Each year on May 17, we commemorate the International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Interphobia, and Transphobia. On this day, we reflect upon the violence and discrimination lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons worldwide suffer and re-commit ourselves to opposing these acts.
This year, like every year, we state unequivocally: LGBTQI+ persons deserve recognition of their universal human rights and human dignity.
LGBTQI+ persons continue to face insidious forms of stigma and discrimination.
Even as more countries make meaningful advancements towards full equality, LGBTQI+ persons continue to be sentenced to death for daring to live their sexual orientation or gender identity, subjected to coercive conversion “therapies” and “normalization” surgeries, discriminated against while receiving health services, restricted from exercising fundamental freedoms, and denied the dignity of same-sex partnership and fulfillment of family.
As we reflect upon the injustices that LGBTQI+ persons and their allies endure, we must not forget that today is fundamentally a day of action.
On this day and every day, the United States stands with LGBTQI+ persons around the world.
We will continue to advocate for the rights of LGBTQI+ persons not just because we have a moral imperative to do so, but because it helps to strengthen democracy, bolster national security, and promote global health and economic development.
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International day against who or what?
you were born a man and not conceived from a butt hole stop your nonsense.
When they say “we commemorate” ah who dat lol. UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany and dem kinda place dey.
Somebody give this man some goatwater and a hot Guinness.
Y’all be doing the most. Live how you feel but you born a man you die a man same the other way around
Aight nobody tell them to not live their lives just don’t try rope others into y’all alphabet cult.
Who cares…going to the US embassy and their supporters govs and moving there,keep your colour flags agenda and let’s the others alone.
People as you need help and let’s shady interest use your people as a dirty toilet paper
am smiling because this I knew one day you all will do this nonsense smh things like cause God to turn his back on some countries like he destroy sodom an Gomorrah an you all gonna sink little Antigua right down. God made man an woman Adam an eve not Adam an Steve if you all can support something so unforgivable then best yu all let crime be free
because this is fuckery total fuckery gay lesbians its wrong but I see yu all back in it mmmm plunge Antigua deep mon
The thing is they can say or do what ever they want but as soon as
You disagree with the lifestyle by stating your beliefs..they call your homophobic … so much nonsense.. you are a “MAN” …God bless you 🙏🏾..
lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) persons
It was easier when it was just male and female … every year the world ( mostly America) make up some new shit and the rest of us just fall in line … nastiness
No mattet what you all do surge, surgery, what erver RY it dosent change the fact that GOD CREATED YOU IN HIS IMAGE AND LIKENESS AS A MAN WITH A PENIS OR A WOMAN WITH A VAGINA AND OVARIES. Once you start messing with what GOD Created you are doomed for eternity. Get to know the creator who created you and all of your LGBTQI+ sinful behaviout will be forgiven.
That means if I feel I am a dog, I can go to other dogs and sniff up dem batty. But no need to stop there, I can go sniff up human batty too, after all I am a dog.
So what exactly is stopping you from being a dog? Bark.
🍆🍑Orden take the d*ck out your @Ss 🤢
Battle boy a part of the depopulation agenda, reducing the population, all the high sounding slogan name given to them is simple, mental illness, picture the father’s and mothers who are hurting hoping their next generation would have be perpetuated. Young ladies and boys joining a greater movement by whites to eliminate humanity. They pushing that agenda worldwide, it’s like vaccine.
This world is run by the devil and some day they will force us to change our laws to suit them or we could face sanctions.
a man lies with a male as with a woman, they have committed an abomination; the two of them shall be put to death; their bloodguilt is upon them.
Leviticus 20: 13
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