Please be advised of the following:
Certificates applied for via applications submitted on the 7th and 8th of December 2020, will not be issued on Thursday 10th as result of a computer glitch resulting from the surpression of the electricity in the city on Sunday 6th December 2020. In the event that the problem in not resolved on Thursday, the Registry will not be able to issue any certificates on Friday 11th December 2020.
In the case of an emergency, please contact the office at 562 9687/88 and state your dilemma. Please note that only handwritten certificates will be issued in such a case.
The Civil Registry will be closed on 24th December 2020 (Christmas Eve) to facilitate a staff function.
In order to ensure that persons are aware of the requirements for applying for any certificate at the Registry, the Public is asked to note the following:
Any over the age of 18 years who wants to apply for a Birth or Marriage Certificate must present an ID to the Customer Service Clerk and then complete an application form. If that person is unable to appear in person, then they should give written authority to someone else with a copy of their ID attached to apply on their behalf.
Only the Mother or father of the child or legal guardian of a child under 18 years can apply for that child’s Birth Certificate. The Applicant must have their own ID and the ID of the child when applying.
In the absence of the mother and/or father, the legal guardian of the child, a person with written authority by a parent or legal guardian with a copy of that parent’s ID attached can apply.
Anybody applying for a Death Certificate is required to show the relationship to the deceased or that they have written authority from a family member (must be shown) before completing the Application form.
A Law Firm/Attorney-at-law can apply for any certificate on behalf of a client. A copy of the client’s ID must be attached to the application.
Laurie Freeland-Roberts
Registrar, Civil Registry
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Another avenue of income for lawyers.
Lawyers has no interest but they are trusted by the system to perform this task why? Even though the certificate has the mother’s name on it and the mother presents an ID to verify?
A mother or father cannot apply for their child’s certificate if the child is 18 and over? So who is the owner of the child at that point?
The Government owns its citizens. No-one is born free. We belong to the state. Birth Certificates are used to trade stock. Look into it.
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