Health Minister Molwyn Joseph today denied suggestions by the opposition of corruption in the plans for a new cemetery.
Joseph says contrary to public pronouncements by the United Progressive Party EC$ 2 million has not been spent.
He was addressing opposition concerns in parliament this morning.
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Even the place for the dead this doomed party is trying to discredit…then again they have no choice as they themselves are as dead as a door nail. 2023 that last nail will get pung in d carfin!!!
JUST SAYING is the UPP trying to discredit the place for the dead as you put it? We all know that our main cemetery in St. John’s has passed its carrying capacity, hence it is agreed by all that a new cemetery is a priority. What the UPP is concerned about is that the building of the new cemetery might be used as a vehicle for creative enrichment. I am sure you are aware of how creative the ALP politicians are in using capital projects to feather their nests. I am sure you will recall the Prime Minister’s classic example of how this is done
Like the Airport runaway extension? 90 plus million usd
Like building a bathroom for $600K. Like buying Food City Building for $15Mil while worth only $5Mil. Like building fences all over the country. Like putting sidewalks in St. John’s and covering it with some marble like design for millions of dollars. And the list goes on Tabor. I mean when the UPP came to power the first thing they said, “ah fuh we time now”. Every deal was a steal. The Opposition just got egg once again on their face. As Lennox Weston had to give them a lesson in how government works. They saw a check of $2.1M that was issued by the CIU with the Narrative Cemetry. And therefore, they concluded that the monies where spend already. Well guys you need to read the budget appropriations line items and the audited statements. And that to think that the Leader of the Opposition is head of the Publics Accounts Committee. He could have asked in his position for clarification of that check. And then you have Walker who claims to be a trained accountant and economist. I guess that education was not helpful for him to understand simple Publics Accounting. These guys need to go to some night classes to get trained in the workings of government. Makes you wonder if the UPP doesn’t sit down with Pringle and discuss things with him. Anytime he comes to Parliament he makes a fool of himself.
You know sideline you are always quick to defend this government that never seems to deliver on any project to benefit the general public. You should know that a new cemetery is way overdue. Look at St. John’s cemetery. They keep digging up people’s graves every few years to bury more people. Stop digging up the past about UPP, because it won’t excuse the incompetence and lack of concern for the Antiguan people of this government.
What happened to the completion of the car park and meters in St. John’s? These projects would generate much needed revenue for the government.
How come they found money to purchase the dilapidated Deluxe Cinema building but can’t find the money to build the cemetery? This government will only build the cemetery when they can find a contractor to give them a kickback.
And please don’t tell me that the government built homes for the people unless you tell me the names of the family members of politicians who made money from them.
UPP is not the government and the next time you mention them, I will puke on your post.
I don’t always agree with the Minister of Health, but his presentation and proposal were well received and needed. We need to respect and honor where our fore parents are buried. A new cemetery is not a political decision, its a necessity for the country’s advancement. A new cemetery properly managed and maintained also leaves a family legacy for our descendants.
Will the hearse be a Rolls Royce ?
no! Maybe one donated from South Korea, but end up registered in Wilmoth Daniel, Jackie Quinn and LOVELL name.
The minister is absolutely correct. Get on with it. We are dying like flies and the main cemetery is TOTALLY full. This is a necessary project. Get on with it comrades, red and blue. There shouldn’t be any oppodsition on something like this. We are all going down into the grave together.
You cannot have the same old heads that was in bobol in the past, and expect changes, some people change from bad to worse, or good to great, but when the mantra is to get rich with self enrichment schemes, every members is on 10 different board, people are going to question the motives. This country was architectured on a corruption manual many years ago
The dead does not feel,see or hear but we have people living in inhumane conditions should we prioritise building a new prison or a cemetery?
Keep bring up old buses that the government has in its possession while a lot of the crown lands in Antigua and Barbuda are either being stolen by politicians and their families or given to foreigners. They don’t make more lands but they make more buses.
Ask Gaston how much of Antigua and Barbuda lands he, his family, and the other politicians own and sold.
You should be more concerned that future generations in Antigua won’t have a piece of land to build on.
Minister of Rolls Royce over the fence at it again.
We will never move ahead when we keep putting thieves and scoundrels to represent our nation and we the people. The current govt only in position to benefit their personal finances at our expense. We are their personal financial slaves.
CErmle no one would deny that the cemetery is a necessary project. It is an absolute necessity given the fact that the public cemetery in St. John’s has long surpassed its carrying capacity. However, the issue that is raised and requires answers is where is the $2.1 million that was provided from CIP funds to build a new cemetery. The money was transferred to the Treasury and the Treasury made out a cheque to the Ministry of Public Works. The Minister of Health has given an explanation with more glitz than substance than left more questions than answers. It is now for the Minister of Public Works to inform the country where the HELL is the $2.1 million. Is it in a desk or cabinet at Public Works? The country requires sensible answers and not the glitz and no substance by Molwyn Joseph.
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