The leader of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party and Prime Minister, Gaston Browne, commented on the resignation of Kelvin Shugy Simon, the Member of Parliament for St Mary’s South.
Browne stated that Simon’s resignation is an acknowledgment of his violation of electoral laws and that Simon took preemptive action in anticipation of the court vacating his seat.
Simon resigned after careful consideration and prayers, submitting his letter of resignation to the Speaker of the House, Sir Gerald Watt, KC.
This decision was made to comply with the law, which requires a by-election to be held within 120 days.
PM Browne expressed his belief that Simon recognized his inability to serve the people of St Mary’s South effectively in Parliament and chose to take the easy way out by resigning.
The Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party plans to contest the by-election vigorously, with confidence in Sen Samantha Marshall’s experience and competence to be returned as the representative of St Mary’s South.
Simon had initially won his seat in the general elections by a margin of 199 votes against Samantha Marshall.
However, his election became a matter of contention when a petition was filed challenging his eligibility due to his nomination while still employed as a public servant.
The court case was expected to continue in July.
Simon stated that it was unfair to leave the uncertainty hanging over the constituents of St. Mary’s South and decided that the matter should be resolved through a by-election, allowing the people to decide rather than the court.
He hopes that his resignation will provide a clean break and allow the people to reaffirm him as their MP.
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PM Browne you are waiting time and money on this fruitless fight. No matter how you twist and turn it Miss Marshall is going to lose again and this time might be worst the January 18. Best to let it go and find a new candidate. This will not end well for Miss Marshall. Let it go PM Browne and start to for fill all of your promises. Your third term is off to a messy start but its not to late for you to win back the favor of the people. Let it go PM Browne. Get to work and forget the this seat. If you do what you got to do you have nothing to worry about. Now matter what 9 is always a bigger number that 8.
Totally agree……….
I read somewhere that “the eyes are the window to the soul”. Look into GB eyes.
What do you see?
Omg I said the same thing..
He has a demon inside of him.
We need a exorcism. Call the catholic church please!!
His demon needs to be exorcize so we can get help…
We calling this movie the exorcism of the prime minister!!
So the will of the people doesn’t matter? This may just back fire on ALP!! They clearly DO NOT want Samantha!! Respect that and move on!!
I didn’t see this resignation coming from the rightly elected MP for St Mary’s South Kelvin ‘Shugy’ Simon.
Maybe he realised that Gaston Browne seems to have the legal profession in his back pocket (especially when you look at the amount of previous litigation cases he and the ABLP have one).
Shugy’s move seems to be a masterclass, because he’s allowing the constituents to decide.
Brilliant indeed………. Why leave it too the court when money can be passed knowing that it’s a new judge on the block dealing with this case….. Let the ppl decide!!!!
These antiquated laws needs to change . The reality is,the people of st.Marys South cannot, and will never allow MS. Marshall to be their representative again . This is a lost cause. Just wasting tax payers money .
Interesting development. Let’s see how this one plays out.
Throwing in the towel after all the ruckus and brazen attempt to defend his wrong let the courts rule to do that prematurely at this stage signals defeat giving the incumbent a second chance at the cherry which she is salivating for this time with the full resources to pull it off PM Browne is a great thinker he is blessed with the ability to get things done and he is fully in this play off Shuggy people are strange human beings
“… PM Browne is a great thinker …”
NURSE!!! 😳
U should go and sit down and prayer🙏 to get water every minute of the day and cost of living to be drop gas price to be drop as well Mr bush man why u don’t stay in the dam bush
@ “bushman” the name fits you well especially over your remarks that Gaston Browne is a great thinker. No point going any further with u dunce boy…
Suggie will win again and even much bigger
This latest development surely provides the opportunity for the constituency of St Mary South to become the most developed community on the island. I advise the residents of that constituency to prepare to make your list of demands to Asston and Samongster during the upcoming campaign. I guaranteeeee that money will be flowing in an effort to buy what they consider to be a BUY-election. Take the money and restore Shugy back to parliament.
Those who took money from them last election should ask themselves, AH WEH DI MONEY GAAN?
You are a real man and a true representative Kelvin Shugy Simon. We pray for more politicians like you. It’s not just about POWER like the DAWG and his corrupt poodles. God has you covered and St. Mary’s South people will choose you overwhelmingly.
You cannot win a seat FRAUDULENTLY ( UPP should know better ) do the right thing. This is a sure seat for SAMANTHA MARSHALL. ABLP 10 seats. UPP operatives go and eat you know What…10 SEATS.
Eric the red, I will give u your few mins of fame cause clearly you are desperate for attention especially for dunce remarks like that! The will of the people matters! Respect that and go brush your teeth.
to conquer round south with his dick??
Nobody round here want Samantha Marshall. She’s utterly useless to the community and only election time you see the ugly woman
So you’re saying are you lub Shaggy… I mean Shuggy cus he looks good and it’s ok that he a ride off a ton of young gyal in Bolans behaving like some upstanding citizen 🐐
St. Mary’s is better with Samantha Marshall. I saw Shuggi in Parliament He does NOT understand the issues. SHUGGI CANNOT do anything for St. Mary’s South. VOTE SAMANTHA.
It’s a red herring.
@Ms.Antigua, I agree…St. Mary’s south resident. He’s got my vote.
ABLP will surely win this seat. BYE BYE SHUGY. Your short time in Parliament you have done an AWFUL JOB. You never spoke..You sat just showing your beard. Actually Shugy was a disaster in Parliament. BYE BYE BYE Shugy. Asot cannot help you this time around. Asot money dried up. ABLP 10 seats. UPP DONE / FINISHED.
