MP Richard Lewis Urges Parents to Take Active Role in Combating Youth Violence


MP Richard Lewis Urges Parents to Take Active Role in Combating Youth Violence

In response to rising youth violence in Antigua and Barbuda, MP Richard Lewis is calling for more parental involvement in children’s lives. He stressed that strong family bonds are crucial for guiding and protecting children, urging parents to be more engaged in their upbringing.

Lewis highlighted that family breakdowns contribute significantly to social issues, saying, “Socialization begins at home. If the family structure fails, we face serious problems.” He praised parents who instill discipline and values, while encouraging those struggling to improve their parenting.

Concerns were raised about children being left unsupervised, particularly before and after school, due to work commitments. Lewis also pointed out the challenges of single-parent households and the lack of extended family support that once helped in child-rearing.

He urged all parents, especially fathers, to play an active role in their children’s lives to prevent them from seeking negative influences. Lewis’s message aligns with other officials, including Education Director Clare Browne and Prime Minister Gaston Browne, who emphasize the importance of strong parental responsibility.

As the nation faces these challenges, the focus is on reinforcing family structures and community support to ensure a stable future for young people.

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  1. Little Richard Lewis is a day late and a dollar short. When PM Gaston Browne approached the issue in a constructive way, people like Little Richard remained silent while UPP supporters with microphones and cellphones trashed the idea of meeting with the gangs. Now, seeing the tree beginning to bear fruit, Little Richard is hoping to reap where he did not sow.

    As old people would say, “girout!”

  2. The stars are out tonight, but instead of a photo of Julien Alfred the Olympics and World indoor champion, they highlighted a photo of Shacarri Richardson with just a World championship to her name, thus proves to me the stellar accomplishment of Ms Alfred this year is still not fully recognized.
    I guess it’s all about the hair, outfits, popularity and where you from, but the St Lucian showed us again how quick and consistent she really is by ending the season with a Diamond league championship and big money. Congrats again Ms Alfred hope we see you at Sandals Wadadli.

  3. Richard Lewis , please contact Hon.Gaston Browne for the HIGH COMMISSIONER to JAMAICA position. Don’t be shy you promised to get back in touch.

    By the way Richard you are a couple of days late with the crime situation. Hon. Gaston Browne has dealt with this situation. We can talk about another position ( Canada )

  4. Sandals is a true Caribbean hotel chain. Sandals management continues to employ local in every Caribbean country they operate. The executive management of Sandals are Caribbean people. The service and environment is Caribbean. Those that try to imitate are not from the Caribbean. The Caribbean governments must recognize that their people, especially the poor and vulnerable must benefit from the tourism sector. That the young educated must be propelled into management positions. Not just middle management but top management. Sandals sponsorship to sports and the strong social programs are a testament of who they are – truly Caribbean.

  5. @carvaa.....Julian Alfred is getting support from all over even we Jamaican recognize her for her tremendous win but what that has to do with crime an violence focus here @carvaa.....Julian Alfred is getting support from all over even we Jamaican recognize her for her tremendous win but what that has to do with crime an violence focus here

    this about crime an getting parents more involved with there kids too many parents leave deh kids to come home hrs as they feel even allowed them to drop out school a lot of these kids need to go back school get a little trade keep there kind occupied.
    because these are some brilliant kids if you sit an talk to them you see they have good mindset
    instead a here worrying about Julian worry about the kids then who not in school who DNR have parents around them to support them

  6. My friend I am here to applaud excellence and that’s what I see in Ms St Lucia Julien Alfred. My comment is on its own, please ignore and concentrate on your unruly children and all the best.
    Stop claiming to be Jamaican and by the way alot of real Jamaicans wasn’t too hyped when Julien won gold in the Olympics.

  7. This clown is always trying to steal the spotlight from the DULY ELECTED Leader of the UPP and Leader of his Majesty’s Loyal Opposition!!! HON. JAMALE PRINGLE!

  8. @Wash an’ Basin…
    Asot and Gaston helped to establish The RED SHUT GANG in Point and Villa to do their dirty political works, as they were steadily importing Caribbean Nationals from Santo Domingo, Jamaica and Guyana in particular to try and establish the JAMAICAN GARRISON, JAM DUNG, TRENCH TOWN STYLE POLITICS in Antigua.

    Uppercut, Lester, Hammer Pump, Silk, the HAND STREET CREW are still waiting for their REWARDS.

    Nedphas house which was promised to him is still in the foundation stage with steel, as walls for the past ten years. Nedpha one of the best farmers in Antigua could not even get Gaston’s government to lease him five acres of land to produce food, while many Chinese can get dozens of acres.

    Therefore it’s not surprising that he Gaston can have such influence and control over the offshoots which sprung up in Yorks, Gambles, Fort Road and did their recruiting at PMS.

