Prime Minister Gaston Browne, moments ago, not only announced that Parliament will be dissolved, but hinted “elections will be in a matter of weeks,” after months of public speculation that an early election would be called.
“This sitting, unless there are any extenuating circumstances, shall be the last sitting until the next General Elections,” the PM said.
This announcement comes only 3 years, 8 months and 10 days after his Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party took office. The next election is constitutionally due in 2019.
“For those of you who are arguing that the elections are coming too soon, I did say that it will come like a thief in the night,” the Prime Minister added.
Browne also commended both the Boundaries and the Electoral Commissions for taking him “seriously” as it pertained to the likelihood of an early general election.
“Those who are responsible, the electoral machinery and the Boundaries Commission, were very much aware that the elections were probable and imminent…,” the PM added while addressing the Lower House today (Thursday).
During the sitting, the Leader of the Opposition, Baldwin Spencer, also said farewell to active politics.
Sir Gerald Watt also gave his farewell address as this, too, will be his last day as Speaker of the Lower House during this administration.
“I want to thank the Prime Minister,” said Sir Gerald. “This first tenure has been an honor for me and I have had no problems in the House and have enjoyed my stint.”
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Who do you think will win next general elections?
But the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night, 2 Timothy 3 :10,the world would never know when the Lord will come, so election could never come like a thief in the night, because we are going to know the date and have time to prepare
Your headline is misleading.
hope alp wins but it looks a kina how the alp have 6 seats that they will win ….Chandler your seat is up for grabs u should run independent the people of all Saints west is not represented a fish is just a traveler
chandler dont even know if we exist!!!
Ablp going to win but they are going to lose seats at lease 3
Sad but ALP will win back Thanks to Harold and most members of his team. All because of the Massiah story. Hope they own up to it after the list.The all blue buoy old club. It breaks my heart.
Pity Massiah was such a spoit sport and a sore loser.
Alp will win but lose a few seats
Poor Joanne she has not even unvail all her candidates yet and now election weeks away better luck next time.
The ABLP will retain power and the other parties have no- one to blame but themselves. They did not take the time to get the populace familiar with their candidates. The UPP has too many unknown candidates and DNA which was said to be oversubscribed is yet to show their full batch of candidates.
Question: If the country running so good why Gaston rushing to have early elections.
Welp all the best to all parties. Red blue orange or whoever life goes on
I just dont trust Harold Lovell’s UPP…..I foresee disaster under the Lovell’s leadership…
Yeah its call we will permently belong to the IMF like Jamaica
exactly what I said and think. Lovell cannot be Prime Minister. so Labour all the way.
exactly what I said and think. Lovell cannot be Prime Minister. so Labour all the way.
Devide and rule does anyone ever think about there children future we are the government we only give them the batton to run with.we need to all get real
John dow I agree with u 100%… another thing I have noticed for years is the fact that alot of ppl support and vote for a color and that all they don’t care if the party leader is to say we gonna rob everybody blind and lie! They will praise their party because it’s all about a color to them…. I find that very sad and we need to get past that way of thinking….
If your child is wrong tell them there wrong don’t wait until the get involved with the law usaid if me did know .my parents was red,blue so me follow .your parents time is different from now.standup and be counted and standup for something
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