In immediate response to the election date, United Progressive Party leader Harold Lovell has said that its one year early because “things are not normal.”
Prime Minister Gaston Browne says voters will go to the poll on March 21 to allow for continuity in government.
However, Lovell told a video presentation that the Gaston Browne government has “failed to deliver on its manifesto promises.”
“The truth that all of us outside the Browne circle know is that life is harder than ever after nearly four years of this wicked government.”
He said residents never enjoyed the benefits of low oil prices globally nor the revenues of the Citizenship by Investment Programme.
In addition, he said tourism did not enjoy the surge that neighbouring island like St. Lucia did.
“We fell on the happiness index, we crashed on the nutrition scale and sank on every other meaningful indicator of prosperity.”
The UPP plans to put forward 16 candidates to contest the next general election.
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It would really be nice for once if Harold Lovell and by extension the UPP would try to win an election on their track record especially now that they claim they did such a wonderful job while in office.. Using worn out promises and open lies,insulting people’s intelligence will get you nowhere.. We are not all stupid people here,and by telling us that things are harder in Antigua now than it was four years ago,automatically disqualifies you as been a credible person who is serious about good governance,it clearly shows that you are willing to do anything to regain power even it means making yourself look and sound like a Jackass..You cannot really expect to use that line and win an election unless of course Antigua is filled with most Imbeciles which i highly doubt.. Please go retire in peace..
Some aspects of the track record of the UPP include the airport, the stadium, Five top hotels, 40 small hotels, raising pensions for seniors, providing school meals, providing uniforms etc etc.
Please list the achievements of the ABLP.
The 500 houses in 500 days, water flowing through the pipes in 14 days after the LAST election, lower taxes. ALL LIES.
Gaston was against the CIP. Then Gaston was for the CIP. Gaston was against selling State Insurance now Gaston is for selling State Insurance. What the hell does Gaston stand for?
We lost visa access to Canada. There is no new investment. Whatever happened to YIDA, Gaston’s flagship project. Where is Paradise Lost. Peter Virdie is in jail.
The Chinese seem not to trust Gaston with their money. They apparently had to ask the UNDP to administer their funding.
One last question: Does your anger stem from insecurity.
Further, Is JHA related to DHA, ANON ETC ?
Wioc, housing projects, stabilized the banking sector, increased cruised tourism as a result of dredging the harbor, new high school, increased airlift and introduction of new airlines(sunwing, JetBlue, seaborne) mobilized the world leaders to come to the aid of Caribbean countries affected by Irma and Maria. Help dominica in their time of need. Royalton hotel and jolly beach
Tamarind hill project, best western, two mariotts etc. Increased GDP and GDP per capita which now both surpassed all oecs counties. Economic growth among top in the region and hemisphere. Port project. West indies cricket. Green energey. Debt reduction. Repairing the relationship with out creditors. Paid off the IMF loan which Lovell got us into but couldnt play back. Unemployment is down. The port turned a profit and is no longer in the red. The List goes on and by the way do some fact checking Alp was against the CIP not gaston . He supported it.
WIOC- Gaston’s investor is in jail. Where are our 150 passports
Housing project- 48 Unfinished houses on shifting sands that are 1% occupied
Stabilized banking sector- ABIB failed under the ABLP.
Increased cruise line – the other countries were damaged by the hurricane
New High School- one form
Increased Airlift-Even Gaston knows these were UPP Initiatives
Irma relief- Gaston himself said that the money was slow to come. maybe if he were not so rude more people would want to help Antigua
The hotel projects you mentioned are all UPP projects. Other UPP projects are the New Hodges Bay Hotel and Calallo Cay and Pearns Point Dev.
GDP per capita is a projection. Every year, we hear about in the third quarter or by the end of the year.
Port Project- Another UPP project. Just like the airport
Repairing the relationship with creditors- really the mess you left after 28 years , the UPP had to clear that up.
IMF- Repayment- The UPP left you the CIP ( which you destroyed) why didn’t use it for that. Besides, how many payments have you made
Green energy- and the town is so stink
Gaston voted against the CIP. Go check your facts,
By the way, what is the latest on the Iraqi colony. Yida, the signature project. the 500 homes in 500 days.
More investment, lower taxes ( memo to Luv Antigua, the UBT) doubling of property taxes.
