OPINION: UPP Leadership: A Masterclass in Delusion, Deflection, and Political Malpractice


By Imogen Pearce

In what can only be described as a stunning display of political tone-deafness, UPP Chairperson D. Gisele Isaac’s recent interview on Twin Island Media serves as a textbook example of how not to handle a party crisis. Her responses to Dr. Edmond Mansoor’s departure reveal a leadership that is not just out of touch, but actively living in an alternate reality where incompetence masquerades as strategy.

Let’s begin with Isaac’s claim that Mansoor’s resignation “did not come as a shock.” This statement is laughable at best and deceitful at worst. If the party’s leadership was so acutely aware of his disengagement since April, why was nothing done to address it? This passive approach to retaining key party members speaks volumes about the UPP’s incompetence in managing its own ranks. It’s as if the party leadership was content to watch one of its most valuable assets walk out the door, all while pretending they saw it coming. This isn’t political acumen; it’s negligence bordering on sabotage.

Perhaps the most egregious statement in this farce of an interview is Isaac’s assertion that “no one is irreplaceable.” This cavalier dismissal of Dr. Mansoor’s contributions to the party strategy is not just disrespectful—it’s politically suicidal. If the UPP truly believes that losing strategists of Mansoor’s caliber is inconsequential, they’re in for a rude awakening come election time. It’s this kind of arrogance that has led to the party’s current state of disarray.

But wait, it gets worse. Isaac’s attempt to shift responsibility for party repositioning onto Mansoor himself is a pitiful deflection of leadership duties. If the party chair doesn’t understand what “repositioning” means after an electoral defeat, it’s clear the UPP is rudderless and adrift. The chairperson’s bewildered response, “I don’t understand what he means by that,” is a damning admission of her own incompetence. A party leader who can’t grasp basic political strategy has no business at the helm of a national opposition party.

The chairperson’s list of post-election activities reads like a sad attempt to pad a failing student’s resume. “People’s Parliament” and legal challenges are not substitutes for a coherent political strategy. If this is what the UPP considers “being busy,” it’s no wonder they’re hemorrhaging talent. These are the actions of a party desperately trying to appear relevant while avoiding the hard work of actual opposition politics. It’s akin to rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic while claiming the ship isn’t sinking.

In a final stroke of irony, Isaac has the audacity to question the principles and integrity of those leaving the party. This from a leadership that seems incapable of self-reflection or accountability. If the UPP is truly “built on principles and integrity,” perhaps they should start by looking in the mirror. The suggestion that individuals like Anthony Smith and Mansoor lack principles because they’ve chosen to leave is not just insulting—it’s a transparent attempt to discredit critics rather than address their valid concerns.

Isaac’s dismissal of the Labour Party’s strategy to attract former UPP members is equally shortsighted. By framing these departures as mere “personal choices” rather than symptoms of a deeper problem, the UPP leadership demonstrates a willful blindness to their own failings. It’s not the Labour Party’s fault that the UPP can’t retain its talent; it’s a direct result of the UPP’s toxic internal culture and ineffective leadership.

The claim that the party remains strong despite these high-profile departures is perhaps the most delusional statement of all. Thousands of loyal supporters might stay through rain or shine, but loyalty without direction is just blind faith. The UPP seems to be banking on the unwavering support of its base while doing nothing to earn it or expand it.

This interview doesn’t just expose the cracks in the UPP’s facade—it reveals a party in full-blown crisis, led by individuals more concerned with saving face than saving their political relevance. The leadership’s inability to take responsibility for the party’s failings, coupled with their apparent lack of a coherent strategy for the future, paints a picture of a political organization on the brink of irrelevance.

If this is the best the UPP can offer in response to losing key members, Antigua and Barbuda voters should brace themselves for more disappointment from this once-promising opposition party. The country deserves better than a opposition that spends more time spinning narratives than creating real political change.

