Get ready for an unforgettable night of diverse music at the One Nation Concert presented by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda under the esteemed auspices of Prime Minister Gaston Browne!
Join us on Saturday, 13th January 2024, at 8 PM for an exciting evening bringing together the best talents from Antigua and Barbuda and across the region. Stay tuned for more information as we unveil the incredible lineup and details for this spectacular event! Spread the word, mark your calendars, and prepare to experience unity and music at #OneNationConcert. Let’s celebrate the spirit of togetherness and the rich cultural heritage of Antigua and Barbuda!
#OneNationConcert2024 #AntiguaandBarbuda #OneNationConcert #Music #UnityInMusic #Fortheloveofmusic
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Great Our Leader has heard the cry of the young people of this country.
UPP people are not welcome.
Arl ya tap arl ya home.
Just like during Covid.
@From The Sideline, bass, this is a height of f**kry. Thinking about increasing ABST, country’s infrastructure needs serious attention, clinics across the island in disrepair, government finances in shambles, and you’re wasting money on a feel good concert? ABLP barely won the last election because of people’s financial troubles and the perceived lack of help during covid, on which you blame finances, yet you’re wasting money on a feel good concert?
Read the f*****g room for crying out loud. For all the talk about UPP’s candidates lacking capacit (and I completely agree), people were sick of these type of foolishness and simply wanted him and his government out. If the UPP had a different leader going into last election, you’d be in opposition. Again, read the ****** room.
I like your comnent.
As long as you and the other puppets can get your ghost-worker salary, you couldn’t care if Sunday comes on a Wednesday. You are to be pitied.
I see you are a foolish young person thats why you all will always continue to rob people and dont know how to work so u all cant feel no hardship .
go to the prime minister and get a job so u can feel hardtime stupid fool.
You have got to be kidding me. This government had its priorities effed up.
Waste of god-damn money. So many things wrong in Antigua financially but we are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars if not millions on a stupid concert that the politicians think with ingratiate them with the people. Why not take that money and renovate the post office or some of the other squalid government offices? Make the civil servants more comfortable at work. Why not put it into the hospital or pay some government creditors? There are so many others useful things that the government can do with this money. We might as well just flush this money down the toilet if we are going to throw a “free” concert.
Can someone explain why the Ministry of Health hasn’t taken any action on the apartment complex by Epicurean area that has its waste water settling on Luachland Henry Drive infront of Canada Place. This is a health hazzard an eyesore and this jokey government has done absolutely nothing because of friend and company. This country is a real cartoon place.
Where there is no vision, the people will perish. It’s inconceivable to think that the government is proposing to increase the ABST threshold by 2 percent and then use that same increase to help to pay artists to perform here. We have to get our priorities in order or we will continue down a slippery slope where our countrys economic progress is concerned. None of the artists will perform here for free. Tax payers will have to foot the bill. This is wasteful spending of scarce resources. The monies used to pay these artists could have been used to spruce up our weary and rundown looking town that is badly in need of some renewal. The gutters and sidewalks and the overall aesthetics is shameful. We cannot continue to waste our scarce resources and behave as if we are Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Singapore or even Guyana with hugh resources that we can spend as we please. I am literally embarrassed when I see tourists roaming St. John’s on a busy cruise ship day and see them looking at the filthy gutters in amazement and astonishment. The era of spending without accountability is killing our beloved country. Every dollar spent by government must be measured by its effect on actual outcomes. It must be about value for money always. Respectfully, the continuing wasteful spending has been a contributing factor to the government deteriorating fiscal health.
The aim is too keep the young people feting ,drinking and smoking ,and that will keep them from seeing all the corruption taking place under this administration. You are really on the side line . Not paying attention to what is really going on .
I just understand these bunch of merry men….
I’d much prefer, AGAIN, if the money were used to fix a road, or do something in Saint John’s city.
This is completely unbelievable!
Let the private sector take charge of this! The treasury should not be burdened with this!
Pensioners can’t get them gratuity money and the Racoon a bring ASSSSSTIST to deplete the money and deprived the people who contribute to this country. What a dam shame. Antigua people need to boycott this so-called “one nation” nonsense and demand ɓetter accountability for tax payers money.
You know what? We talk too f—-ing much. And that is what Gaston likes.
When we just TALK, TALK, TALK, TALK, TALK.
He has no fear of doing all this crap. He knows us. He knows we will just TALK.
Any leader who does this foolishness at a time like this with NO FEAR is a leader who knows his people and think of us as FOOLISH, COWARD AND MIAOWS. Especially we men dem.
Either that or Gaston obeah ‘trang, ‘trang.
Gaston is toying with us like a cat with a rat. The cat ate the rat’s family and now has it backed up in a corner with no escape.
He knows the rat is helpless.
Will the cat get careless from so much power?
With nothing to lose, will the rat come out swinging?
Is this then a prelude to another election of bi-election? There is no other explanation for this madness. Only instead of SMS, it’s SPN or a general election.
When you have done NOTHING in nine years, failed at everything, continue to lie with impunity, the only way to boost ratings, is to bribe gullible, semi-illiterate people.
One and all, except the Laborites and Gastonites of course, should boycott this wastage.
An outrageous waste of our tax paying dollars.
Instead of bringing ALL Antiguans together (including the likes of From the Sideline and other Gaston Browne followers), the Prime Minister has resorted to the tried and trusted tactic of DIVIDE AND CONQUER in Antigua.
He well an’ know about the kerfuffle and argumentative debates that’ll take place because of his decision to go ahead with this controversial One Nation concert (even the name “One Nation” is contentious and a slap in OUR collective faces).
I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, until I leave this beautiful island:
Gaston Browne is a vindictive, acrimonious individual, and continually shows utter CONTEMPT for the citizens of Antigua & Barbuda; and his current play book will be more of the same during his 4-year tenure. Lord help us!
How sad for those of us who have to live under this constant negativity – instead of LIFTING us up, he’s PULLING us down.
Gaston Browne is the “anchor” ⚓ weighing the contry 🇦🇬 down …
… when will ALL sides/or supporters of the 3 main political parties in this country recognise what Gaston is up to …?!?!
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