By the way: ask any business person if there has been an increase in sales.
Gaston does not care about poor people. He is about self-enrichment
I really think you need to do some research. I’m not for or against either so I can called a spade a spade on both sides. Your statements are bias. Clearly you are a die hard upp support and cannot make an objective analysis. I’m not sure if your education stems beyond high school but regardless there too much emotions on your views without address variables that affect certain outcome. The reality is under Cort who had a finance background UPP enjoyed 5 years of certain success. Not withstanding the economic downtown the last 5 years marred by gross incompetents. The leadeship lacked vision and direction. If you can clearly outlined otherwise please enlighten me. Lovell as finance minister did not know know how to recover or stimulate the economy which further fell into depair. Even if you were correct about Upp being responsible for the projects we now enjoyed. Gaston administration was responsible for getting them off the ground. With that being said I’m objective enough to identify that I do not agree with everything the current Administration does and I do believe some things are politically motivated. I’m totally against repealing income tax I don’t mind modifying it but a country needs some sort of income and tax is a primary means of doing so. I won’t get into details because I’m not trying to write an essay., but just to show you how flawed your thought process is, the cruise industry did see a significant increase after the dredging of the harbor and this was Prior to the spinoff growth which resulted from the hurricane which I do not deny. I think you really need to dig deep research the facts and come back to me with a suitable argument..
Dreaming. Wake up to reality notten a guarn. Gaston Browne Messed up Antigua and Barbuda Reputation. Antigus use to be Gem of The Caribbean. Go help find the Criminal that the Police cannot find in a 108 square miles.
Hmmm why are all you UPP supporters sooooooooo upset about an early elections. You guys should be overjoyed you can finally be rid of the ABLP eralier…. Rejoyed man now is the time for Lovell to prove himself as a leader
There goes the flight of your imagination into lala land…again. I have no idea who JHA is bit I do endorse what he/she has submitted and laud his/her bravery for not resorting to gutter language which seems to have become the norm of this blog site.
@luv anu. you said this to BG, ” I’m not sure if your education stems beyond high school but regardless there too much emotions on your views without address variables that affect certain outcome”. I have read her post and found her response calm and collective. there were no ramblings, name calling or emotional overtones to what you’ve suggested. It is you who have resort to questioning her education by the quotes. While not debating the suggestions or answering the questions posted by her. You’ve in some ways acknowledge her jest that many of the projects claimed by ABLP were UPP initiatives. BTW reader of emotions and intelligence it’s gross incompetence and despair. What is this Chit, “emotions on your views without address variables that affect certain outcome”? It will do you well to read before posting.
Barbara u really miss the old apple cart … what u think if u post enough nonsense upp will win
Keep going with all your suggestive names,i do not need to do a Legion so the ABLP can look good,The ABLP is the only Party of choice right now.And to answer your question as to what the ABLP did,would you really like to know? The foundation of this Island was laid by the ALP,the failed UPP came to Power in 2004 and met ANTIGUA,so every dam thing here 99.99% was done by the ALP,now the ABLP.. Now you know what they did.This is why we will be returning them to office to continue the rest of rebuilding our beautiful island destroyed by you H Lovell and the rest of the UPP..
You’re quite a liar and a bit delusional with this piece of posting.
He is sick. To think that he can tell a boldface lie and people will believe him. I mean every external institution such as the IMF the WorldBank, ECLAC, CDB and ECCB have commended Antigua on the growth of its economy in the region. IMF commended us for bringing down the debt to GDP ratio from 102 to 76. Tourism has gotten many awards. Caribbean destination for the year. I mean can Lovell not find something else to run on. Should he tell such blatant lies? And who would believe him.
@From the Sideline-Thats what sickens me.How can anyone take someone serious who tell such blatant lies. I think its an insult to people’s intelligence,except those who may lack basic commonsense.. All i am saying its time for Politicians seeking public office to campaign on their track record,if its good enough you do not have to tell lies. H Lovell keep echoing the 500 houses promise not kept,but i would like to ask him ,How many of the UPP manifesto promises were kept? In fact they did a few 180 degree turns. I always believe its good to have an opposition in Parliament,but this time around i could not care less.