    Gaston is fooling only the “Fools Who Rush In,” jus come and no know. Therefore, it’s not surprising, that he Gaston can have such influence over the NEXT_LEVEL GENERATION of GANGSTERS.

    Gaston is doing his work for the NWO – New World Order and the WEF – World Economic Forum, as he implements their MANTRA – out of chaos come order. This means, the same OVERSEERS #WHO’RE responsible for setting the policies which creates MAYHEM and HAVOC, are the same one #WHO’RE responsible for setting policies to mitigate, said CHAOS.

    The UPP and Harold “Mr. Stoic” Lovell would not be doing anything different. Their MEDIUM’ and MEDIA which controls them ALL will have it no other way.

    Gaston and his NEXT_LEVEL GANG can come for me, but the ESSENCE of Nature’s Ether, the power which runs through my being can never be captured!

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

    • @Vere C. Edwards…. NO, Asot and Gaston DID NOT help to establish any gang in Point. Red Shut gang was established by Horan “Hammer Pump” George by himself when he was deported from the USA. He was sent back to the country after being deported for serious crimes, including armed robbery. He was a member of a gang that was associated with the Bloods, hence the name “Red Shut”.

      Refrain from speaking about things you know not about, Vere Cornwall (such a disgrace you are doing to your parents who gave you noble and honourable names) Edwards.

      Seems like you were frequenting Nedfa’s (not NedPHA) yard in Villa back in the day to get your weed. You’re right, Nedfa is one of the best cultivators of Dadli. Nedfa wutliss because the amount of weed he sell, that house should have been finished at least 20 years ago!

  9. And in other news, water is wet… Yes, obviously parents should be involved in rearing their children.
    There are many other factors in society that politicians can have an effect on. What are the good gentleman’s suggestions for those? What youth-focused initiatives does he have ongoing in his constituency? If he wants to support family life, what wholesome family-friendly initiatives does he have planned?

  10. Here is my best unsolicited advice for you: For happiness and success in your relationship, select a young lady whose important views and values match yours. That way you can grow and build together harmoniously in life. Don’t pick the girl who happens to live next door. Don’t pick the girl who happens to be single at work. Don’t just pick based on a pretty face. Don’t let other people tell you who you should pick. Don’t just pick based on a bank account or social status. Don’t even just pick based on age alone (keep things legal though!). Don’t pick a random girl because you are “lonely”. Don’t try to force a girl with different values to do things your way. Just pick a girl whose values match yours first and foremost. That way you will stay together longer and your children will be raised by both of you and our society can reverse the negative trend that people keep blaming for problems with youth.
    Please take my wise advice.

  11. @Carter:
    It’s amazing, but the statement you just made had the same concept of a comment i made earlier. I think it was under the heading “Mp Nicholas and social media” now I know nothing of this guy “Hammer Pump” but after watching the whole development it only seems logical that an adult of this nature come into play.

  12. @Carter…

    A…first thing, please put your [real], true name not no pseudonym(if you do aka – also known as is appropriate) for #real_reasoning!

    B…my #roots are rooted from Back Street to Yorks. You can ask anyone over 70years old, who were born or raised in Point and Villa in the 1940’s to 1970’s who Mama Hilly was. She’s my grandmother, who helped many families in Point and its extension Villa. #Pops & #Vannie, the Hammer Pump of whom you speak father and aunt grew up directly across from my Grandmother.

    C…From the Old Brownie Baker Shop, east and north of Papasita Destin on Lower North Street to the Cow paddock at Yorks raise, grew and nurtured me.

    D…Yes, Hammer Pump was deported from the US, and was instrumental in creating his form of Bloods with some of the youths who were destitute, lost and lacking positive direction due to such factors, as poor education, lack of opportunities and of course OVERCROWDING by the new migrants brought in by the ABLP led government in the 1970’s to boost their chances of being elected by the People of Point and Villa.
    Less You Forget, @Carter, CITY WEST was never an ALP stronghold until after they ALP packed City West with poor migrants from Santo Domingo, Jamaica and Guyana.

    E…Videos and still photos still exists, of the 2004 Election Campaign season in Antigua, as the Red Shut Gang were Gaston’s booths on the ground all dressed in RED putting up campaign paraphernalia and singing his praises.

    So, Carter(her, him, shim, Miss, mister, Trannie or #IT), Vere C. Edwards will #Stand_My_Ground and know the HISTORY of my HOOD, not from HEARSAY, but from living it.

    You can check Upper Cut to Jah Lumbah to Nedpha to Sattie to the Forrid, ME ANNAH JUS CUM WEN IT CUM TO POINT & VILLA.

    Jumbee_Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg👣Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards


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