financial challenges faced by LIAT, the regional airline.
The Prime Minister highlighted a particular instance where he urged the union to accept a modest pay cut to save the airline from bankruptcy, a proposal met with resistance which eventually saw LIAT facing dire financial difficulties.
Browne’s criticism extended to the unions’ approach during the COVID-19 pandemic, which saw significant economic downturns. He pointed out the need for unions to cooperate with the government to navigate the crisis effectively, rather than clinging to combative stances that fail to consider broader economic impacts.
The Prime Minister also challenged the unions to demonstrate their claims through legal means rather than public theatrics that mislead workers.
“I’m challenging them to go to court, stop fooling the workers,” he declared, indicating his openness to transparently addressing any disputes through the judicial system.
This call for more reasonable and cooperative union-government relations comes at a time when both parties face the immense task of steering the country towards recovery and sustainable growth post-pandemic.
Browne’s administration continues to advocate for negotiations that balance worker rights with national economic health, emphasizing that progress requires a united front rather than divisive tactics.
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Here we go with Pringle praises about take bull by horn, Gaston know he has to say something on labor day for relevance, and technically the union can’t go court without a name, this is how forceful Gaston is while he would scare the hell out of observer and all other citizenry about law suits and quiet them, but he can do it. And skilfully saying to take him to court creates a public opinion of truthfulness, while he skilfully get Hurst to back track so the court will say there has been redress. All Antiguans should learn to open their mouth and don’t be afraid of Gaston threatening law suits because he wouldn’t care to libel you.
Staff who were sent home for a vaccine mandate, are still owed, if this government were for the workers they will do the right thing and pay up, when hotels let go staffs and don’t pay them it is wrong, the same way when government do the same it is still wrong, politics will stop this country from progressing if citizens continue to love party more than themselves
SMH is this not because the court ruled against your case? In Oct 2021 the court ruled against you. There was a loss again, when a second attempt was made, in 2022. Why be wrong and strong
Well said @Smh. However, selfishness abounds in our country as well as the love of money and patriotism Antiguans have no conception of.
Those who stood their ground during the ill-advised mandates are now looking like heroes. The Astrazeneca that most adults took here in Antigua and Barbuda was recently pulled because ” it causes rare deadly, blood clots. ”
Taking the government to court now to me is pointless in many instances because the DAWG will use state resources, our money, to fight us. Probably best to ensure that whatever challenges have no statute of limitations the when ALP is ousted, bring on the courts. That way the DAWG will have to use his (our) money to defend himself.
Wrong could never be right you too caught up in party politics and not the truth . You are loyal to party even in the wrong. I realize we live in a generation where wrong is right. A leader that claims he has the best interest for the people should have a conscience don’t tell me court ruled in favor. I want leaders to use their godly conscience and stop being wicked .
The problem we have in this country no one wants to correct their friends in their wrong doing because they are benefiting financially, they are on numerous boards.
The truth will only come out when the top dawg oust them from their positions.
Blessed is the man that thinks for himself that loves country and people over party, if we will have more citizens that think like that we will make Antigua great again like how V.C. Bird intend it to be.
Read and meditate on the national anthem this government doesn’t respect the lives of the people.
Do you see Fair Antigua and Barbuda with this notorious leader?
Do you see each endeavoring all achieving?
All I see is pure sell out in the name of some corrupt investments putting the country over 200 years ago where only the sellouts benefitting with their self enrichment schemes. The most hypocritical thing when independence comes around they boast about being free, but the political bondage is not freedom, it hinders productivity and cause division
For years people have been getting paid their vacation days in a lumpsum now suddenly it’s broken down per pay period.
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