That’s what sickens me also! How can anyone take someone serious who tell such blatant lies? So what are you doing on this media if you’re questioning your PM and yourself about the LIES? I think its an insult to people’s intelligence, except those who may lack basic commonsense. Ah! throwiing word but can you show us or provide this COMMON SENSE bit? All i am saying its time for Politicians seeking public office to campaign on their track record. This I do agree with so SHOW US GB TRACK RECORDS will YOU. DID HE not made promise of 500 homes in 500 days? So is this a record of promise made not kept? How many of the UPP manifesto promises were kept? I cant answer that though I have both manifestos from 2014. I am certain HL was not the leader of UPP 2004-2014. In fact they did a few 180 degree turns. Really? Can you provide the stats/facts on that claim? If you’re gonna state this degrees I am gonna ask for proof. not providing them will be quite an insult to your audience, fans, friends, colleagues; but i won’t be holding my breath or lose sleep waiting. I always believe its good to have an opposition in Parliament, but this time around i could not care less. Exactly! This is the agenda to have parliament under their command like the cabinet and the spineless minions in the senate. We have not forgotten how your PM treated his senator because he did not agree with him on a matter in the senate. Was Wigley not a stalwart of the party? So please do not insult us with your hypocritical piddle.
@Ironpeas-I would really advise that you desist from responding to my comments,since i have no time to respond to comments i cannot understand..You are sounding very confused ,i fail to understand what you are trying to say in your post.. Go take a hike,i believe in Jesus..Get thee behind me LEGION..
It would really be nice for once if Gaston Browne and by extension the ABLP would try to win an election on their track record especially now that they claim they did such a wonderful job while in office.. Using worn out promises and open lies,insulting people’s intelligence will get him nowhere.. We are not all stupid people here,and by telling us that things are better in Antigua now than it was four years ago,automatically disqualifies him as been a credible person who is not serious about good governance, it clearly shows that he is willing to do anything to retain power even it means making himself look and sound like a dumbass..You cannot really expect to use that line of lies to win an election again, unless you believe Antigua is full of the Imbeciles. Will you JHA and your PM just go retire PLEASE.
Wow Ironpeas you are really politically blind. Hope you won’t be disappointed after the 21 of March NAD I hope you won’t refer to the people of Antigua and Barbuda as stupid cause the Labour party was reelected peace yo!
LAMIN not ready
Lovell not reay
UPP not ready
Wonder if Lovell does listen to himself talk.
Maybe he would leave more an impression on you if he cussed like Gaston
Singing again
Barbara and plenty ah dem were getting something out of the UPP that the rest of us weren’t getting.. So obviously she miss that and want back those days Barbara all dem things u list above and ppl were still complaining and so many UPP supporters jumped ship but the UPP was doing so wonderful…..
please quote the cuss words Gaston used.
LMAO! Great one indeed.
Ironbrain im just gonna put an end to ur madness and say this I can buld a million and one projects in Antigua but if the ppl are not happy what are my projects worth? The people of Antigua are much more happy under ABLP than they were during the UPP and that’s a fact…So this argument about who built this and that doesn’t make a damn sense cause after this elections when Gaston wins back power they can build a million beneficial projects and UPP will still have something else to argue about so…..Ironbrain u and Barbara can chill and go sit in ur corners now…
Sir…. Twas my understanding that you as leader of the UPPITES will be elated that election is called early.. Are you ready and prepared to go to the polls? Please spare us the gibberish… A&B voters are more astute, smart and intelligent. Tells us what you and your will do differently than ABLP? No more BS…. No more bamboozling… No more wishee-washee nonsense….
The question you should ask is this: Why does Gaston find it necessary to go to the polls early. If things were going so well, shouldn’t he want to go the distance.
By the way, you haven’t given me your list on the achievements of the ABLP. What happen beyond the abolition of the PIT, are you unable to list any other achievements? I thought you were astute, smart and intelligent!!!!!!!!
If Gaston was not extremely confident, he would have done what UPP did in 2014: delay, delay and delay the inevitable. You conveniently remember to forget that with such an outstanding track record, Baldwin, Lovell, Errol and the rest were all terrified of going to the polls. Why was that? UPP keep begging Gaston to call the elections to alleviate the hardships we are facing, right? Well, now that he has answered your call, you ought to be jubilant to rid Antigua and Barbuda of this one-term government.
