Governor General Sir Rodney Williams highlighted the significant strides made by his Government in the pursuit of affordable housing and wealth creation for families.
Over the past decade, a resolute commitment to this cause has resulted in the construction of more than 2,000 units by the National Housing and Urban Renewal Company and the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CHAPA), with numerous projects still in the pipeline.
The primary objective behind these ambitious initiatives is to surpass the diminishing value of traditional wooden houses, offering families a more sustainable and economically viable housing solution.
Governor General Williams emphasized that the promise of providing equity to new homeowners has been a driving force behind these efforts, aiming to secure long-term prosperity for families across the nation.
One of the standout projects in this transformative journey is the Booby Alley Modernization Project.
This undertaking represents a significant departure from the cramped, aging wooden structures that once dominated the 1.5 acres of land in the Point.
The project, designed as a replacement housing upgrade, is poised to become a symbol of success in the realm of social housing.
In a noteworthy collaboration, the Government of the Peoples’ Republic of China has pledged its support by providing the necessary funding for the construction of these new homes and the essential infrastructure required to meet the high standards set by the government.
This partnership underscores the global significance of the housing initiatives, showcasing a commitment to innovation and progress.
As the nation moves forward with these transformative projects, the Governor General expressed optimism about the positive impact on communities and the economy.
The focus on generational sustainability and improved living standards reflects a holistic approach to housing that goes beyond mere construction, aiming to create lasting positive change for the people of the country.
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Its not 2,000.
You made a mistake. It’s 2,999.
Anyone can come up with any number, not just 500 in 500 days.
You guys have fooled us so much that we have become ever so gullible.
Thomas the Apostle—often referred to as “Doubting Thomas”—was one of the twelve main disciples of Jesus Christ. In the Gospel of John, Thomas famously doubted Jesus’ resurrection, telling the other disciples, “Unless I see the nail marks in his hands and put my finger where the nails were, and put my hand into his side, I will not believe” (John 20:25).
Jesus then appeared and offered to let him do just that.
Upon seeing Jesus in the flesh with his own eyes (and possibly touching the wounds), Thomas proclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (John 20:28). Jesus responded with one of the most powerful and prophetic statements about faith in all of Scripture: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed” (John 20:29).
Thomas’ moment of skepticism earned him the nickname “Doubting Thomas,” which evolved into a term for anyone who needs proof before they believe something.
@ From The Sideline
1 John 4:20
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom HE HATH SEEN, how can he love God whom HE HATH NOT SEEN?
Show me the proof, I need to see. Mouth can say anything just like the non-existent circa 30 projects and the exaggerated growth when government cannot even pay suppliers.
@Chuppes- Why show us that you are ignorant. Houses can’t be hidden unless like those in the UPP you plan to drive by the housing projects and close your eyes
@ whysodumb
So if they cannot be hidden then please provide me with the ‘hard’ evidence of the ‘2,000’ homes that have been built, including plot numbers, street address and areas. You are so ‘notdumb’ but very intelligent, please provide the evidence, then I will believe you FOOLISH virgin.
Jesus asked Peter three times,“Do you love me?” as recorded in John 21:15–17. This occurred when Jesus was having breakfast with His disciples soon after His resurrection. Jesus used this opportunity to encourage and exhort Peter about his upcoming responsibilities and even to prophesy the manner in which Peter will die. By asking Peter, “Do you love me?” three times, Jesus was emphasizing the importance of Peter’s love and unswerving obedience to his Lord as necessary for his future ministry.
Jesus begins by questioning Peter about His love for Him, and each time Peter answers in the affirmative, Jesus follows up with the command for Peter to feed His sheep. His meaning is that, if Peter truly loves his Master, he is to shepherd and care for those who belong to Christ. His words reveal Peter’s role as the leader of the new Church, the Body of Christ there in Jerusalem that will be responsible for spreading the gospel after Jesus’ ascension into heaven.
It is possible that by His repeated question Jesus is subtly reminding Peter of his three denials. There’s no doubt those denials and how he felt when Jesus turned to look at him at that moment were seared deeply into Peter’s mind (Luke 22:54–62). It wasn’t lost on Peter that Jesus repeated His question to him three times, just as Peter previously denied Him three times.
There is also an interesting contrast when you look at the Greek words for “love” used in John 21:15–17. When Jesus asked Peter, “Do you love me?” in John 21:15–16, He used the Greek word agape, which refers to unconditional love. Both times, Peter responded with “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you,” using the Greek word phileo, which refers more to a brotherly/friendship type of love. It seems that Jesus is trying to get Peter to understand that he must love Jesus unconditionally in order to be the leader God is calling him to be. The third time Jesus asks, “Do you love me?” in John 21:17, He uses the word phileo, and Peter again responds with “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you,” again using phileo. The point in the different Greek words for “love” seems to be that Jesus was stretching Peter to move him from phileo love to agape love.
Whatever the reason for the three-fold “do you love me?” question, Jesus was impressing on Peter how important his new role of tending the flock of Christ’s followers would be. When someone repeats instructions to us over and over, we quickly understand that it’s extremely important for us to heed them. Jesus wanted to make sure Peter understood this vital charge He was tasking him with and the ultimate reason for it, to follow Him and glorify God (John 21:19).
