New 9 PM to 5 AM Juvenile Curfew Set to Take Effect


The government is set to introduce new legislation in parliament to establish a curfew for individuals under the age of 18 in Antigua and Barbuda.

According to the Cabinet Notes, this decision follows a comprehensive discussion of crime, violence, and criminals’ use of firearms.

The proposed law would make it illegal for minors to be outside their homes without parental or guardian supervision between the hours of 9:00 pm and 5:00 am.

Furthermore, the government is taking a multifaceted approach to combat crime, including the implementation of anti-gang legislation and the provision of resources such as cars, vessels, drones, radios, and communication equipment to law enforcement agencies.

These measures aim to address the increase in gun-related crimes and enhance the identification of individuals involved in criminal activities, even if they are concealing their identities with items like hoodies, masks, and gloves.

In addition, the government intends to engage with event organizers to address the promotion of violent, misogynistic, and anti-social content by certain artists.

There are also plans to revise the laws concerning the public consumption of cannabis, with the goal of imposing fines to deter individuals from engaging in this behavior.

The Prime Minister has identified specific youth gangs that have been using social media to propagate threatening content.

Law enforcement agencies are actively monitoring social media platforms and plan to take strong action against individuals associated with these groups.

They will also run awareness campaigns on social media to discourage youths from affiliating with these violent factions.

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  1. That ca”nt be the solution Hitler Gaston. Like you have No interlet ….. your brains seems to be over run by ” creatively enriching You, Maria. Hyacint, H & H Coffers.

    By the Way … You and your Ministers don”t give a Poopoo … cause the indemic CRIME .. [.like the persistant Coruption ], dies not interface with you Loosers …. A We John Public ah face the Music 24 /7. We don’t live in Iffle Towers with Security Camars or roam with Bodygards Gaston Hitler …!!!

  2. This is simply a #bandaid_solution to a #metastatic_gang(white collar thugs and blue collar thugs) spreading rapidly across the Nation, after it was diagnosed DECADES AGO and it was ignored, by those charged to manage the Nation’ affairs.

    Unlike other diseases which become #METAstatic, such as rumors and dead humans from violence shared on the ♾️META aka social media, this METASTATIC_GANG problem cannot be eradicated, nor curtailed by CUTTING OUT the problems (hunting, trapping, caging the youths) by surgical procedures and nuking the site/problem like it’s done with a physical cancer eating away at the HUEman flesh. It is well documented, that even the good cells in the immediate vicinity will be eradicated, as well. The nuking does not differentiate nor discriminate.
    Using such methods, and procedures, (curfews/caging, shoot to kill – ask questions later, mass arrests, mass detention) on a MENTAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM, i.e. the #METASTATIC_GANGS will not work. The “means and methods” employed have to be, MUST be different, since, the complicated, corrupted, compromised, complex, corrugated, hybridised animals known as HUEmans have to be dealt with differently.

    Again, due to the fact, that this problem of a physical nature is powered by the mentality and spirituality of the HUEman beings, therefore, ONLY wholesome and holistic means and methods MUST be included in the overall plans, otherwise…

    A…the Water In A Tied Balloon syndrome will simply move to another section of the balloon when pressure is applied to one area. This is due, to the fluid nature of the water; GANGS have the same fluid nature as water.

    B…OVERCROWDING will occur in those caged areas (curfew zones, state of emergency zones, prison/jail compounds) and cross contamination is a MUST.

    This problem will only worsen, since, the safety nets in place to prevent such from occurring is broken in many areas and must be mended to stop the return. In other words, the check or back-flow valves are worn, cannot take the pressure and break. This adds to the already overcrowded cages.


    Setting a time period of the 9:00pm – 5:00am to caged these HUEmans and then setting them free for the rest of the 24 hour period, ONLY means, they’ll adapt to those changes (the adaptable nature of the HUEman animal) and behave even angrier, more aggressive in attempt to escape or survive what they’re being subjected to.

    The declaration of WAR is driven by fear. By declaring WAR on these youths, the pawns and foot soldiers in the DRUG WAR and eliminating while leaving the KING, QUEEN, KNIGHTS and their fortresses intact is useless. PAWNS, FOOT SOLDIERS, STREET THUGS are readily available and can be bought.


    The same policy makers #WHO’RE responsible for set the policies which created this METASTATIC_GANG problem are the same ones #WHO’RE now responsible for setting policies to mitigate their own #FUCK_UPS!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  3. 9 pm This is a joke This people only want to seems to be doing something. No real purpose no proaction or effectiveness A 6pm to 6am curfew will more likely to be effective. Start with this where the situation will be monitored and adjusted accordingly. Secondly who’s gonna monitor this curfew? The scarce police patrol which exist? What happens when a juvenile breaks this curfew? Who’s going to be held accountable? More thought and planning needs to be done for this to be effective.