We have less than one month to decide who will lead this country for the next five years, and many old UPPites hoping for lavish positions are not a happy or confident bunch.
I beg to disagree. It is because Gaston knows he is losing support daily that he has to call the election.
UPP supporters want a North Korean style Antigua where Lovell smiles like Kim and the loyal UPP supporters live great so the world believes all is well here but in reality the country is in ciaos and the majority of the ppl are unemployed and suffering…Thats the UPPs and their supporters real vision for Antigua.
LMAO! They govern from2004 -2014 and did not resort to North Korea style Antigua whatever that is. If that was the case ALP there would not be an election in 2014 and UPP will not be in opposition. i will forgive your inebriated remarks; clearly the red stuff is deceptively potent.
Clearly u dont know anything about the world…try reading a book whenever u have free time…..Antigua is a democracy so most obviously we cannot become a country like North Korea but i was rather drawing an example of what type of illusion the UPP was creating and wants to continue if given the chance to regain power…First of all Iranbrain the all the greatness of the UPP was still resulting in mass unemployment and down the huge debts that will last for ages road…The borrow government that at the end of the day through the econmical stand stills that the used to defend them and all the people who were forever complaining about hardship in this country the UPP said that things looking great in Antigua LOL…..Look up North Korea u will see all the sky scrapers and all the major projects that were built just like the UPP claims to have done the world but yet still the majority or North Koreans are starving only the loyal party servants live good lives inn the capital city while the rest of the population live in huts on the outskirts. This is the kinda of illusion UPP will create when they start the borrow campaign again then land us in IMF hands once again….Iranbrain u wouldnt know anything about what I talk of because alot of Antiguans are small minded and the globe consist of just one country to them Antigua…Well we are just a spec in this vast universe and I can tell u This it don’t take rocket science to figure out what will happen to Antigua under the governing of the UPP…
Oh and Ironbrain maybe u should take some of the Red stuff maybe u would wake up from ur Blue coma…If the ABLP didnt save us from the UPP we would belong to IMF like Jamaica and boy oh boy wouldn’t that be wonderful Ironbrain???
ur song is getting stale
barbara maria gomez, you need to stop chatting your BS on here, the only reason you are behaving like this is maybe if UPP gets in power you will benefit from it……… you need to consider other people, how did others benefit from ABLP being in power?……. Vendors now are making money, the housing project created jobs for unemployed people, Barbadians can get loans now after the ABLP has expressed their concern about them getting a land ownership certificate……… I am not for ABLP or the UPP for both have not lived up to the promises made but I do not put trust in man, Only the almighty father and that is what you need to do.
EARLY OR LATE,AR U A GET BANG OFF AGAIN..So what’s the difference??
Good move ABLP. The UPP had their seasons. Time for labour.
You mean election signals the end of you and the UPP forever!
I am sure your Grandmother told you that Pride comes before a Fall
My beloved and gracious Ms. G…. Let’s not your heart be troubled. I thought the UPPITES will be singing hallelujah… caused GB have given them an early present…but you especially continue to sing the same old tune outta a key. We seen and heard before. Wheel and come again… Caused I wouldn’t be fooled again.. Have a blessed and safe week..
Have a blessed and save week. Do you have the list of Gaston’s achievements yet? Didn’t think so.
What will your party run on.
500 homes in 500 days. More ground-fakings. Projects they can’t finish.
My friend CT. Time will tell. Have a Happy Sunday.
I am still waiting for the list.
Now u have no music
You are saying the same thing over and over again. The Upp achieved nothing in my opinion. barbara maria gomez take a rest cause you need to not think of yourself but instead think of Antigua and Barbuda, You are being low minded and ignorant at this moment
The thing is when Gaston and if a million projects get on the way Ms Gomez and others will come back next election with another BS topic..It’s their right but I remember and I know UPP failed the ppl before they will sure as hell with this new UPP do it again and much faster…..