Ahhhh, @ From the Sideline quoting scriptures again, but I note with interest he doesn’t EVER quote Biblical scripture on the POOR, the HUNGRY and the DESTITUTE.
And just as bad, Sidey doesn’t even mention the greedy MONEY CHANGERS that Jesus objected to.
Remember again, you foolish FOOL, the Bible can (and has) been interpreted by many a charlatan.
That’s why many a wayward preacher or practitioner are locked-up in prison.
Selective Scriptures help no-one, however reading the GOOD, the BAD, and the UGLY of the Bible in its entirety does.
Was it Lenox weston who said that national housing was “burning money”?
Up to now no account have been presented to parliament, or any accounting made for the monies spent.
@sidie. How on earth you keep defending the undefendable is just beyond me!!!
How can a man be so pompous in his ignorance quoting the Bible to defend wicked men?
Your worship of this Man called Gatson Browne is rooted in some kind of deadly secret.
What dirty deeds have you both done Sidie?
My my my!!!
@ Islanman26 – Reads like you have an axe to grind against the PM. This is a man who has helped ensure ABLP now has won 3 terms. Under his tenure, along with the current housing revolution, public servants have obtained a 14 percent increase; we now have a landed campus in Antigua (The only eastern Caribbean island who can make that boast), New secondary school has been constructed, Existing schools have been expanded, Fiber to home is now the norm, Sir LB hospital now offering advanced surgery (eg Kidney transplant), robust GDP growth all years during his tenure, expect for 2020 due to Covid. You may recall that HL during his tenure can only boast of 2 percent growth in 2012. Policies during his tenure (eg requiring importers to present a tax certificate) were recessive. Don’t wait for GB funeral to give him his kudos
@ tenman
Have received? The participle you use is wrong? Public Servants HAVE NOT RECEIVED NO 14% and do not use future participle either, because all Gaston and Cutie do is promise the world!!!
As regards 3 terms, you meant three terms illegitimately, as Gaston Brown admitted on Radio that he transferred voters in several constituencies to enable his parliamentary colleagues to win their seats. U guys have no shame, absolutely none.
I concur @ Islanman26, there is something of the DARK about Sideline. Especially after aligning Gaston Browne with Jesus when he collected garbage on the 25th November recently. Weird guy!
So how much will the former residents of Booby Alley have to pay to return to their community…or are they now banished from the area????
What about ZERO DOLLAR
@Wadman no they will not have to pay. Interestingly many will tell you they are very happy with where they have been moved https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M4aqqlSZhMI
They are very happy with where they have been moved. But this is not Booby Alley. They say they are building condos in Booby Alley. Has the government disclosed who is goIng to be responsible for the upkeep of the buildings. Condominiums are communal living arrangements. If the government is responsible for the upkeep, then in few years these units will be unfit to live in as the government does not maintain its building. If the people are responsible, nothing will get done. Condominium style housing has never been built for poor people in Antigua before.
The government should come clean and say whether the units will be sold or rented and the arrangement for upkeep.
Tenman, please don’t post for posting sake just to defend Gaston.
So if I give you a house, I should also be responsible for the upkeep of that house. So you will have no responsibility whatsoever. What a thing. What exactly are you promoting here? Persons should not have any responsibility whatsoever. if the building needs upkeep I would suggest they form a Homeowners Association, just as were I live, and we ALL are responsible for the maintaining the common areas. People should take some responsibility for the place where they live. No wonder some places are becoming “Ghettos”. No body cares about the community.
Where are these 2000 homes located?
Did you ask before repeating the foolishness?
@tenman. I already cast you off as a propagandist, so all your huffing and puffing about Gatson Browne and his worth to the people of Antigua is just that, huffing and puffing.
And yes I have Axe to grind with Gaston, and will continue to grind it until he do what the people of Antigua voted for him to do, and that is to enhance their lives and safety while living on such a beautiful island, and those two things has not being happening in the last 4 years.
Infact Antigua has gone backwards in its economy and safety, and don’t blame COVID, blame bad management of the peoples money.
Gatson Browne just love to be grandiose in front on kings and lords, and leave his country in a dump, literally 😡
Why is this even news? these houses are soley distributed on a friend and company basis, it’s so disgusting that there are individuals who aren’t even antiguan/barbudan who actually got one, individuals who have multiple and the real estate hawks who have them on rent at ridiculous prices as of the real estate bubble isn’t inflated as is.
Sir Rodney,did you count those houses to determine the correctness of that information.My Government,you say,I am so happy for you.That you have a Government.How much did you pay to buy MY Government.LOL
My family haven’t received no help nothing whatsoever not even a tent after the Irma hurricane let alone the Tammy hurricane that literally ripped off my galvanize dem our outside kitchen shed and bathroom to bathe gone and then I heard not a damage was here in barbuda but I called the nods to insure them of what is happening over here and the reply was shocking to hear they can only give a trampoline lol my mom can’t even come home because she is asthmatic someone need to see through these blind eyes
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