Arringo Ltd, announces the inauguration of its business operation in Antigua and Barbuda with an office launch on Thursday.
Arringo Ltd. is a global business solutions and customer services Fintech (financial technologies) market leader, with its origins in Malta. It offers clients a vast range of premium financial technology solutions and services, which include back and front-end engineering, business development, full marketing and branding services and customer operations support.
In its efforts to expand its global reach beyond Europe, CEO and Director Simon Camilleri upon making brief remarks stated that there are benefits for both Antigua and Barbuda and the company. He said the citizens and residents will have more employment opportunities and the venture will allow Arringo Ltd. to increase its ability to provide seamless, high-quality services to a broad range of markets and industries.
“The launch of our Antigua and Barbuda office sparks many new opportunities, most excitingly for the skilled local workforce and the attention we aim to bring to Antigua within the Fintech space as a market leader. We look forward to working with local partners and the Antiguan team. We feel our values and principles match Antigua’s and hope Antigua will embrace us as we embrace it.’’ Arringo Antigua CEO Mr. Camilleri said.
The launch took place at its offices on Old Parham Road.
In attendance from the Government of Antigua and Barbuda were Prime Minister Gaston Browne, Minister of Finance, Corporate Governance and Public Private Partnerships; his wife The Hon. Maria Browne, Minister of Housing, Lands and Urban Renewal and Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety and Labour; The Hon. Melford Nicholas, Minister of Information, Broadcasting, Telecommunications, and Information Technology and The Hon. Charles Fernandez, Minister of Tourism, Investment and Economic Development. There were also attendees from Corporate Antigua, the media and Arringo Antigua staff.
Arringo Ltd. is driven by community enrichment and has chosen Antigua and Barbuda because of its economic viability as well as the highly-skilled workforce that the country provides. Both Mr. Camilleri, and prominent businessman and Director of Arringo (Antigua) Mr. Jeffery Hadeed look forward to the new opportunities that are ahead for local and international partners.
“As an entrepreneur, I have committed myself to building brands that have stood the test of time; and I am very excited to be a part of this journey with Arringo in Antigua and Barbuda. I believe that Arringo will make a difference in Antigua, what we are offering is unique in the marketplace,” Mr. Hadeed stated.
The Government’s representative and guest speaker The Hon. Melford Nicholas delivered commendations.
“We are excited about the opportunities Arringo Antigua presents for job creation and further economic benefits for the country. We look forward to a sustainable relationship and wish the company great success,” The Minister said.
Arringo Ltd. is proud to pioneer business worldwide through micro and macro empowerment – making significant contributions to global economies and individual growth.
The establishment of Arringo Ltd. in Antigua and Barbuda will provide prime business solutions that cover a multiplicity of industries while offering the convenience and customization each business deserves.
Arringo is a leading company taking a modern approach to the outsourcing industry.
The global team behind Arringo started operations back in February 2018 with headquarters in Malta. While our main line of business is outsourcing, we are more than your typical business solutions provider, we believe good strategy is powerful and hard work is essential.
Made up of driven experts and smart minds, we work collaboratively across entire projects with the main aim of delivering outsourced services of quality and assurance. From Software Design & Development to Marketing and back-office solutions, we cover the full range of solutions with your best interest at heart.
With our collective experience and future-forward approach, our unwavering dedication is what sets us apart from others in the industry. We work alongside our clients every step of the way as an extension of their teams, integrating with their internal systems to ensure efficacy and effective collaboration. All our systems are built in-house and maintained by us, to function seamlessly in your environment for the ultimate customer experience.
Advertise with the mоѕt vіѕіtеd nеwѕ ѕіtе іn Antigua!
We offer fully customizable and flexible digital marketing packages.
Contact us at [email protected]
newly opened exploitation center!!!
be a non element like J truth and beg!! 🤣
Look at the difference in our Prime Minister’s DEMEANOUR with these business men in this picture, and look how he then behaves with potential investors from the diaspora in the US (and UK diaspora also) recently.
Chalk and cheese!
It’s been mentioned time and time again about Gaston Browne on these threads; he always ah skin teeth with certain types of people and scowls and argues with Antiguans and diaspora.
