Partnership with China a golden opportunity


By Xu Weiwei in Macao | China Daily |

China’s experience in developing green, sustainable and digital infrastructure projects can provide valuable inspiration for Latin American and Caribbean, or LAC, countries, said speakers at the 10th China-LAC Infrastructure Forum.

Against the backdrop of the green transition, LAC countries have witnessed a big increase in their sustainable and digital infrastructure needs, they said.

China’s technological advantages and experiences in aspects such as new energy, 5G and artificial intelligence can help meet LAC countries’ infrastructure development demands, and enhance both the quantity and quality of their energy and digital infrastructures.

As part of the 15th International Infrastructure Investment and Construction Forum in Macao from Wednesday to Friday, the LAC event focused on low-carbon and intelligent infrastructure transformation between China and LAC countries.

Collin D Croal, Guyana’s minister of housing and water, said China plays a significant role in Guyana’s infrastructural development through active involvement in construction projects, financial support, and bilateral agreements under programs like the Belt and Road Initiative.

William F Duguid, a senior minister in the prime minister’s office of Barbados, said: “At this historical 10th-anniversary forum, it is important to focus on the future we can build together.”

Beijing’s approach emphasizes the importance of long-term planning and sustained commitment, he said, adding that inclusive development is at the heart of its efforts for economic growth.

Iris Mariel Budde Garcia, Honduras’ secretary-general of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, said infrastructure and power generation facilities are crucial to the economic and social development of Honduras, and China enjoys rich construction experience in this area. She said her country hopes to have close cooperation with China.

Clement Antonio, parliamentary secretary at Antigua and Barbuda’s Ministry of Housing, Public Works, Lands and Urban Renewal, said one of the country’s most pressing challenges today is climate change, as rising sea levels and increasingly severe storms threaten their very existence.”China’s advanced technology and financial support offer a beacon of hope,” he said.

He said Caribbean countries consider China as more than a partner. Chinese investments have fueled the modernization of ports, highways and energy infrastructure, crucially supporting their tourismdependent economies.

China’s Vice-Minister of Commerce Guo Tingting said Chinese companies have signed engineering contracts worth more than $280 billion in Latin America so far and their completed turnover has exceeded $180 billion.

Colombia’s Minister of Transportation William Camargo Triana said Chinese investment in Colombian infrastructure is worth $5.7 billion in total, including $925 million in 2023.

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  1. Now that 🇦🇬 is intheir tentacles, the octopus will slowly contract them into their sphere of influence.

  2. I really scratch my head when I see people really trying to peddle the notion that China is out for the goodwill of the people with all these loans all willy nilly all over the place..

    So here is my question.

    Are all these latin American and Caribbean countries admitting that they all made a terrible mistake when they seek independentance?

    Because while China is a very proud independent Country and self sustainable one, are we saying that we are not competent enough to fix and build our own roads and infrastructure with our own tax payers money?

    That begs the question as to where China gets all this money from to lend all over the place, where all this new found money comes from?
    The answer is from all the slave labor they have imposed on their own people for hundreds of years. All these money making projects in China were practically built by cheap/slave labour, and now China has made a killing off the backs of its people, they now have all this money to lend all over the place.

    So to summarize, we are going into business with corrupt dictators, and governments that have serious human rights issues, and that’s not sitting well with moral people at all.

    So Chinese money is poisonous Money, and I would be very remis to take anything from the Chinese.
    And even though I know many will jump on here and say ” oh we have to develop our island” bare in mind that many of us have paid taxes all our lives, so where is our own money gone that should have been used to fix our own roads and develop our own infrastructure?

    So then we too as a people in the Caribbean have been robbed blind by these corrupt politicians that are going into business with the Chinese, because we all fully well know that Antigua has brought in trillions of dollars since it’s Independence, and we should have had enough money to sustain our growth, instead of borrowing money from Dictators and human rights violator’s.

    So Gatson Browne, that’s the question you should be asking? Where is all that money gone? After all it’s the ABLP thats being in office for almost all the years Antigua has been independent.

    Where are all the trillions from the taxes brought in by all these hotel investors and other businesses? “Trillions” and now we are borrowing from China?

    Yep, I scratch my head.

  3. The #Art_Of_War is SHADOWED by, the #Art_Of_Deception!

    A #dope_pusher never ever say, my dope is bad for you. They will say, “my #dope, is dope(the shit)!”

    A propaganda piece at best! This shit is like #fentanyl, once you inhale you’re hooked and not even narcan can revive you.

    The #Art_Of_War is SHADOWED by, the #Art_Of_Deception!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg🦶🏿Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  4. from slavery to colonialism, now we are in the realm of neocolonialism and black ppl always seems to suffer from amnesia ,quick to give away your patrimony for a few silver coins

    China is no different from any of your colonial masters, just using different tricks and strategy

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