New committal hearing ordered in criminal case against three former UPP Ministers


The Court of Appeal overturned a magistrate’s decision to dismiss charges against three former United Progressive Party, (UPP) Ministers.


UPP Party Leader, Harold Lovell and Former Ministers, Dr Jacqui Quinn and Wilmoth Daniel were charged with Corruption, Fraudulent Conversion and Larceny.


The charges arose out of an investigation into three buses donated to the former UPP administration at a total value of about $600,000.


Investigators alleged the accused had the buses registered in their names and kept them for their personal use while they were in public office.


Magistrate Conliffe Clark dismissed the charges during committal proceedings in March 2017.


However, during a hearing Friday, the Court of Appeal remitted the case to the Magistrates Court for a new committal hearing after agreeing with arguments put forward by Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Anthony Armstrong.


The DPP’s main argument was that Magistrates Clark used the wrong legal test in determining if the charges could be committed to the High Court for trial.

According to the DPP, the correct test for assessing evidence at committal proceedings in Antigua & Barbuda is set out at section 42C of the Magistrates Code of Procedure (Amendment) Act 2004.


However, Magistrate Clark had utilized the legal test as stated in Galbraith [1981], which is used as a guide in “no case” submission proceedings.

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  1. Its telling how at one time Harold Lovell argued, contrary to the DPP, that there was sufficient evidence for the DPP to prosecute ALP politicians and a court has now ruled that there is sufficient evidence to proceed with an indictment against Lovell and a couple of other UPP politicians. We can all recall the lockup movement and the justice square rallies. What comes to mind is “when you dig a grave dig two”. Agreed they are innocent until proven guilty, my prayer is that A&B wins in all of this.

    • Once we all understand that this is not a POLITICAL WITCH HUNT. The DPP is independent in his operation.

  2. Harold Lovell is officially done.
    He should do the honorable thing and resign from the UPP leadership.
    Guilty or not, his name is dirt in Antigua & Barbuda.
    He failed to defend himself against the strident ALP attacks last election.
    He couldn’t even win a UPP convention without cheating (yes, we all saw the triple-voting video from the convention floor)
    Now the continued uncertainty around the bus cases makes victory impossible.
    What campaign donors will even bother with him now?
    If you’re reading, take some free advice:
    Harold, you are a millstone around the UPP’s neck and your vindictive spirit is making the party more divided than ever.
    Why are constituency Caretakers who didn’t back you banned from UPP executive meetings?
    Why is Driftwood before the Disciplinary commitee simply for voicing an opinion that many UPP members also share?
    Is the UPP a concentration camp now?
    Why is Tabor banned from Observer Friday mornings over 3 months after the convention?
    Even after that idiot Marshall damaged UPP’s chances yet again by suggesting income tax could come back? (FOR THE SECOND TIME, GIVING POINT FM AMMUNITION)
    Harold, do you really think you will be PM in this lifetime?
    Or are you running to the gallows just to spite someone?
    Look… boss…
    If you have ANY honor…
    Resign and let less tainted leadership rebuild the UPP.

    • I hear you, but if he resigns who will lead the party? He has the most experience as an MP, Cabinet minister etc

      I agree that he will NEVER become PM nor will he win his seat, nor will the UPP win with him at the helm. But if not him, then who?

      In other words, the best candidate for leader is also the worst. Watta ting!

        • Are you a member of the UPP? No? Well, Now I understand why you would say something so ridiculous about bringing Joanne Massiah back. No Upp persons want her back. Only the jokesters like you who are ignorant of what she was and what she did in the party. Because the funny leadership in UPP did not come out and say how Joanne was does not mean she good. They were just too holy and stupid with that decision. Blame Lovell for that.
          If you want her so bad to be leader, why not encourage her to improve the DNA? Bunch ah guffun gaffen alyuh be!

    • Well Lard what a thing!!!! Me belly ease up on Harold jack🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂💀💀💀

    • The South Korean Government is not interested in our internal politics. Private individuals will donate to the party. Just like the Chinese who end up having diplomatic passports of which the money trail was all the way to the top Baldwin Spencer.

  3. “If we don’t lock them up, they will lock us up.”~Chanlah Codrington

    They were warned by Chanlah, but they didn’t take heed because they viewed him as a nobody. Imagine Chanlah bring home All Saints West and they made him a JUNIOR MINISTER. Meanwhile Mansoor who nah win fart, get he own Ministry fu run. Wah can go so e?

    Chanlah must be doing his “I told you so” dance. What goes around comes around.

    Lovell just too pompous and all of self.

  4. Can the UPP people just take back the busses and story ends like Michael Freemoney.

    My dear PM is abundantly sympathetic towards the UPP Namba, Bertrand, Winston, lamin, Chandlah, Errol, Joan, etc so just add Harold, Daniel, and Jackie to the compassionate list.

    • LOL, Bu this has nothing to do with the PM. He cannot be seen intervening in a judicial proceeding.

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