The UPP doesn’t need repositioning; it needs a complete overhaul, starting with its out-of-touch leadership. Until then, we can expect more talented individuals to jump ship, leaving behind a party that’s more focused on making excuses than making progress. As it stands, the UPP under its current leadership is not just failing as an opposition—it’s failing the very concept of democracy in Antigua and Barbuda

In conclusion, this interview serves as a stark reminder of why the UPP finds itself in its current predicament. A party that cannot honestly assess its own shortcomings, that dismisses valid criticism as disloyalty, and that seems more interested in maintaining the status quo than in genuine reform is a party destined for the political wilderness. The people of Antigua and Barbuda deserve an opposition that is vibrant, self-aware, and capable of holding the government to account. Instead, they have the UPP—a cautionary tale of how not to run a political party in the 21st century.

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  1. The chairman walked out in the middle of the Retreat. She later wrote a half-ass apology saying she is going through some things and she is taking a break and even stated when she will be coming back.

    A committee was set up to look into her unprofessional behavior. The three members (all top people) declared that she was sorry and that was that. Not one word of her walk out was noted in the minutes.
    UPP will eventually become POWA, Part 2.

  2. GISELE. NEEDS. TO. GO!!!!

    SHE is the reason for the crumbling of UPP. She hates richard because he marry a JAMAICAN. She think the party belong to she and she alone. She is the epitome of a DICTATOR!!!

    1). Gisele wants Richard Lewis GONE!!!!
    2). Shawn wants to resign, but loveLIE begged her not to

    stay tuned for more CHAOS and DEPARTURES from upp…

    MAYDAY!!!! MAYDAY!!!!! MAYDAY!!!!!!

  3. Yes by hook or by crook, Richard MUST GO!!

    1). dislike him because his wife is JAMAICAN
    2). frustrate the rural west branch until Chevaughn Benjamin resign
    3). Tell him polls show Michael Joseph beating his ass
    4). work behind the scenes to find a new candidate to replace him
    5). stress, frustrate and annoy him all the way to Clarvue Pshychiatric Hospital

  4. Distraction? This whole nonsensical, irrelevant article IS the epitome of a Distraction. Everyday it seems,ANR is publishing one of these and the Labourites, like the carion they are,swoop down to grovel in the filth.
    Again,UPP is NOT the government. They have their issues to sort out no doubt, but how do these letters really help the plight of Antigua and Barbuda? How?
    Why all this focus on UPP and its internal problems? If that isn’t the biggest distraction,I don’t know what is.
    Does this help the country’s water woes? What about the 220 million dollar deficit? What is the financial dunce doing to address the shortage? Word is, he’s rinsing out the statuary boards to pay the Chinese. Why? When Badu is boasting of record earnings at the port . Every governmental department is mold infested with civil servants working half day; people continue to drop dead from seizures they never had before,strokes,brain aneurysms, turbo cancers are killing the young at alarming rates because of the poisons this government MANDATED;2.16 million dollars cemetery money is unaccounted for.
    These and many more should be the focus,not UPP.
    Alas,someone continues this UPP bashing narrative to deceive those incapable of critical thinking focused on the wrong thing.
    We,the patriots of the country, will not be fooled.

    • Ouch! seems like this letter really mash you corn lol. you and gisele knock one big head.


      “P-R-I-D-E goeth before the fall”


    • Watching@……..did you read the entire letter? or u just got defensive like the Chairman and fail to admit that:

      “It’s not the Labour Party’s fault that the UPP can’t retain its talent; it’s a direct result of the UPP’s TOXIC INTERNAL CULTURE and INEFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP.”

  5. The ABLP, their supporters, and not forgetting the Gastonites are pushing for a one party state and Gaston Browne dictatorship.

    They are loving this UPP distraction, that’s deflecting away from the dire rises in crime and also the high cost of living (and let us not forget the high amount of power cuts over the last few months for our economicpowerhousep).

    Actually I’m surprised that these wayward supporters are still enamoured with the goings-on inside the opposition camp.


    • @Brixtonian you dont see the effects of her “leadership” ??????

      This is exactly why richard had to flee to Jamaica to escape all the STRESS from the overbearing Man Cow!!! Time to RESUME TALKS WITH ABLP ABOUT AMBASSADOR TO JAMAICA POSITION! Escape now richard or else SHE WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE A L-I-V-I-N-G H-E-L-L!!!

