MP Watts Demands Answers on Undelivered Bethesda RO Plant and Seven Seas Deal–CLICK HERE TO JOIN OUR WHATS APP GROUP
Almost two years after the initial September 2022 delivery date for the 3 million gallons per day Bethesda RO Plant, our citizens and residents continue to suffer from an unreliable and inadequate water supply.
I therefore call on the Utilities Minister, Melford Nicholas, to provide honest and evidence-backed answers to the following questions:
1. When did the Bethesda RO Plant arrive in Antigua, and what is its current status?
2. What are the reasons for the repeated delays in making the plant operational?
3. What is the current target date for getting the plant operational?
5. How much money has already been paid for the plant?
6. How much money remains to be paid?
7. Are problems with the delivery of the Bethesda RO Plant responsible for the Government’s intention to enter into a water production deal with Seven Seas Water Group?
I further call on Minister Nicholas to provide copies of the Bethesda RO Plant Purchase Agreement and the Seven Seas Water Group BOOT Agreement to all Members of Parliament, and to the general public.
In light of the Gaston Browne Government’s continued failure to solve the water crisis, these agreements must be urgently examined to ensure they represent value for money, and that they are generally in the best interest of our people.
In the 2023 Budget Statement, delivered on 2nd March 2023, the Prime Minister stated on page 26 that the cost of the Bethesda RO Plant is US$14 million (EC$37.8 million).
And in the 2024 Budget Statement, delivered on Friday 15th December 2023, the Prime Minister stated on page 22 that EC$20 million had already peen paid for the Bethesda RO plant.
It is completely unacceptable to keep the public suffering and in the dark while this substantial water production investment continues to bear no fruit.
Algernon Watts MP
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Pull dem up your Most Honourable Algernon Serpent Watts.
We all recall that this island-wide implementation process was a pre General Election promise by our own wotless Prime Minister.
This is why the popularity of the UPP continues to grow and grow.
By the time that 2028 comes around, people will say wasn’t the ABLP a political party at one time?
Yes Serpent, do not let up until this government keeps their promises.
Can anyone in Browne’s regime come even close to spelling transparency, much less implement it?
I appreciate your perspective on constructive political discourse and the value of substantive arguments in a democratic society. Healthy debate and differing opinions are essential components of a functioning democracy, as they allow for the exchange of ideas and promote accountability among leaders.
It’s important for individuals to engage in discussions based on facts, logic, and respect, rather than resorting to personal attacks and vitriol. When discussions focus on the issues at hand rather than attacking individuals, it creates a more conducive environment for meaningful dialogue and the exchange of ideas.
I trust that the response that will be offered by the Minister of Works will be satisfactory and quell all of the concerns which have arisen by you and your team, and by extension, to the greater community.
While we blame the politicians and the buck does stop with them it is very obvious that none of the technicial people at APUA in both electricity or water have a clue what they are doing. But we are quick to say we want Antiguans running things, even if they are incompetent. My area has had massive voltage fluctuations, high and low for weeks and no one seems able to solve the problems. And we have had government water 3 nights for this year. No one presently in APUA can solve these problems. So what so we do? Stick with our homeboys and suffer silently or bring in people who know what they are doing?
I haven’t seen this guy make a sensible contribution in Parliament. Boss you just A big joke with plenty chatt on radio. To me. You just they foo the lime and get free money!!
Serpent looks DRUNK. Cannot speak in Parliament. Making lots of noise outside .You are one term MP. You have done NOTHING for St.George’s . Big clown.
@ INGRAM, why don’t you take a leaf out of your fellow ABLP supporter Dave Ray?
I certainly DO NOT agree with his political points of views, but credit where credit is due, I do enjoy the way he defends his corner.
There aren’t very many ABLP and Gaston Browne supporters who can do so with such clarity.
So when I read supporters like you who just cannot string two sentences together, or WORSE, to reasonably explain what you’ve written down (and I use that term loosely), it makes me laugh. 😂
As mentioned earlier, just look at how Dave Ray put puts his words together, then puts them into ‘bite-sized’ sentences, and then separates what he has written down into readable paragraphs. Admirable!
An educated man, although supporting the wrong party – just like like yourself 😁
Can I recommend a book to help you out in the future, it’s called ‘Eat, Shoots & Leaves’, by Lynne Truss, a marvellous tome that will not only help you with your wordplay, but will help you immensely with your grammar.
You comment just to long for my liking. No substance – boring – In the process you try dissing people. Get a life!!
I didn’t think you would understand @ Independent Thinker (it). Seems like comprehension just isn’t your thing.
BTW, I’m not “dissing” anyone as you put it, I am just ALLERGIC to ignorant people like yourself 😁
🎶”Wheeeeeel …” 🎤
Also, are you one ah dem man dem, that can only read comics? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Jamale Pringle still nursing the wounds inflicted in letter by SERPENT , BOWEN ,ANTHONY SMITH , FRANZ , RICHARD LEWIS ,SEAN BIRD , ALEX BROWNE and others. These Guys are HYPOCRITES. Pringle watch out for a second attack.
As KNIGHT of KNIGHT AT KNIGHTS on Observer said .. UPP old wine in OLD BOTTLE.
For once in your long life, I thought that you were going to prove Brixtonian wrong but I suppose you are just who you’re saying you are.
Notice, these Labourites and Gastonites NEVER speak to the issue at hand but resort to name calling and mudslinging.
Well, its about time that this administration is called upon to provide answers to all their failed projects that seem to be costing taxpayers millions.
These are excellent questions and any patriotic citizens will see merit in them.
The dunce controlling our finances continues to act like he’s above answering questions. Of course, when he does, he simply lies or blames UPP.
MP Watts, follow this up with a FOI and if they don’t respond, to the courts. It’s about damn time these corrupt hoodlums are forced to give an account for their failing stewardship.
Democracy is practiced in Parliament. Perhaps this guy needs to go to the people’s parliament once more. if he has questions to the minister he knows the procedure. Go and do your work in the Real Parliament. But then again. When it is time to speak in parliament he is speechless. All because he cannot run his mouth like when he is on the radio. What a clown. He better answer the allegations about what happened in St. Lucia I believe it was. Where it is allege he run away before the police could get to him. Thank God for LIAT.
Lol, I am a committed Labourite whose allegiance to the party is unwavering, regardless of whether the ABLP holds office or is in opposition. I pride myself on being an independent thinker who values critical analysis and thoughtful consideration. While I support the party wholeheartedly, I understand that no administration is perfect, and political leaders are only human, doing their best with the resources and challenges they face.
My dedication to the Labour Party transcends individual leaders like Gaston Browne, and I remain steadfast in my political journey. I believe in holding my party accountable while acknowledging the complexities of governance. My commitment to the Labour Party is rooted in my principles and values, and I will continue to support and engage with the party, contributing to the political discourse in a meaningful way.
I humbly ask you to respect my decision, as I, in turn will respect your choice as well.
Democracy don’t exist,not matter blue or red diarrhea all of this vampire$$$ have one thing in common ( destroy the population in many ways and bending their self to MR and MI$$ MASTERS ).
Vermin’s are active 24/7 for make you miserable as human being,their fellows are hungry for lick their hands as GOOD DOG!!!,shame on all of those their parents stands in their side and working too hard for them,and now rher vastagos ( suspect man and suspect woman ) licking their boo.. hole of this vermin’s parasite traitors of human beings.
I feel for you as you might have been a bit inebriated when you penned this response. I’m not following your argument. Now, go sleep it off so that you can respond more appropriately.
Good luck.
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