Prime Minister Gaston Browne has repeated statements he made in parliament about the Odebrecht Bribery Scandal.
He did so on Pointe FM on Saturday in the face of a law Suit from Harold Lovell.
Lovell said last week:
“I challenge him – I dare him – to repeat those statements anywhere else in the public domain. And if he cannot repeat them, that fact will confirm him to be a liar,” says Lovell, an attorney at law.
“If he were interesed in truth, and in clearing up the cloud that hangs over this country on account of the Odebrecht Scandal, he would man up and hold the inquiry for which I and other right-thinking citizens and nationals have been calling.
“I have no fear of the outcome. Call the inquiry now!” the UPP Leader says.
Browne repeated the allegations almost word for word on his weekly radio programme the Browne and Browne show.
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World dictator traitor tyrant liar Gaston Browne must be removed from office. He continues to sully our nation and our people while misrepresenting us and using us as his financial slaves.
Every govt should fear it’s people not the other way around. When the people fear its govt, that country is in dire trouble.
Speaking of Odebrecht, look at whose name is mentioned. None other that world dictator traitor liar Gaston Browne.
It’s time for cesspool Gaston Browne and his maggots to go. Enough of the stealing from our people and our nation.
Bet thats the end of that
BRING it on Harold …. Harry Lovell you are just a loud mouth trying to scare Hon.Gaston Browne …It would not work.
S o you say when Harold say he go sue Donna. Donna quiet, quiet now
Donna continues to say all the things she has been saying all the time
Playing into Harold’s hand
That’s simply not true. Donna sooo quiet now. Hmmm.
Harold said he would sue Donna if she does not retract statements she made. To date Donna has not retracted any statement and she has repeated what she said repeatedly. And furthermore, the PM repeated what Donna told him. So, Harold come up with his bluff. But he is advised by even a dumber lawyer than himself.
Odebrecht proposed to pay James $4 million to help sway the prime minister, the company recently said in a U.S. criminal case. James, in written statements, says he did come to an agreement, but it was not to influence the Antiguan government; it was, he says, to process applications to a government program that offers Antiguan citizenship and a passport to foreigners who invest in the country.
Gaston I am sure was aware that Casroy received monies which the Brazilians said was for Browne. The Bloomberg article also said that the Brazilians met with Browne at the airport in Antigua.
Instead of Browne making statements that can be interpreted that the money was for Harold, would he acknowledge that funds paid to Casroy were intended for him and not Lovell and leave Lovell alone?
The more I listen to Browne, the more I cant believe a word he says. He is real gutter politician.
Because your name is called in something doesn’t mean you’re guilty of anything.
Then he should want to clear his name. Why is he so afraid. Answer that question. If he didn’t have anything to hide why not the call the Inquiry In your heart, you know that Gaston is afraid to hold the Inquiry.
Gaston Clown are convinced that he could say or do anything and his supporters would believe, support and even die for him.
So, Browne Clown repeated the allegations almost word for word…..
Get serious Brown Clown and stop clowning around.
Harold made his idle threads to the wrong persons, Donna, Point FM and the PM. Now he really will look like a fool. It is best he had not opened his mouth. Or listen to his stupid legal advisor. When we were young, you know when you make threads you have to follow through. Otherwise, you’ll be called a wimpy. Perhaps we should start calling him Wimpy Harold. Cause Donna called his bluff, Point FM called his bluff, and the PM called his bluff and up until today no sue. Perhaps he is waiting for some QC to assist him.
FROM THE SIDELINE when will you stop writing pure nonsense? You keep speaking of things you know nothing about.
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