Obsert Frederick to Succeed Sir Gerald Watt as Speaker of the House


Obsert Frederick, the current Vice President of the Senate, will succeed Sir Gerald Watt as Speaker of the House of Assembly at the end of this parliamentary session, as confirmed by Attorney General Sir Steadroy Benjamin. Frederick’s Senate position will be filled by ABLP caretaker for St John’s Rural West, Micheal Joseph. Sir Gerald Watt, who has served as Speaker since June 25, 2014, will be remembered for his significant contributions to the Assembly.

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  1. Bye granny!!
    Ah going bring you rocking chair for you, in a few minutes,
    Just let me finish turn this fungee😁
    You are one miserable man!
    Old age is a terrible thing!
    When you demons are digging
    You all over you body that’s exactly how you be acting…sad!
    Yu old fart!!!
    Bye Felicia🤭🫣

  2. Congratulations Mr. Frederick!

  3. Sir Gerald was seen as a person not aligned to the ABLP and was therefore considered unbiased. With the appointment of Osbert Frederick this is not longer the case. I think the PM could have chosen one less politically aligned to the ABLP. And my suggestion to appoint Edward Mansoor to this position was precisely that. Or even Joan Masiah could have been given this job. The Opposition will constantly refer to his ruling as bias.

  4. Almost everything we do nowadays have some political slant to it. Would have been nice to see a Speaker that is non aligned and could get the full support of both sides of the political aisle.

  5. Mr Talk as yoi like, go and take a rest now. No more being angry when the house doesn’t break for lunch and you’re hungry. You can eat as you like, when you like.

  6. @watching: As a boy,I used to ride the bus from the west bus station on a Sunday.There was a bus owner/driver from Old Road by the name of Frederick.His finger nails were long from OLD Road to West Bus Station.I believed he is related to this man with the same name.

  7. Wow… We hv some bitter comments… 9 days talking… Congrats Mr. Frederick… Just do the job you were asked to do and be fair about it…

  8. @Audley Phillip
    My friend Sir Gerald Watt HD no allegiance to any party. That was the reason Gaston Browne was so bold to chose him as Speaker. Even though he came out of the UPP and was a senior member of them. Yet the UPP could not agree on his nomination in 2014 neither in 2023. And he did say he will not sit out the entire four or five years, because of his health

  9. @Lest we forget, you have selected amnesia? The DAWG selected Watts because he had no party affiliation? You must be joking!
    Gerald Watts was disgraceful biased. The man defended,shielded and molly cuddled the DAWG in parliament every chance he got. You should read the umbudsman report on this guy. What a clownshow he made parliament into at times. What,have you forgotten the constitutional tales pin he brought upon this country? Calling people names and trying to insult them publicly, only to turn around and eat his own vomit?
    Our parliament is better of without this pompous, arrogant fool.
    Looks like the DAWG brought in another ALP lackey. Smh.


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