OPINION: It is moral, ethical and legal for any candidate elected under a party to become independent and work with who ever and which ever party


It is moral, ethical and legal for any candidate elected under a party to become independent and work with who ever and which ever party in their view is considered to be in their best interest (political career) and the people they represent (wrongfully or rightfully)

It is legal for smith to work with ABLP as that is what the constitution and statutes allow (see my previous comments, as this is my way of helping).

So, let us talk about the moral and ethical part of it, it is moral and ethical because the people MP Smith represents is on constructive notice that any person they elect have the right to take actions that he (subjectively or objectively or smartly or stupidly) believes is in the best-interest of his constituency and the country. So, you are on notice (you are aware and gave such power to the candidate you vote for, once you vote). When a candidate wins, you handed him such rights, him exercising such rights you gave cannot be immoral, as you, the public gave him the legal and moral right to make these decisions while he is in office. He is in office.

Please be aware of the rights you are giving the Ministers of government you vote for. You gave him the right to become independent and still keep his office (please see Antigua and Barbuda constitution). He accepted and utilized this right that you gave when you voted.

You gave him the right to work with anyone (the devil or God) for what he believes is for the betterment of you? He accepted and used it, the right you gave him when you voted. 

So, I am not saying I agree with his decision, and I am not a supporter of ABLP (not anymore) but what MP Smith did cannot be considered to be immoral or unethical or illegal as you gave him the right to make these decisions and act (objective and or subjectively) and you know my way of helping is about telling you the truth, especially about politicians who loves saying I cannot help you to folks trying to make a major difference but then helping themself and their family.

The decision he was allowed to do, he did not waive such constitutional rights when he was running, and I am not sure this kind of constitutional right can be waived. 

The MP decision cannot be made immoral, illegal and unethical in this case. I am sorry for those who do not want to hear this, but this is the truth.  I am not ABLP, and I am not UPP, but I am for the people of the United Islands of Antigua and Barbuda. 

Know your rights so your decision can be made voluntarily and knowingly (let me see if I remember the Tort Law defense Latin phrase, Volenti Non-fit injuria). Volenti Non-fit Injuria, is that you assume the risk inherent to the action you take. You cannot penalize someone when you voluntarily took a risk that you know or should know exist. I am writing this from memory, so pardon me if any part of this Latin term is wrong. Law school days were years ago.

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  1. In addition to all that was said…

    The fact is that Anthony is working! Fixing roads, addressing lighting issues on sports fields and other community stuff. He continues to retain strong support at the grassroot level especially with the youth and independent minded individuals.

    As new Minister of Agri he has settled in well and gotten to work immediately. Definitely a rising talent on the political landscape.

    We were told he committed political suicide by a certain declining opposition party. We were told thousands would show up for a mega rally to demonstrate their condemnation of Smith. How did that end up?

    People vote for performance and Anthony is clearly performing for all those he represents, whether they voted for him or not.

    • Anthony is doing better than I expected. NGL
      My Aunt and her extended family live in Seaview Farm 4-5 voters in the household once the next one turns 18. Some are UPP some are socalled independent and one is leaning ALP. All of them are sticking with Anthony. The thing with Smith is that people on all sides seem to like and trust him. With UPPP so full a fk right now I can’t see how he can lose

  2. I also think it is moral and ethical that effluent can come from the mouth of anyone including you the writer. Is it moral and ethical for givernment to pay the legal bill of someone who acted outside of his government work? Let me simplify it. Is it moral and ethical that Anthing Smith betrayed the people of All Saints West for greed and the government must pay for his defence against the very people who he betrayed? If you agree with that what comes out of the dog and cats’ rear end is worth more than any word spoken by you. We must stop upholding corruption because it suits our personal need and greed!!!!

  3. I am a UPP supporter. I voted for Anthony and me nar move! The leadership wanted to throw him out for no reason so what are they complaining about all of a sudden? Plenty UPP supporters in All Saints West are standing firm with Anthony. If its one thing many regular UPP supporters like me don’t support is advantage!

  4. It’s a pity the writer didn’t not pen his or her name…very interesting piece.
    It’s sad when our legal luminaries and our constitutional experts allow politicians and politics to use them to upheave the people to believe that they have been treated. Instead of educating they propagate false information as truth. Because they sound eloquently bright…so the masses believe.
    Why are suing Anthony Smith…or who is really suing him to what end..to destroy him? And then what?

  5. … And it is also IMMORAL to dupe the constituents to think that they are voting for a candidate who will NOT represent the political party that they are in agreement with on policy, pledges and their political viewpoints.

    I note that the detractors continues to ignore these simple but democratic facts; and if they had the guts to address the above, I for one would not have a problem – however, these deflectors never do! I wonder Why that is?

    It’s because they well an’ know that each and every political vote for any candidate must be seen as a valid DEMOCRATIC one, that witnesses a party’s validation to their very own constituents.


  6. Indeed. We the people must become more knowledgeable of the constitution. Voting also has responsibilities. We cannot continue to vote our emotions. We have to get to a place where we vote for what’s best for us collectively.

  7. This is a great point I made and I am saying this because I feel in my heart it needed to be said but I am not in support of ABLP or UPP but the people must know the risk they are taking in selecting candidates, it is their duty to know. Ignorance is no defense/excuse.

  8. Well look pan u losers and crybabies. Still crying and looking every excuse in the book because Anthony Smith pulled a 180 and did exactly what u nasty minded people wanted members of ABLP to do. Betcha if it was a member of ABLP 2ho would have resign from the party and sit independently in the house we wont be having this discussion about morals and ethics. There won’t be any court room battles asking a judge to declare a seat vacant. That person(s) would be on hero status and good men. But life funny and karma is a real b. This is so funny nobody in hollyweird can come up with this 💩🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭😭


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