    This is simply a #bandaid_solution to a #metastatic_gang(white collar thugs and blue collar thugs) spreading rapidly across the Nation, after it was diagnosed DECADES AGO and it was ignored, by those charged to manage the Nation’ affairs.

    Unlike other diseases which become #METAstatic, such as rumors and dead humans from violence shared on the ♾️META aka social media, this METASTATIC_GANG problem cannot be eradicated, nor curtailed by CUTTING OUT the problems (hunting, trapping, caging the youths) by surgical procedures and nuking the site/problem like it’s done with a physical cancer eating away at the HUEman flesh. It is well documented, that even the good cells in the immediate vicinity will be eradicated, as well. The nuking does not differentiate nor discriminate.
    Using such methods, and procedures, (curfews/caging, shoot to kill – ask questions later, mass arrests, mass detention) on a MENTAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEM, i.e. the #METASTATIC_GANGS will not work. The “means and methods” employed have to be, MUST be different, since, the complicated, corrupted, compromised, complex, corrugated, hybridised animals known as HUEmans have to be dealt with differently.

    Again, due to the fact, that this problem of a physical nature is powered by the mentality and spirituality of the HUEman beings, therefore, ONLY wholesome and holistic means and methods MUST be included in the overall plans, otherwise…

    A…the Water In A Tied Balloon syndrome will simply move to another section of the balloon when pressure is applied to one area. This is due, to the fluid nature of the water; GANGS have the same fluid nature as water.

    B…OVERCROWDING will occur in those caged areas (curfew zones, state of emergency zones, prison/jail compounds) and cross contamination is a MUST.

    This problem will only worsen, since, the safety nets in place to prevent such from occurring is broken in many areas and must be mended to stop the return. In other words, the check or back-flow valves are worn, cannot take the pressure and break. This adds to the already overcrowded cages.


    Setting a time period of the 9:00pm – 5:00am to caged these HUEmans and then setting them free for the rest of the 24 hour period, ONLY means, they’ll adapt to those changes (the adaptable nature of the HUEman animal) and behave even angrier, more aggressive in attempt to escape or survive what they’re being subjected to.

    The declaration of WAR is driven by fear. By declaring WAR on these youths, the pawns and foot soldiers in the DRUG WAR and eliminating while leaving the KING, QUEEN, KNIGHTS and their fortresses intact is useless. PAWNS, FOOT SOLDIERS, STREET THUGS are readily available and can be bought.


    The same policy makers #WHO’RE responsible for set the policies which created this METASTATIC_GANG problem are the same ones #WHO’RE now responsible for setting policies to mitigate their own #FUCK_UPS!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

  5. A effective ( trash ) solution for trying to cover the sun with a finger.

    All the time is $$$$$…drones,awacs airplanes,satellites,underwater sonnars, kgb and mossad portrait agents ( of course after a while,you will see them drinking and not do their duties ) M1 Abraham’s tanks,etc,etc,etc. All of this to catching a few guys/and woman.” Remember people”.

    This nepharious starting with one group at the end,going for the rest of the population!!!. God bless China!!!.

  6. I feels safer already knowing my 14 year old son will not encounter any thugs while riding his bicycle at night and not come home smelling like cigarette. He loves to ride all over when he have anxiety, more kids should be like him instead of smoking. Antigua would have a bright futures.

  7. The government fooling the gullible into thinking they are doing something about crime by punishing young people. The government needs to find smarter heads of police that knows how to fight crime.
    ALL of the small business robberies took place during the daytime. So how will a night curfew on children solves that? They have NO good ideas, and to make their jobs easier they take away your rights.
    As for the latest young lady that was killed, the government should have ALREADY HAD an AGE RESTRICTION in place for attending those kinds of events. Always Reactive.
    Mr. Rodney has been wanting a “limited state of emergency” he’ll easily get it because Antiguans will gleefully give up their rights instead of DEMANDING the Police finds proper crime fighting strategies that EXCLUDES taking away the rights of innocent people! It’s Ridiculous!

    “Those who would give up essential Liberty to purchase a little temporary Safety deserve neither Liberty nor Safety”
    — Benjamin Franklin

  8. Yes Prime Minister. Now they will say you lost your mind and gone bat shit crazy just as your mother who recently passed away. Like mooma like child. I say brilliant move sir. I see you. Keep on doing what you doing. One day soon we will all wake up to a crime free country and your naysayers will find something else to criticise you about. Right on world boss crime fighter.

  9. First of all, I applaud the government for trying to be proactive. Do I think it’s a step too late? Yes I do, but the proactive measure is still welcomed.

    Now, I’m not from Antigua, but I’ve grown quite uncomfortable living here the past 4 years. I’ve sat and watched this behaviour grow when it could have been addressed in its infancy stage. This is the result of neglect.

