OPINION: Entrepreneurship defeats Entrap-reneurship!!

16/02/2022 - Rio Open 2022 - BOULEVARD GETNET. Foto: Diego Padilha / RIO OPEN

Listen up, Men and Women! As young Enterpriser$, failure is an integral segment of your business development and growth – it’s difficult to escape that fierce reality.

Every delay, broken deal and rejection is a lesson disguised as a temporary lo$$. You’re going to face countless battles : unstable Markets, unreliable partner$, financial hiccup$ – nevertheless keep the faith and press on because they aren’t meant to break you; by design they’re your best Teacher.

 Anything we attemp in life, success doesn’t occur without failure. Each mistakes you make is a first shot in learning. You might lose money today, but the experience gained will hone your intuition to generate better decision-making processes for future benefits. Every fall builds resilience, and every failure improves wisdom. 

Invariably, people surrender whenever situations hit rock bottom, but stand firm. You need to view failure as a necessary step on the route to the pinnacle of victory. If ideas fail at multiple attempts, its quite fine – adapt, re-strategize (rewine an com agen).

Business like Babies is never about falling and remaining on the ground, but rising again and again to regain balance, confidence, and progress. Marketing presents many challenges, critics and detractors would have been  skeptical of your approach, but the GPS is the Blueprint to the unmistakable adventure.

Remain focused, observe your chips, and make calculated bets. Embrace the grind, because lo$ing is not an option. This journey isn’t for the ‘weak heart,’ but for the Warrior who will emerge $tronger, wi$er, and victoriou$. 

Written by : Melvin Bridgewater

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  1. Thank you Melvin Bridgewater. Yours words mean a lot and supports my way of thinking. No matter what happens when you are trying to do something you are passionate about, no matter how selfish politicians are to ensure their family’s business is assisted and become wealthy but refuse to do the same for your wellbeing and business, do not let that stop you from striving and progressing, and simply trying.

    I will never give up and I thank you for this message. I will never stop trying to help victims get all the assistance they vitally need. I will not stop enhancing tourism in Antigua and Barbuda for the benefit of the people and to ensure Americans are protected from harms and any harms are mitigated, no matter how much the ruling political party ABLP rejects me, my idea and my request for basic help.

    I truly thank you for this and it is like it was written for me. Thank you.

  2. Thank you for your words of wisdom and encouragement


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