Patron reports that police executing human-trafficking warrant at nightclub behaved in unprofessional fashion


REAL NEWS: A patron who witnessed police officers executing a search warrant at a popular upscale night club in Jolly Harbour, this past Sunday night, May 28, is expressing shock and disappointment at the manner in which the situation unfolded.

REAL News was told that a contingent of police barged into the club and demanded that everyone, including other officers on duty as club security, move to either side of the club, with men on the left and women on the right.

At that point, reportedly, patrons were unaware of what was taking place, since the officers had not identified themselves or informed persons about what was going on.

Further reports say that an off-duty officer – part of the club’s security personnel – was heard saying, “Me nar move, cause ah nah so you do t’ings.”

Apparently not aware that the man, too, was an officer, one of the on-duty policemen grabbed the off-duty officer by his collar.  In response, the former received a punch in the neck that caused him to release his hold on the latter’s shirt.

From reports given by the source, a senior officer intervened and the off-duty officer was taken outside and sent home.

Meanwhile, it is alleged that, as the search continued, the club’s owner was taken to a private area and shown the warrant,  which indicated the officers were investigating human trafficking.

The passports of the club’s workers were also checked and reportedly found to be in order.

According to the source, the patrons, too, were subjected to the search.  It is further alleged that officers were pushing their hands into people’s pockets and removing their money – to which the patrons objected. However, they were reportedly made to sign a book, indicating the amount of cash taken from them.

One well-known businesswoman was found to have $3,000 in her purse, and the source says that officers were curious about her reason for carrying such a large sum of cash.

She explained that she was at the club for a birthday celebration with friends; and, as a businesswoman, the law allows her to legally carry any amount below $10,000 on her person.

Reportedly, patrons were told that their vehicles would be searched, as well.

A well-known media personality is said to have inquired whether the officers had a warrant to search the vehicles – and was told they did not.  Accordingly, he allegedly told the lawmen they would be breaking the law if they proceeded along this line.

Reportedly, at this juncture, another media personality present informed the officers that he was recording the incident, because things were not being done right.

It is alleged that, upon hearing this, the lawmen began to follow procedures and adopted a softer tone, approaching and informing patrons that they were executing a human-trafficking search warrant.

In that case, the media personality reportedly told the officers, only the owners and the staff should be checked – and not the patrons, who were just there to enjoy themselves.

The source claims the officers were asked whether anyone was being detained and they said no; however, they reportedly said the women could leave, but the men should stay.  But since most of the women had gone there with male company, they were reportedly advised to wait by the vehicles.

The club-owner has confirmed that the following morning, May 29, everyone went to the station and signed to receive the cash that had been taken from them.





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  1. The Police have a duty to stamp out human trafficking and exploration, business owners in English Harbour are not exempt from police going about their business, which is to prevent crime.

    I am no fan of police, but I am not opposed to them doing their job. The police have an unthankful job, we complained when they get it wrong and still complained when they get it right.

    I don’t believe that they were bored and
    just decide to visit the business premises. The chances are they may have missed evidence, but undoubtedly there was good reasons for them to be there. Officers, well done and don’t stop you will get them

    • Smaddy call HQ and tell di officer them see he woman down harbor wid she kipman.

      Aru tink he nah go come wid force. Little did he know the woman had left with she kipman so he could go lay some bigger pipe than what the officer had put down.

      Officer 0. Pipeman 1

  2. Dear Police Officers,
    All the passports were in order,….Did the passports have a work permit stamp for the establishment?
    Was there any immoral activities taking place at the establishment contrary to the license that was issued to the proprietor?
    Seems to me the pressure from the African human smuggling fiasco has placed unsolicited pressure on the police to prosecute someone, anyone for human trafficking.

    The African human smuggling fiasco cannot be quelled by these types of obvious attempts at playing some kind of dolly house game.

    • in all my life in Antigua I have never seen an African on a strip pole before so that’s the wrong place to look for them an ur comments no make sense if there passport wasn’t in order they would have gotten locked up

      • This is the problem Citizens do not the laws that governs them and the police who gives the impression that they know the law is just as ignorant to it.

        Hence the reason Robinson wins some many cases on a technicality rather than the merit of the case.
        The comments are over your head the people who knows what I am referring to will stand under my comments.

  3. Dumb-ass ‘contingent’ of police…shaking down club owners and embarassing the patrons when the club owners don’t pay up! Police think this is a TV show?
    Harassment! Illegal search and seizure of money….from my man pocket, from my purse…and you looking for human trafficking shit? In my f*cking purse?
    Look…who the f*ck signs these search warrants? The Bannana Republic CoP?
    Start trying to solve the open and cold murder cases you have on the books instead of shaking down people who have more than you dunderheads will collectively ever have.

  4. Really? Carrying out a raid during opening hours to embarras patrons? Why? All the cops had to do was tell the owners to bring in the immigration documents and passports of the entertainers.
    Stopping the nightly entertainment was an abuse of power and a raw display of stupidity and dunceness.
    As for “human trafficking”, none of them understand what it means. All the girls are here on their own volition. Nobody forced them to be here. Nobody confiscated their passports or held them to ransom for anything.
    The Commissioner needs to issue a statement either condemning this atrocious act or fully support what the officers did.
    For the patrons, it was a night of hell that need not have happened.

  5. Antigua police smdh pure ignorance, unprofessionalism and arrogance.
    The usual thing with these police officers that don’t know the law 🙄

  6. the police are doing there job Esther patron like it or not
    someone had to tip them off that there are illigal personnel working there or visiting there so you all can vex from bow till morning they only doing there job yu all must learn to stay a unuh yard else this wouldn’t reach unuh

    • So I must be a prisoner in my yard because of the police? Is that what you do? You getting knocked by someone at the club…..Is that you want everyone of us to stay awe yard…….your comment do make no sense

  7. No attention is being paid still to to the Africans leaving on boats. They mostly leave on weekends- last Friday a boat load left here for St.Maarten. They are also leaving from Barbuda. They are charged $3,500 USD per head. They pay the same amounts to travel from via boat from St. Maarten to St. Thomas. Another accident waiting to happen and further drag Antigua name down down down. This time with the Dutch and French authorities.

  8. Have the police done an investigation as to whether Alex from XPZ and other chinese were trafficked here?

  9. Is this the same police that say they want forge alliance with people in the community to better fight crime?

  10. This kind of behavior just boggles my mind. On what grounds did they take the patrons money and since when is it illegal to carry $3000 on your person whether a business person or not? The police need to stop this nonsense and do the work we are paying them for. The public won’t tolerate the inaction and harassment forever. Do your jobs and stop the theatrics. There are rapists on the loose and we are inundated with burglaries. You are literally creating enemies of the public who should be working with to reduce crime. Do you think you can ask any of those patrons to assist you after the bullying tactics that only stopped when someone in the media started recording you? Do better. People are fed-up.

  11. Will who ever this reporter is get your facts right this place is not in Jolly Harbour but in Harbour view Bolands!!.

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