When Gaston WIN**
Now this is a stretch. You posted this in your first comment, “barbara maria gomez, you need to stop chatting your BS on here”. Then later said, “I am not for ABLP or the UPP for both have not lived up to the promises”. All clearly HYPOCRITICAL LIES? Your bias towards ALP is obvious admit. Your postulating, “I do not put trust in man, Only the almighty father and that is what you need to do’. Laughable! Satan calling others sinners eh! But you aught to know and he who knows usually point the accusatory of blame, shame towards others. You added in your last bit, “The Upp achieved nothing in my opinion’. What a BOLDFACED LIE! SAD! Just like this one, “I do not put trust in man, Only the almighty father”. Lol! Do have a look in the mirror. You need eyes not a filter cause it seems you’ve lost your sight; no your mind.
Ironbrain and barbara just wanna get their share of the pie from the UPP while the rest of the country suffers…Borrow Borrow Borrow Hey look what we did, hey look here it’s the UPP!!…Harold: So guys how we gonna pay back all this money we dont have??…….I DUNNO…….Ironbrain and Barbara: We good over here we getting our share to hell with the country and the ppl…DREAM ON!!!
Harold Lovell stop talk and give the candidates campaign funds
and where will he get the money from?
Sandals of course!! Butch want back his tax free consecssion
I am confuse because I thought the UPP all along were asking for an early elections and now they get their wish yet still complaining…hmmm maybe they are more confuse than I am.
Barbara maria Gomez we lost free access to canada because it was the idea for the upp government to sell our passport to foreign criminals and they had to protect their country. The alp government came and met that shit there. The water is running better than the years upp has been in power government workers get paid every week whatever issues we are dealing with now is what the pass government put into place before sit your bitter ass down.
Annoyed, the ABLP sold the passports whole to criminals. Their investor from West Indies Oil Company is now in jail. The ABLP wanted to bring a colony from Iraq to settle at pensioners beach. Canada must have wondered what kind of government we have to be so irresponsible. Remember the Syrian colony. Gaston mashed up the CIP.
Maybe by you water is running. What workers are getting paid! Hey, you don’t listen to ZDK to people calling in to complain. By the way, the people from Carnival get their money yet.
Gaston in power for nearly four years but he is such a failure he can’t run the country. He is a cry baby he have to blame UPP for everything. That is why he have to call the elections early,
Where the 500 houses in 500 days. Where is YIDA.
I won’t go to your level to use foul language. Today is Sunday. Settle down.
The dance is now over
@Annoyed. We lost free access to Canada because it was the idea for the upp government to sell our passport to foreign criminals and they had to protect their country. The alp government came and met that shit there. You must be the DUNCIEST or MOST COMEDIC blogger thus far. LMFAO till I near piss myself! Question for you. When did the CIP commenced? How many years has the CIP been going on? When did ALP came to power? Which party is in power? When was the Canada Visa restriction came? if you do not know the answer you should be annoyed. With YOURSELF.
@Annoyed-LMAO- could not have said it better.Bitter bad.I think fear is the key word here.. They (UPP) end is soo near,i think they can smell it..
The ABLP will win the election. The simple reason being that, barring a massive scandal the ruling party will always be voted in for a 2nd term to complete their mandate. The people want to see if all of those major investment projects and jobs will come to fruition. If they don’t they will be voted out next time around, no doubt. The UPP will be in serious disarray after the election because Lovell will not even win back his seat. And can someone please tell me why the hell is Asot Michael back on the ticket?
Are you confused delusional or naive? That gang of miscreants should not have ever been in our parliament after the revelation of the tapes where they admitted stealing from the treasury. But corruption runs rampant and a little position and money will purchase almost anything/anyone. What has Clare B done, what has Cutie B done and Dean J and Robin Y and cheet G? Just naming a few of the Cantdidates that seeking to keep a stranglehold of OUR country.
he has a point. …y would any one call early elections if all was well it is a way of looking for approval
he has a point. …y would any one call early elections if all was well it is a way of looking for approval to keep doing nothing
I pray someday that Antigua will have a government truly for the people. That politicians will stop lining there pockets and the rich business owners, etc. will decide they are rich enough and give the poor foke a break. Bring back honor and integrity, I know for you in power and control that’s a difficult task, but maybe bring back a little, it would be better than none. Proud to be Antiguan but neither party is yet to win my vote.
Oh…Oh….my my faithful servant Ms. G… My loyal and dedicated follower…. GB gave us an early Christmas present and we are still complaining… Goosh we are not prepared… let’s shoot mud and blanks and hope they stick… Looks like we’re going to get a cut-ass. We are caught with your draws done.. Me sorry if arwe…. Lawd help!!!!