He really does still firmly believe that the aforementioned businessman’s moneybags is better than the diasporas’ and the indigenous Antiguans (a vibrant financial market that the ABLP should be tapping into).
Please call The Election Prime Minister, so that Antiguans and the diaspora can come more to the fore in business and commerce …
BRIXTONIAN..When will you stop chatting CRAP. You are just an UNEMPLOYED Person, looking for HANDOUT from UPP. UPP will NOT win a seat this election. BRIXTONIAN ..The DUNCE.
Don’t you want to see your fellow Antiguan citizens make progress in the world of finance, buisness and commerce @ DIM B?
Your probably not even an Antiguan.
Thought not … 😂😂😂
I also note that you’re another ABLP generational supporter who cannot string two words together.
Just look at my wonderful COMPOSITION, COHERENT CONSTRUCTION of words sentences and paragraphs – a real thing of beauty (and I can bet your bottom dollar that you didn’t even know that there’s also some alliteration in this paragraph).
If you need any help with some creative writing @ DIM B, so that you can express yourself better in the written word … just let me!
LMAO. You have me really cracking. You raising the debating bar, here in ANR. All that you guys do is cuz cuz cuz and call people making a contribution all sorts of names. As if that would deter them from making anymore comments in the future. It’s up to ANR Editor to raise the bar and don’t publish that kind of garbage. But they are not interested in that. They like the melee.
Quite interesting. This is not the Call Centre which we know. This is next-level which requires technical training for tech-savy residents.
This is be an excellent opportunity for 🇦🇬.
Very good news. It sounds like a more high end clientele and as such is probably offering decent salaries. Very great news and I will give credit where it is due to the PM. But the thing that I took away the most from this article is that I totally forgot the vast portfolio of the Hon Maria Browne Bird; Minister of Housing, Lands and Urban Renewal and Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety and Labour. Self enrichment at it’s finest, collecting salaries from two ministries..
We’ll see on the salary front.
Call centers of various ilk are notorious for low pay, intense pressure and average to poor conditions.
Very much hope this is not the case for Arringo, and there is an Antiguan businessman in the mix to represent for the new hires.
BRIXTONIAN..You should bury your head in the sand.
At least I’m Antiguan and a patriot DIM B, and want to see the citizens make progress as well as the country.
I employ Antiguans … what do you do for the country DIM B?
@Brix Stop ya crying. Poor you can’t even celebrate sucess. Like satan you want to see us all fall like you
My word! Can’t you read @ truths, I employ Antiguans – you ABLP generational guys are hilarious so till 😂
All the best 👍🏿
Good to know the Rural East representative is a minister responsible for public safety.
Looking forward to hearing her speak on the topic, and learn of concrete, real action plans to stop the criminality in the country, and let citizens live in peace.
Now let’s be honest, has anyone ever heard her make any public comments on any related issue in her capacity as the Minister of State in the Ministry of Legal Affairs, Public Safety and Labour? I honestly can’t recall. So wouldn’t that make her one of the so called infamous “ghost workers.” Creative self-enrichment 101.
Stop listening only to CNN, Fox and Observer. We have a national tv and radio station called ABS. At least listen to the 7:00PM news cast.
Listen to the political arm of the ABLP … ABS? Are you for real @ From The Sideline?!
Oh lawd…OK, let me say this…
Antigua DOES NOT have a skilled workforce who can handle global financial technologies. If there are 200, and again, highly unlikely, they will not accept the low pay and pressure of this company. They will be working on commission…and the turnover rate is high…you’re OUT THE DOOR if you don’t produce! So yep…we. go back and ask…who the heck are the Antiguans willing to put up with that?
PM Brown skin teet, puff up he chest like a Christmas turkey, and sold this company the proverbial ‘cat in bag’. I have to wonder how much $$$ pass under de table.
An airline giving 20% profits with no A&B investment…he is constantly pandering to foreign investors to build hotels…now a FINTEC call center!…yeh, convince yourself that private money ent passing…because you know it!…just pull your head out of that Jolly Beach sand!
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