      Over she dead body will you ever be leader of HER party!!!! You will question your sanity, your mental health will go to shambles and you will regret the day you dared to challenge lovell for leadership, then challenge pringle. how dare you!!! who da hell u think you be to come in Gisele party and ramp wid she! u pass ya place likkle boy!!!

    • I thought the letter seemed incomplete. Guess publishing the full letter is another blow to UPP, so the Editor have a likkle mercy on she.

  6. No sensible person is pushing for a One Party State. Most people understand that for democracy to survive, there must be a strong and engaging opposition. The problem is that we are so politically tunnel visioned in this country that we have become 2 tribes, who refuse to accept that anything could be wrong with our party. Even Stevie Wonder can see that the UPP has fundamental and serious problems. A long, long list of persons has left the UPP over the past 5 to 10 years. They all, more or less, give the same reason. If the UPP members don’t accept that they have a major problem, then they will continue to self-destruct.

    • correct! Here is just a tiny sample of the “long, long list of persons has left the UPP”

      Elston Adams……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Gregory Athill ……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Lamming Newton ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Malayka parker …………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Ambassador Goodwin…………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Colin Browne ……………………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Colin Derek ……………………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Anthony stuart …………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Joanne Massiah ………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Dean jonas …………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Winston Williams …………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Wimoth Daniel …………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Mervyn Richards ………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Philmore Benjamin ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Errol Cort ………………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      John Maginley ……………………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Hilson Baptiste ……………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Chanlah Codrington ………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Clephane Roberts ……………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Dr. Edward Mansoor ……………… jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Donna Chaia …………………………. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Trevor Young………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Kieron Simon………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Chaniel Imhoff………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Lenworth Johnson………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Luther Lee………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Anderson Carty………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Elmore Charles………………………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Bishop Dorsette……………….. jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Chevaughn Benjamin……….jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Anthony Smith……………..jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Edmond Mansoor………….jumped off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Sean Bird………………..will be pushed off SINKING UPP SHIP
      Shawn Nicholas……….ready to jump, but lovell pleading with she

  7. @Brixtonian, we’re voices crying in the wilderness. These Labourites are incorrigible and our thoughts fall like snowflakes in July.
    Giselle Isaac,Jamaal Pringle and UPP are not the ussue, but the carion love filth and will continue the bashing.
    Antigua and Barbuda cannot endure Gaston Browne and his government much longer without dire consequences but it takes a critical thinking patriot to achieve to this conclusion. Wow. We must continue until we see the back of ALP. Permanently.

    • Gisele MASH UP UPP!!!! Dat a de hurt and pain you fu study. How they make one woman call the shots all the time is a mystery. do you know why? Maybe she a kip secret fu smaddy

  8. UPP supporters especially the one on here are DELUSIONAL point blank!!! They will throw all the temper tantrums and throw everything excuse to the wall to see what sticks. They will cuss u ostracized u call u all sorts of name. They blame anyone and call them a laborite once u done sing their song. They call u a child saying u live with ya mammy and pappi cause u make an opinion on a public blog. They are so delusional they are convinced that they got the most vote in the 2023 elections.
    Something seriously wrong with them ppl political mindset

  9. I hear you @ Watching, like you, I will never give up critiquing this current government, especially the leadership of Gaston Browne.

    Antigua & Barbuda requires a leader that looks out for the citizens and the creating the esthetics for the country, just like Barbados’ Honourable Mia Mottley is continuing to do.

    She’s not only respected in her country and the Caribbean region, but also on the global stage. Outstanding!

    And look at who we’ve got. A self-obsessed – and unaccounted self-enriched – narcissist, that looks after his cabal, cronies and lickspittlers.


    @ Watching, we must NEVER give up or give in.

    Our children and the next generation of Antiguans will look back, and realise that PATRIOTS like us were on the right side of history.

    Respect boss man 🤜🏽🤛🏽

    • Brixtoadian why don’t you TEACH PRINGLE TO READ, SPEAK, WRITE AND REASON?? You want a DUNCE, EMPTYHEAD, VACUOUS, UNWED baby daddy to lead you??? let him lead you in your house, but keep him behind your doors. Don’t expose him to the Nation


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