The New Chairman of LIAT (2020) Ltd. appeared before the Cabinet to seek support for the use of Government’s property occupied formerly by LIAT (1974) Ltd.
The object is to provide LIAT (2020) Ltd. with a hangar and other spaces to ensure the security of the airplanes that it is seeking to acquire.
The Chairman is on a drive to put measures in place for the seamless transition of LIAT (1974) Ltd, which has been declared bankrupt, to LIAT (2020) Ltd, a new entity.
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Don’t give a Rat’s ass ain’t never flying that brand again once bitten twice shy.
What is the name of the new chairman?
New chair person using the gender neutral pronoun it’s a comrade in red, not expertise or brains in such field, you see why other Caribbean government don’t take Gaston serious!
The people who made so much noise about “old engine”, now seeking to buy old planes. Right when they do it, wrong for everybody else.
In this Government there is nothing called transparency.
Why would they want to identify that person, when they are unlikely to be incompetent as an airline executive ?
Why does the fictitious chairman have to seek permission? LIAT 2020 belongs to the dictator and so is Antigua. They are such bad liars, they don’t even know what to say.
Is this chairman the uneducated Jack fool of a person by the name of Authur Senhouse? Isn’t this the same man that got the Liat rule book re-written so that the director of flight operations only needed a high school diploma because that was all he had under his belt to allow him to be director of flight operations?????… should have stuck to being a “shunned” pilot, but then again I was told you weren’t even good at that either… Jackasses…
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