Nevoy Morrison Selected to Represent Antigua and Barbuda at COY19 and COP29, Seeks Financial Assistance for Journey 


Nevoy Morrison Selected to Represent Antigua and Barbuda at COY19 and COP29, Seeks Financial Assistance for Journey 

Youth advocate Nevoy Morrison has been selected to represent Antigua and Barbuda at two prestigious global climate events—COY19 (Conference of Youth) and COP29 (Conference of the Parties) in Baku, Azerbaijan.

COY19 will take place from November 7th to 9th, 2024, followed by COP29 from November 11th to 16th, 2024.

These conferences are critical in the global climate movement, bringing together youth leaders, policymakers, and experts to address pressing environmental challenges.

Morrison, a committed climate advocate, is no stranger to leadership on the international stage. In addition to this upcoming opportunity, he has previously represented Antigua and Barbuda at the Ubuntu United Nations, a global platform that unites young leaders to promote peace, sustainability, and humanitarian solutions.

He currently serves as the Health, Environment, and Youth Ambassador for the Ashley Lashley Foundation, a prominent organization that focuses on health and environmental advocacy, youth empowerment, and sustainable development.

The Foundation, founded by Caribbean youth leader aims to promote a culture of health and environmental stewardship among young people while addressing issues such as climate change and health disparities in vulnerable communities. Morrison is also a member of the National Youth Parliament Association of Antigua and Barbuda, he also serve as a member of the Jamaica Youth Advocacy Network and a Youth Talks Ambassador.

His extensive background in youth representation and environmental advocacy makes him an ideal candidate to represent the country at these significant international conferences. COY19 serves as a platform for young people across the globe to engage in discussions on climate action, develop strategies, and propose solutions ahead of COP29, which brings together world leaders and environmental experts to negotiate climate policies.

At COP29, Morrison will have the opportunity to engage with global decision-makers and advocate for the unique needs of small island developing states (SIDS), which are disproportionately affected by climate change.

However, Morrison’s journey to Azerbaijan requires significant financial support, including travel, accommodation, and conference-related expenses. He is seeking financial assistance to make this journey possible and ensure that young people from Antigua and Barbuda have a voice at the big table.

“Too often, when remarkable opportunities arise, young people are put aside,” Morrison noted. “Let’s change that. I beg the nation to realize that we are no longer the future—we are the present. It is time for us to be at the forefront of these discussions and to advocate for our nation’s interests on a global stage. But to do that, I need your support to make this journey a reality.”

Those interested in supporting Morrison can contact him at [email protected] or via phone at 1-268-780-8681.

As a small island nation, Antigua and Barbuda is on the front lines of climate change, facing challenges such as rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and biodiversity loss. Morrison’s participation at COY19 and COP29 is crucial in highlighting these vulnerabilities and pushing for global action.

Through his leadership, Morrison hopes to inspire change and ensure a sustainable future for his home country, the broader Caribbean region, and youth everywhere. Supporting Morrison in this endeavor is not only an investment in climate advocacy but also a call to ensure that young people take their rightful place in shaping the future today.

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  1. why vex him ride u daddy?????
    you AOL ANTIGUANS sit on corners dnt do nothing for you all island nationality dnt mean anything at lease he cares about Antigua at lesseca young person rise up an tske charge an want to make a difference see how unuh bloodclaat badminded you all not doing it an as a young person who is not from Antigua do it its a problem
    fnt blame nobody because you lack education mi sure you muma did send you school nobody tell you waste your time go dive in yu mother cunt an go look a life

  2. Why do we let it matter who represents our country? Too often, Antiguans downplay individuals who have the nation’s best interests at heart. If you have a problem, why not step up to the plate and offer your services? As a fellow Antiguan and Barbudian, I have no issues with any nationality representing our nation. We are one Caribbean nation with a common goal. At least he is aiming for something great instead of investing his time in criminal activities.

  3. you all sit dnt do it then wonder why someone from other country do it you dnt 7nvest in you all country either an wen invested step in its a problem you all jus it down in the shadows afraid to step out sn represent you all country but blame someone wen they do you ask him a good questions

  4. @mmmm kmt everything is Jamaican little fish

    First and foremost, I must commend Mr. Morrison on his new venture. However, the blatant disrespect from you comes across as a personal vendetta against the young man. It’s quite obvious that jealousy is a disease plaguing our island, and we must put an end to it Alu need fah tap. what does that have to do with representing the country? This just highlights how uneducated some people are, if that’s the first conclusion they jump to when a man is educated.


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