OPINION: Fathers, it’s time we take back our boys from Modern Day, Half Independent, no-need-no Man, Baby Mommas


Fathers, it’s time we take back our boys from Modern Day, Half Independent, no-need-no Man, Baby Mommas. The uncomfortable truth is they are failing our Sons – and by extension our Daughters.

Women ‘cannot’ raise boys to be Men, the same way Homosexuals can’t raise girls to be Women. We have all grown silent and it appears that Fathers no longer have voices. Slavery and Jim Crow couldn’t separate the Black Family, but ‘FEMININISM’ succeeded.

    Whenever countries WIN  or LOSE Wars their Leadership accept credit for both cases. Children do not raise themselves and parents are ‘accountable’ for our childrens’ outcomes. It’s 3am in the morning, “Do we know where our kids are and with whom?”

This is why in the Black Culture when boys turn a certain age, we Fathers need to take them because Mothers can emotionally manipulate our sons. But since we do not live in our culture anymore, Mothers say and do whatever they choose by denouncing Fathers. Then they wonder why Blackmen don’t make good Husbands and Fathers. Mothers destroy sons, they can speak to them in certain ways that are irrepairable.

  If Mothers don’t allow Baby Daddies, Boyfriend, Brothers, or Husbands to lead boys, they’re going to grow more in their Mother’s direction and develop emotional tendencies by default. If Women are programming our sons that they are their everything versus teaching them that their Fathers are Superheroes and from whom they should idolize…then watch your work unfold negatively in life.

So no matter how tough Mothers think they can raise our sons, we Men produce egotistic traits and whenever that becomes bruised, our boys approach life’s situations from an emotional, reckless state as opposed to rational, solid thinking. This possess no logical morals or respect for the resolution required to gain control or peace for their problems.

 There is too many single-parent homes in Black Communities. Problematic children are usually derived from single-mother households. If Fathers aren’t in the homes, our boys will find their Fathers in the streets, then the Judge become their Mothers, and Prisons become their homes…hence, our youths are held hostage by street culture and social media platforms.

 Ladies, its not acceptable to be Baby Mommas, marry before you carry. Men ‘cannot’ give birth, Women control access to sex and who gets to be born.

You don’t leave your homes unsecured then complain about intruders entering and burglarizing your goods…so respect and protect your Wombs. Make better choices! And we Fathers need to be more proactive in the developing stages of our childrens’ lives as well.

While Gospel Music converts Heathens to Christianity, Duncehall Culture assists in promoting hate, criminality, and atrocious sexuality. Rich Entertainers enroll in or send their children to private schools, while their song lyrics put our children in Jails or even Morgues. Parents whenever unlawful footage of our children circulate on electronic devices by the Police for questioning, turn them in to Law Enforcement.

The same energy we invest to investigate our spouse’s infidelity, then we can apply those efforts to detect our kids’ shady behaviours. If we allowed our neighbors’ homes and businesses to be torched without alerting the Fire Department, then we would have eradicated our entire communities.

 We the sons and daughters of Antigua and Barbuda are compelled to take back our streets and freedom that our ancestors fought and died for. We are the benefits of their sacrifices and we should preserve it along with our youths for future generations. 

  Written by :

Melvin Bridgewater

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  1. This is indeed true Mr. B.

    I do agree that our men need to take back our sons. More boys need to see and interact with positive male role models more regularly. This has been the regular cry on the heels of a drastic rise in juvenile delinquency. However how much authority do these men really have to ” take back our boys? ”

    We would believe that good fathers who are, or who try to be involved as much as possible, and who are willing to pay 50% of child support or as much as can be afforded, should be allowed to be regular fixtures in children’s lives, right? Well, I’m sorry, and, saddened to say, this doesn’t seem to be the case in these perilous times. Although we want to blame the mothers, and feminism, do I dare say that a certain arm of the government seems to be upholding, what I see as injustices to our children and especially our boys ?

    In recent times due to my community involved nature, 3 situations have been brought to my attention where fathers are unjustly ruled out of their children’s lives, or their roles marginalized drastically due to what I believe is the fact of law and not common law. To say this is erroneous, would be erroneous, but who considers what is erroneous to these children and not a system void of feelings and emotions?

