OECS and CARICOM nationals who have been residing in Antigua as children will soon have their immigration status regularised.
According to Government’s Chief of Staff Lionel Max Hurst, the cabinet has agreed to grant those nationals Antiguan citizenship once they were in Antigua as children.
Many of these citizens who attended school in school in Antigua and should have to obtain nationality through their parents will finally breathe a sigh of release.
The Cabinet agreed that the new policy would allow several of these youngsters to have their status upgraded, at minimal cost, and their immigration/citizenship applications adjusted accordingly.
As soon as the mechanics are in place, the new policy will go into effect.
Their original place of birth would not be a deterrent in the decision-making process.
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What about those persons whose Mother and Father were born in Antigua but one or two of their children were born elsewhere in the Caribbean. Can those children have dual citizenship?
Once the Mother or Father was born in Antigua & Barbuda, the children are automatically citizens of the state.
Viere that was always the law. Citizenship by inheritance. You just have to submit the parents birth certificate with the required documents.
Such persons are citizens by descent and need only to be able to prove their parent or grandparents are Antiguan born nationals to claim their citizenship. You can make further inquiries about the process at the passport office.
Desperate politicians! can even pay workers
What BS is this for Election?
Desperately in need of some help politicians who really care.
So ABLP not satisfied with Canada revoking our visa free status, they want to GIVE away more passports so we can lose our visa free status to England too? Elections coming soon and the only industry that has been booming in Antigua is the passport giveway and sellway industry.
Lol are you really that stupid ? It says OECS and CARICOM not middle easterns smh
Really are u guys really only thinking of politics. I bet you had an issue with that Trump said but about non national. Yet still u want us yo treat children like criminals. Or lesser citizen. These kids were raised in our system (school, religious and justice system). Ridiculous set a ppl. And I am antigua living I someone else’s country legally. so I can relate.
Lastone dont be an “Antiman” now not this good day ya jack
What does this have to do with the visa ? Smh
When criminals and deportees who are not vetted get our passports and go to Canada and England we lose visa waiver. Stay on point. Connect the dots.
They are speaking of children… where does criminals and deportees come into this?
We Antiguans really aren’t a reading public. ..pot drop n evrybody start chat
please, the story said citizenship will be granted to people who grew up as children here, are they still children ? Many are now adults . Can children vote? They don’t grant citizenship to picknie just so. These people will be adults today. Some law abiding others maybe not, who knows. Chups
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