Partying Over Parliament Any Day!
Ladies and gentlemen, let us all rise in thunderous applause for the Honorable Kelvin Shuggy Simon, the self-appointed Minister of Merriment and Masquerade! While his fellow parliamentarians wasted their time debating some so-called “important national bill,” our esteemed MP was performing a much more critical duty—representing St. Mary’s South on the grand stage of Carnival in Trinidad. A true statesman knows that real leadership happens not in the hallowed halls of Parliament, but in the revelry of the Soca Kingdom!
Why should a Member of Parliament concern himself with tedious legislative matters when there are fetes to attend and costumes to flaunt? Why engage in boring policy discussions when one could be chipping down the road with a cooler in hand? Clearly, the spirit of representation is best expressed through rhythmic gyrations rather than parliamentary speeches.
Some might argue that skipping a crucial debate is an outrageous dereliction of duty. But they fail to see the bigger picture—who needs governance when there’s bacchanal? While other MPs were tangled in the unnecessary complexities of lawmaking, Simon was showing his constituents what real priorities look like. He wasn’t bogged down by mundane details like accountability and representation. No! He was too busy ensuring that the party never stops, leading by example in the most vibrant way possible.
And let’s not forget the true villains here—those who dare to question his commitment to office. Shame on them for expecting their elected representative to actually attend Parliament! Have they no appreciation for the therapeutic benefits of a good Carnival lime? They should be thanking Shuggy for proving that leadership doesn’t have to be confined to a building with desks and microphones.
So, let us raise a glass (or a rum punch) to Kelvin Shuggy Simon, a revolutionary in public service, redefining the meaning of political duty one dance move at a time. Who needs Parliament when the party is calling? As the man himself has demonstrated, governance can wait—Soca comes first!
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Simply shameful! Nonetheless, parliament is better off without the bozo show.
It’s not like he traveled to Canada to be Father Giver at a wedding between an old wrinkle rotten teeth whiteman and a hunchback masculine looking female.
He went to partyyyy. no time to improve his reading skills. We all remember that infamous press conference when Man Cow gave him his script, but he didn’t read it before hand. So poor Azara Lavia had to help him out with “preservation” eh
The wink-up parson is wild 💀💀💀💀💀💀
Dwayne roast dawg George gwarn goh siddung. Ah wey de weed money dey dat, U get fram de post office haul?
UPP’S General Council needs to take action against his scammer!!! The HON. LARS JAMALE PRINGLE would never conduct himself in such a manner to bring himself, his party or parliamentarians into disrepute.
The HON. LARS JAMALE PRINGLE ought to be extremely careful with whom he approves to run on his ticket.
A code of conduct and code of ethics is a must going forward!!!!
No amount of articles and sham PR work from Derede can clean up Shugy and his messy ways.
HON. LARS JAMALE PRINGLE needs to discipline and reel in this LOOSE CANNON like yesterday
a richard de peopple want nat de likkle black boy. but fu real shoogy overdo de ting now. he joke nah sweet nun mo.
Right is right and wrong is wrong. The responsibility of the MP is to represent the people, how can u do such is u r always somewhere partying when it’s time to represent. I bet if this was the other way around you guys would be on the top of ur lungs making noise. Right is right and fair is fair. If the MP doesn’t want to be apart of the process anymore he should leave
This APOSTLE is not serious about God or People. Everything for him is fete, carnival, winking up and jamming. The people of SMS did not sign up for this!!!
Absent from OFFICIAL DUTIES because of self pleasure??? Wah can go so?
TRINIDAD CARNIVAL tek precedence over St. Marys South People.
Look y’all need to stop beating this dead horse. Shuggy ain’t no debater and he ain’t going to make the Wurl Boss along with the Heckles and Jeckyls on Point FM make his a laughing stock. Especially Triple Aka Al. Shuggy me nah vex with u tall tall gwan enjoy yaself see. Wink up till your heart’s content. The people of SMS will vote u back because they understand u😁😁😁
If the good gentleman had a good track record of debating in parliament perhaps he could of been excused this time. But he has only debated twice in two years? Wow.
I realize now why people say that Antigua is a cartoon country. Band wagon of sheep indeed.
Defending the indefensible. SMH
When will stupidity end Lord. We need workers not seat holders.
Antiguans need to cut the crap! Right is right and wrong is wrong. Why are they upholding such a careless act? They will soon be the downfall of shuggy. The people of st.marys south haven’t even seen shuggy 5 times good after the bi-election unless its carnival or at a fete. Give Jack his jacket, WE ARE TIRED OF SHUGGY AND HIS CARELESS ACTS , ALL THIS MAN CARES ABOUT IS PARTYING, GIVE HIM A JOB AT THE FESTIVALS COMMITTEE
I Am a strong holder of the United Progressive Party and however since I’ve given shuggy my vote last bi- election, i have not seen shuggy again. This is beyond disturbing, not even Christmas he come around to give his constituents a hug. We are tired and we demand change, i am a UPP supporter but i think we need another MP to keep our strong hold in SMS because the way things looking, mr george go knock he for 6 and we won’t get back the ball.
Cortwright Marshall must be turning over in his grave. Can’t believe this is the clown UPP picked over him