    Point: From what I’ve seen here, most of these break ins and robberies take place high day, not so much in the night. So though the curfew is not necessarily a bad thing, it certainly doesn’t address the issue.

    Also, who will monitor these juveniles? Other then the police and army, what can civilians do when we see a teen on the road after 9pm? These are real questions.

    Warning: When laws are implemented that isn’t monitored, it makes matters worst, because criminals quickly learn that nothing will happen if they break the law. I’m saying this to say, be careful of trying to implement things that might set you up for failure if it’s not carefully thought out.

    Lastly, I want to address something that was said in the article, and I quote. “There are also plans to revise the laws concerning the public consumption of cannabis, with the goal of imposing fines to deter individuals from engaging in this behavior.” I’ve sat and watch our Caribbean countries decriminalize marijuana, with some trying to legalise it without doing any proper research on the impact of such decision. We cannot sit and listen to the debates of other countries such as the US and allow their “findings” to push us to make decisions that we haven’t spent the time to look into ourselves. Every demographic is different. Now we have created a drug problem on another level, which may have lead to the increase of crime.

    Let’s be careful as we make laws and rules.

    Again, I’m happy for the proactive measure though I’m not sure how effective it’ll be. But, keep brainstorming, it’s a step in the right direction.


  10. The robbers are very brazen Inna Antigua.They are doing their deeds at high noon.So what would a 9 pm to 5am curfew do then?

    Was this law repealed?
    We have so many laws on the books. The police should be reminded of them and uphold the law. Children under a certain age should not be able to roam the street just so. And even day time children of school age should be taken to the police station and held there until a parent come for them and then that parent should be charged and fined. Loitering is still a crime so if you see a group of young boys gathering on a street corner pick them up and hold them for questioning for 48 hours. And every time you see them repeat that. Until they stop that anti social behavior. Sometimes when I drive to my office and see them gathering on certain corners, I wonder where the hell the police is to not break them up. The police is not doing their job all the time. Don’t let this be like Haiti and take over our streets. Do something now.

  12. Exactly how many of the recent robberies were committed by the ppl. under 18 yrs?
    Are there any statistics collected by law enforcement that can substantiate implement a curfew for the proposed demographic will results in fewer crimes?
    Will law enforcement stop cars during curfew hours to make sure young girls & boys aren’t being transported by pedophiles; or are they only going to target the youngsters that are traveling on foot? To me, it seems as though only poor ppl pickney will be caught up in this dragnet — while disgusting, dutty men who have cars will be able to continue violating girls & boys and get away with it.

  13. Whatever happened to the Boys Scouts, Girls Guides, Boys Brigades and Pathfinders. Growing up in my teenage years these were the norm to be a part of. May I suggest that all secondary schools to be beholden to enact a Cadet Corps. With the assistance of Mr. Philbert Mullins, Eugene Phillip and Randy Best thus can be accomplished

  14. I see the curfew as a measure to protect our children and teenagers from continuing to fall pray to gangs and criminals that are targeting them as we have seen lately. It must create for them, some awareness of the street dangers that they may not be taking seriously. It also helps parents, especially those that have to be at work at certain hours to earn a living to put bread on the table for their families, therefore, not able to enforce protection for their offsprings at this troubling time in Antigua. I also see it as an emergency answer to the crisis we are facing, until the culprits are found and aprehended and as a starting-point of actions to be taken. I wish it was from 9:00pm to 6:00am when sun is out, instead of ending at 5:00 am, when it’s still darkish. Come on people, please put politics on hold until we see some results, at least to avoid another killing of innocent loved ones. Let’s come together and help overcome this unsettling situation and times affecting the community and our lives. Thank you ☮️💟

  15. GOOD!!!

    For all the parents that let their little terrors run all over the place at all hours of the night, now they have to stay at home and terrorize you!!!

    Look after your own demons and see what others have to go through.

  16. A 9.00pm to 6.00am curfew will not cut it. Don’t you see the criminals are getting brazen by the day? Gone are the days when thieves use to break into homes and businesses after hours and under the shadow of darkness. Now they are coming during the day, in broad daylight. No fear, no reservation. And the law enforcement officers have got to meet them head-on. Any robbery under arms should be tackled with full force, no immunity. The only mantra of the security forces should be to eradicate, erase, exterminate. And during stop and search, any body found with illegal firearms should be considered a criminal and dealt with accordingly. No bail, no slap on the wrist judgement. Time to rein in the cowboys and let Antigua and Barbuda return to normalcy.

  17. Police when you aiming to hit someone,anyone,aim for the largest part of the body.Chances are,you would not miss the target.

  18. Any law that punishes the innocent with the guilty is a terrible law, and violates the principle human rights of individuals.

    But what else is expected from this inept AG and Commish that we have here.. 😂..this is not the solution idiots.

    On average..what’s the percentage of youths that are criminals in Antigua? Have y’all looked at that data? Bwoi a tell you with these people.

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