My boy Colombo. Did you enjoy the ham and turkey at Christmas.
I am a vegetarian…. however, my beloved Ms G… I am not convinced all u UPPITES realize you were given an early gift.. find the best blue gift raps.. I will returning to cast my x. You still have a few weeks to convince me.. without the same old tunes outta key… I would not dance again to same tunes…. You had 10 years to lock up and throw way the keys and you failed miserably.. Fooled once, twice and not the third time. Frankly, I hope your party get a Royal beating… However, I admire your strength and courage for deflecting. Have a Gracious week… You are my favorite Googler…
Shucks. They were also giving out bed-sheets and curtains. I hope that you got some of the goodies.
I am still waiting for my list of ABLP accomplishments. Reverse psychology is an interesting tool to use – but very transparent. Wheel and come again.
You can’t even name 3 accomplishments of the ABLP. Note self-enrichment does not count.
I destroyed your arguments and now you are upset. Don’t blame me if Gaston is a failure.
Barbara the people left u can stop singing now… think ur only destroying what left of ff the upp
Will Lovell continue as leader of the UPP after he loses on March 21, 2018??
Much love & respect Ms G.. All I asked of you is to compare and contrast both sides… Stop playing the same old tunes… They are staled like backed fish… Goosh man… It’s difficult to convince a blind man that he can’t see.. I don’t need to prove anything… By the way I don’t live in Wadadli….but I can vote…. Sorry to hurt your ego…but you’re still favorite blogger….
Good evening CT- You don’t live here that is why you don’t feel our pain. I understand.
I will go easy on you. You are talking from sentiment not from reality. That is why you are unable to defend your party. Nuff said.
Shew an go bout you business Colombo Thomas. Hope you get a free ticket to go vote
They did not give you any work , Hope you get one this time. Be Gone
All you upp people if the ablp has failed as per Lovell..You pup people have nothing to worry about
My Darling…it’s you that caused the UPPITES to be cussing me now… Let’s them stay outta we business.. they are too nuff and hedge-up… I don’t beg politician fu nothing….. I am happy with my life…. Jah guidance A…..
Lesson learn for the UPP & DNA after the March 21st polls don’t be like the five foolish virgins start the campaigning right away. Be prepared and better luck next time because unfortunatly for you guys even though ABLP will lose some seats they are going back in office
I paid my dues in my beloved A & B… I can collect my SS too…. I live and work under both regimes.. I had hopes and aspirations when UPPITES won…but they failed miserably… Their play book is the same. No new ideas… I am very familiar and very involved in the country of my birth much more than most that is always willing to destroy it …. caused it their political gymnastics…. But I respect your position my friend Ms. G… You are my Google friend…. But your party is just checking prepared for the polls..Look A Blows… Sleep in peace. Jah guidance….
Barbara Maria the upp should give u a job to be the spoke person. ..i heard some kina Winston on the radio selling sole kina plan if the upper smart they dash that waste of a man from them party what can he tell the people what how to have bad credit everywhere u go or how to be a person that mines people business while his is getting away
Dear Harold you have FIVE days to get all the opposition together and move forward UDA United Democratic Alliance, Its the only way Mr Lovell anything else will be failure.
I know Brian but who the hell is MacK jeeze when things go wrong………..
Stop cpomplaning UPP about early election. I thought you would have been happy. Guess not hmm. ABLP all the way!
Lovell says to Ms Gomez listen we gonna lose so lets jus annoy the hell out of everyone on social media lol…Cause she on a roll with her daily BS…
Shouldn’t Lovell be happy? What’s his gripe this time?
Lawd all u give my dearest friend Ms. G a break no man…. I admire her courage, although her party chances are sinking and will suffer a massive defeat at the polls..baring unforseen circumstances….. F.Y.I… I read somewhere that Antigua & Barbuda economy was fastest in this hemisphere…. Stand up for Antigua…. Ms.G.. good afternoon…
upp win the election if ablp failed
BMG and Ironpeas hope the UPP rewards both you for your hardcore campaning if its one thing both you you must have listen to the caplyso for De Bear as it is your them song you difinitly “support your damn party”. Best of luck to both of you and the UPP cause you will need it.
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