Two opposition political parties have criticised what they have labelled to be the behaviour last weekend of Prime Minister Gaston Browne in which he is alleged to have made statements highly critical of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) officials and accusing the organisation of “opportunism”.

Both the main opposition United Progressive Party (UPP) and the minority National Alliance (DNA) said they wanted to apologise to the international agency over the remarks made by Browne.
UPP leader Harold Lovell, speaking on a radio programme here, said that an external agency erecting or displaying signage after contributing to a project in a foreign country is not unheard of but rather, it is “standard procedure.”
“I’m making assumptions here but they have to account to their principles. Their principles as well as the Chinese government at some point would want to do some sort of inspection. They would want to see where their money has been spent.”
Browne is reported to have told the UNDP officials in Barbuda over the last weekend “you can’t come and take credit for all the work that my Government did.
“It’s unacceptable. When we do all the work and then you come and put big signs on there as though you did everything that is what is happening. You got to stop it. You can’t come and give few sheets of plywood and then go and take all the credit. You have to stop it,” Browne said as he also criticised the UNDP that has had a presence on Barbuda since the island was hit by the Category 5 Hurricane Irma last September.
Browne told the UNDP officials to remove stickers, which displayed two logos, – one for the UNDP and one for the Government of China – from on a number of homes.
Official said that the stickers, were placed to indicate that the roof of the house was repaired with material from the UNDP procurement project funded by the People’s Republic of China.
“So you cannot now offer a few sheets of plywood and then put a UNDP sticker on the building to suggest that it was done by the UNDP. That is opportunism. And I have directed that every single sticker on this building be taken down. I’m not trying to be controversial. But we do not want a situation whereby the domestic population gets the impression that the government is not making any contribution and that everything is coming from abroad,” he said.
“And by the way, the UNDP is our employee. We employ them to do this. They’re not doing it for free. The people who we are to be grateful to are the donors – the Indian Government, the Chinese Government,” Browne added.
But Lovell told radio listeners that Browne’s behaviour on Friday was “pompous and obnoxious” and questioned whether the intent was to “publicly humiliate everyone.
“Even if [the prime minister] thought he had a point, it’s not the way you deal with it. Call a meeting or pull people aside and you could make your point just as strongly.”
The DNA said the party wanted to “apologise on behalf of the citizens of Antigua and Barbuda for the display by our Prime Minister to the international donor agencies that are here to help us”.
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The pm is a rude man from long time so this is what our people vote for
He needs to leave the office of the Prime Minister. He does not belong there.
Some of you people are nothing but Ass Lickers-what time of day do you,ll think this is 1818?? This is 2018,we are not in slavery here.Shame on your backsides.. The PM is all in his place to express himself,if them fu get a word or two them just get um.Harold Lovell you can go lick the bottom of their shoe,thats why you will never see power again,you have no guts and no blasted commonsense,all you know how to do is fleece the dam country..Get lost..
Ok Lovell we hear You, but you still will NEVER become PM in this country. You have a scary, bat-shit’crazy, messed up track record as Finance minister
Interesting. After that outburst from Gaston Browne and someone refers to Lovell as crazy. I’ve never heard the word crazy associated with Harold Lovell. Looking in from the outside Lovell always comes across as measured and cautious.
Unfortunately for Mr. Lovell his failed record as minister of finance will be a big block to his goal of becoming the pm
Lovell was Finance Minister during one of the country’s darkest periods – and not because of him, because of external factors. No one holding that position at that time would come out unscathed. Maybe we should be thankful that he was there during that period, because God help us if it was Gaston.
Chupzzz we had worst or did you forget that Antigua during the period of 1995-1999 Antigua has gone through at lease 8 hurricanes
Mr. Lovell is just an epic fail
Lovell and the UPP had 10 years to prove themselves and they failed miserably make room for someone else
Barbuda and barbudans ALWAYS gets lost in this messed up game of politics, how is this latest episode helping barbuda????
There is no doubt that Mr. Lovel will certainly get high grades for been a well dressed gentleman, a great orator and a person who has a pleasant personality however he will definitely get low grades for running a country…. His mixed ideoligies from ACLM, UNDP & now UPP just cant propel him to the positition to get things right
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