@ Polo u make no sense at all… I bet u are just jealous and intimidated by Shuggy because u can’t look or be like him. Try go and read a book and stop embarrassing yourself! The will of the people matters and its clear they don’t want her! Take that and shut your mouth.
Shut your damn mouth. You went hiding after the election. Your prediction is skewed.
WE want SAMANTHA…We are 20 persons in our Family. This time around , We are voting Samantha.
He paid you to post this dumb fuck..
Samantha paid you to post this dumb fuck..
ST.Mary’s South please DO NOT vote for Shugy . This Guy cannot represent Us. VOTE SAMANTHA. SAMANTHA all the way.
Well done Shugy!!Now the people round south would beat her once and for all.
Gaston Browne,what a face. The next time around,Marshall would be beaten into a pulp.She is as lazy as they come.In her years as the Rep.What has she done to uplift the people in that Constituency? Absolutely not one damn thing.She is too lazy to be LAZY.
Just the other day, the UPPites were high on themselves saying Sugy will win in court. The court rejected the injunction so they felt strong. Telling them Sugy was building on sand, they ignored. Now watch him again cave yet they still pretend bravado. The money people (campaign funders) who support the opposition care not whether UPP have 5 or 6 seats, its the majority they need. Samantha the senate will miss you but you will not be too far away in your rightful lower house seat
This idiot predicted a 17 seat win; damn near lost; he said Asot couldn’t win; Asot wiped the floor with Turner; said Serpent couldn’t win; the victory was decisive. Who is going to believe this pathological liar?
Excellent strategy Shuggy. Our courts are compromised as is the Bar Association and countless people in this twin island state. What about the DPP and the GG? Folks, in St .Mary’s South, prepare for extensive bribes and inducements. Take de money then tell Gaston Browne and Samantha Marshall where to go.
Antigua and Barbuda needs to rid itself of this lunatic.
@Watching – must hurt you to know its better to have 9 or 10 out of 17 than to have 5 (as of now) out of 17. AM and the UPP wanted and needed to be government. Watch his drunk self now supended, Shuggy now resigned. Must hurt to be in your group
To All UPP Members of Parliament . Politics is NOT Sunday School. UPP MPs always crying foul . They expect to come to Parliament to learn . Do you damn homework and Shugy would NOT be in this awful situation.
UPP members are receiving bad advice. Shugy knew that He should resign before nomination and still did not. UPP should put Someone in His place.
UPP waiting on your advice ‘to put Someone in His place’, so YOU PUT THEM.
UPP nor Shuggy need no advice from U MINIONS, deep down you all are threatened by Simon.
You never expected that master class move and now you shaking in your boots because the courts will now NOT decide to give ABLP the seat BUT THE PEOPLE- and we know how that ended the last time.
SHUGI should be completely DISQUALIFIED from running in that constituency. He knew what He was doing and thought that He could get away with it. What He did… was FRAUDULENT. The seat should be turned over to SAMANTHA.
When I first read this Article at(11.50pm/ 06/06/2023) without even reading the comments, the first thing that came to my mind, was that this is a very honorable thing to do in stepping down and let it go back to the people of that constituency to decide. Whether the man loose or win, it’s the honorable and noble thing to do. That’s says a lot about this man, a lot. What he needs to do now, is to take the time and learn the craft of politics and continue to fight for his people.Go out there and campaign like your constituency life depends on it Mr Simon. I solute this move, for if there is any honor left in my tiny nation, this man has just shown it. I would vote for him just for that, Honor! Well done Sir. You show much more class than those who have sit on the thrown for way longer.
I don’t think he should resign so abruptly. APLP had the right to challenge, it is Democracy in full play. You know that ABLP is going to pull out all stumps to include bribing voters. I hope that Suggy don’t go down that road and have Assot Michael campaigning for him or using Assot money. We could also see Cortwright Marshall run Independent if his health has improved, with an ABLP offer of million plus a big Job.
All in all I still think that Suggy is ahead and showed that in parliament that he will be a worthy opponent. I think he is loved and has gained the respect of his constituency and pairs .
I also think that the pendulum has shifted away from ABLP and Samantha Marshall included. I also think if a similar exercise were to take place in other constituencies that ABLP would loose a few more seats, if not all. The people are ready for change, no economic growth, no housing stock, no lands give away, no using of the state resources will change that. Now and the next election belongs to UPP . Yes and in recent times UPP seemed much more an organized and United political party, while APLP seems to be fragmented.
Lmao!!!!! What kinda of weed u smoking🤣🤣🤣🤣 not take Asot money🤣🤣🤣 guess u miss the dry hill party January🤣🤣🤣 ah now dead shuggs go beg money🤣🤣🤣
@telhim, hurt me? What is really disconcerting is clowns like you who put party before country. No rational, reasoning individual, capable of drawing logical conclusions, would see any merit in this mold call Gaston Browne and ALP. Do you live here? Have you assessed our present state of affairs? Every government department is in disrepair and abject ruin, the water continues to be a big issue, people can’t get paid,the list is long. We are in a failed state. That is what hurts.
Is your Porkston Browne going to pad St. Mary’s constituency like he did his? She bragged and boasted she padded her own constituency to win her seat yet no one have issues with that. Well you voted her in and in she will stay.
It will only get more and more unscrupulous as you who voted her rass in and continue to let her dictate things her way. I hope Porkston giving you all the good means to live the good high life just like she is doing.
Let’s see how this plays out. At least Simon is doing his best to cut out all the bullshit by the ABLP.
As for all you ass kissers, Porkston Browne has you right where she wants you.
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