Nicholas Warns: Social Media Platforms Are No Safe Haven for Gangs (VIDEO)


Technology Minister Melford Nicholas contributed to the ongoing debate in Parliament, addressing the importance of understanding the role social media plays in gang-related activities among Antigua and Barbuda’s youth.

Speaking on the bill in question, Nicholas drew from his extensive background in technology to shed light on the increasing impact of online platforms on societal behavior, particularly in relation to criminal activity.

Minister Nicholas pointed out the generational gap in the understanding of social media’s influence, with older populations often struggling to grasp its full effect. He explained that gang-related activities are now frequently facilitated through social media, a space heavily dominated by younger users. This shift, he noted, necessitates a proactive approach from law enforcement and policymakers to tackle the issue effectively.

The Minister highlighted a significant provision within the bill aimed at empowering law enforcement to gather evidence related to gang activities, especially through digital means. He referred to Clause 3 of the bill, which outlines the mechanisms for identifying individuals involved in gangs, including the use of social media evidence. Nicholas emphasized that while traditional methods of gathering intelligence, such as informants, remain valuable, the increasing prevalence of online activity requires law enforcement to adapt to new ways of monitoring and intercepting communications.

He revealed that the Ministry of Information, Communications, and Technology (ICT) has been actively collaborating with national security forces to address concerns related to the responsiveness of telecommunications operators. This collaboration, which has seen notable improvements, is essential to support law enforcement efforts in tackling gang-related crimes and other criminal activities orchestrated via social media.

Nicholas also issued a warning to individuals who believe they can hide behind anonymous or false social media profiles to conduct illicit activities, such as gang recruitment or spreading fear within the community. He stressed that these individuals are not beyond the reach of law enforcement, and legislation is being strengthened to ensure their actions are traceable and punishable.

Further, he underscored the importance of privacy protections, explaining that law enforcement cannot access personal communications without legal authorization from a magistrate or judge. However, he made it clear that new legislative frameworks are being developed to ensure that when such authorization is granted, telecommunications operators will be compelled to cooperate fully with law enforcement.

Minister Nicholas concluded by announcing plans to align Antigua and Barbuda with international cybersecurity standards, including the Budapest Convention, which facilitates cross-border cooperation in tackling serious cybercrimes. This move, he said, would further enhance the nation’s ability to address the growing threat of criminal activities taking place on social media.

Nicholas reiterated the government’s commitment to strengthening law enforcement’s technological capabilities while protecting individual privacy and ensuring legal safeguards are in place. He expressed his full support for the bill, which he believes is a critical step in addressing the challenges posed by digital platforms in modern law enforcement.

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  1. The youths didn’t just got up and decided to form these so-called gangs. As the saying goes “work for idle hands to do” I still want to believe an adult male is the true influencer, one who first show them love, provide them with what they need, enlighten them with stories of his past etc. Someone of this stature now have the power to convince these youths of doing anything. Probably a former gang member himself who returned home but still travel frequently.
    I still cannot believe two gangs came together and not one person arrested, we hear nothing of any gun and ammo seizure or the confiscating or surrender of any weapons or anything of that sort. These youths are so clean that just like that they are heading back to school and life goes on. Everything MP Nicholas spoke of should have been implemented long ago since we are all aware of the social media impact, but I guessed it took the death of the fourteen year old for everything to brake loose. It’s 9pm, time to shut your doors and windows, do you know where your kids are?

  2. NWO/Great Reset Agenda unfolding in ANU

    Welcome to the ushering in of the AI surveillance state — under the guise of monitoring gang activities.
    Can y’all see why crimes were allowed to spiral out of control? Will the pedophile gangs be on the radar too?

    Get ready for the thoughtcrime police… George Orwell, 1984

    Watch Antiguans cheers on the government spying/listening/monitoring of their activities & eagerly gives up their privacy for the illusion of safety.


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