    In the first instance, a female professional who is well learned of the law, fought tooth and nail to keep her child’s father’s involvement to a minimal. Even after having jumped through all of the legal rigmaroles, and no issues were found on his part jer wishes void of reason were satisfied. In a turn of events that was shocking to all, save the bitter mother of the child and her cadre of legal practitioners, he was still issued minimal visitation for the child. Even further, he was instructed to “seek permission” from this professional well learned of the law, should he desire to spend more time than one day weekly, with said child. This doesn’t stop here. Same gentleman, was forced to pay maintenance for this child in excess of $1500/monthly. This is an amount that was proven to be excessive for a preschooler and unaffordable to him. Pieces of evidence, used to show basic necessities for all, were discarded from evidence because they were not in his name. Expenses like, electricity, internet and a home lease were all disregarded because they were in his curreny wife’s name and not his. Are we to believe that a grown man isn’t required to take care of his home and that his wife should do it, so that he is able to provide a lavish lifestyle for a mere child? Before we say, this isn’t the case, this was explicitly pointed out to said gentleman that his name did not appear on these documents and as such, would not be considered as parts of his financial obligations. To show how these men are even further being discouraged from being full-time fathers due to the creation of unjust circumstances, the mother of this child’s income is easily four times as much as this gentleman’s.

    In another situation a man who was ordered by the court to pay child maintenance, would have had his children, should I say abducted by the mother for almost over a year now.

    In this situation before the breakdown of the relationship between the parents, the father would purchase all of the children’s needs. After the separation, he was taken to court and ordered to pay child maintenance. Soon thereafter, the mother migrated and left the children with HIS parents. Seven years later, she returned and went to the court, to collect disbursement for the prior seven years. Needles to say, very little was paid, since he was solely responsible for the children while she was overseas. In a movie like manner, she order the funds to be collected through the court’s bailiff and migrated with the children. To date, he has yet to hear from the children or know of their whereabouts.

    This was again an active father who provided for his children emotionally and financially.

    These are only two of the situations that I have recalled over the past two years. There are more. My question is, what are we, will we or can we do as a society to stop these injustices against innocent children just to spite and oppress the good fathers ?

  2. Jah Jah, not today.

    Teach them that their absent fathers, who do not make time for them are superheroes? Many men have the option and access to spend time with their children but choose to chase money or other woman instead, forever cancelling, no-showing or plain disinterested. How dare you even fix your mouth against the only present parent that these boys have.

    Also, broken black men raise broken black boys. Go to therapy and heal and fix yourself and make yourself a suitable role model and a reliable consistent presence. Learn to control your anger and bitterness.

    Too many think passing money is enough, and they fail at even that.

    Men have abdicated their role, and lost their own way. Blind can’t lead blind.

    Men stand up and be present!! Money literally cannot be eaten and will not be remembered. Do better.

    Also, I can list so many men in our society who have been raised by single mothers and who play a meaningful role in society. The list is almost endless and starts at the very top of our nation.

    Women have stayed for years facing literal life and death abuse just to keep the family together and men can’t sacrifice and be a reliable presence in their children’s lives? Some even have the audacity to say they won’t even call their child unless they call them first.

    You sound hurt, sorry to you, but we definitely don’t want out young men been raised in ego or with egotistic traits.

    Ah who send you this good Sunday?? How many children have you raised to be productive members of our society. Tell us that before you start pontificating please.

  3. This article was written by an idiot/weak man. No woman chooses to struggle to raise a child by her self. If the child is fatherless it’s because their fathers is the problem. You will harp on the small percentage of women that may chooses to keep a father out their child’s life (for whatever reason) and ignore the 99% scenario where the fathers are worthless and don’t want deal with his own child.
    I was raised by a single mother, and I am a better man/ father than the vast majority of you’ll out there. From picking the type of woman to make my wife( child’s mother), to my child being my absolute priority over anything that may happen between me and my wife. No matter what life may throw at me and my wife I can assure you there’s nothing that can separate me from him. A lot of men think with second head first, so you find yourself in this situation, where baby mama drama exist. You’re to blame for that not the mama, you choose her.


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