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Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
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WOAH! what a HUGE CROWD!!!!! Millions of protesters. Enough to cover the *26 ACRES* of the ABANDONED, NARSEE, DUTTY, WUTLISS, UNKEMPT “farm” for the UPP Shadow Minister of Agriculture and leader of the “protest”
Happy to see the handful of people exercising their right. Even though this protest is like a fart in a gale force wind compared to the White March against the HAROLD LOVELL IMF decision.
Just enough people to fit into the Wilmoth Daniel STRIPPER POLE BUS 🚌. Maybe he transported them all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Look she here again. You still can’t get the stripper pole bus to fill your stench hole. One rape you get and no one want you after that. Time for you to disappear and go shut your hole
ANR is not the snake-owned and controlled Observer where people are BANNED because a UPP wannabe-but-could-never-be “candidate” can’t take the heat in the kitchen.
Notice that ANR even published your comment. Tell that to the 🐍 and DLP who needs to BRING THE RECEIPTS TO MEDICAL BENEFITS so they can close his file. Will have a chat with the good folks at MBS to see if he bring those RECEIPTS yet or if Jackie Quinn gave back even one blue cent of the approximately USD$500,000.00
Lord, you just like them run mouth labour politicians that chat people’s confidential business in public. I would never vote for them kind of people.
Lord you and dah bus lol
The problem with this type of protest is the difficultly of getting people to ‘come out for it, make signs, stand in line etc.’. I suggest a different approach that is EASIER to do and might get you MORE ATTENTION.
Do HONK FOR FREEDOM protest. I addition to the people out on the street with their signs, Ask people to HONK their horns as they drive by the parliament building. Drive around the building HONKING your cars horn. HONK HONK HONK…. till thy say “STOP, I can’t hear myself think”!
The “problem” is not one of technique or tactic. The problem is that the 🐍overestimated the people’s opinion. 🙄 People may not like the increase in price but they understand why. What really ticked them off was MR. IMF ROMANTIC RHYTHMS WADADLI POWER CAN’T ABST HOTEL RIPOFF decision to plunge them into the IMF latrine.
Note the difference in the turnout at the White March against Lovell’s IMF vs the fuel prices.
@Franz BEGGY BEGGY DeFreitas, spell “G-R-A-T-E-F-U-L” you Dumbo Circus UPP Shadow Minister of Education.
Paul Quinn was so embarassed!
Ah way Annie the ANR troll dey. Wid all the mouth she have pan ANR she should be front and center at the 🐍 organized rally. Annie ah way u dey!!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
She busy chairing a,meeting of the “TRADEWINDS Gang” Richard Lewis hang in there. Lovell Limpy Joe King Lyadd BADPLAY YOU and JOANNE MASSIAH, but he soon gone.
this pitiful protest got ZERO TRACTION
better luck next time
So why has the Finance Minister backtracked, then, promising the new shipment (at the new purchase price?) will be sold nearer to the old cost? Hmmmmm.
Interesting mathematics or voodoo economics??
Protest failed to attract more Wadadlians cause we remember in 2009 just after the Carnival activities this wicked setta people increase fuel prices and cooking gas and not one drum was beaten by these hypocrites. Now singing a different tune. These people are pathetic and shameful. They continue to think Wadadlians are idiots and ignorant that we don’t remember their deceptions.
Yup. Small tank jumped from $21 to $32 and large tank from $108 to current price
Profiling the #character of the comments regarding this story, it can be surmised, that one individual made approximately 90% of the comments. Now, that’s a snake!
You will definitely be syh Mr Smh when you see the protest against ABLP at the polls.
Trained soldiers fight bullies NOT cowards. No
“Oppose for opposing sake” is still a weak “strategy”
EDITOR ANR :Those comments above by SMH,were they written by Juvenile Delinquent.
You prefer them to be written by the UPP radio host/pedophile Magic?
Well done to those protesters who turned out 👏, and because there were so few, I’m hoping that Gassy now feels OVER-CONFIDENT about this, and calls the election – COME GASSY, HERE’S YOUR WINDOW OF OPPORTUNITY … 🪟
Remember UPP, di hotta 🔥 di battle, di sweeta di victory ✌
You can’t raise prices on people just like that!!
You protest so the powers that be known that were dissatisfied with the job they’re doing..
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