MP Richard Lewis Expresses Sympathy to Family of Teen Mother and Calls for Greater Protection of Minors


As the Member of Parliament for St. John’s Rural West, I am deeply saddened and outraged by the recent tragic incident involving the loss of one of our young mothers, Yenifer Bridge, whose body was found under grievous circumstances. This heinous act of violence has shocked our community, and underscores the urgent need for concerted efforts to protect our young people, particularly our young girls. My heart is especially grieved when I think of the young son she was forced to leave behind.

I offer my heartfelt condolences to her mother, Yulissa Bridge, who resides in the Rural West Constituency, as well as to Yenifer’s entire family and friends, during this incredibly difficult time. 

As a father of a teenage daughter, I can only imagine the profound grief and sorrow they are experiencing. No parent should ever have to endure such a devastating loss. I call on our community, and the nation at large, to rally together to pray for and uplift Yenifer’s mother, her young son, and the entire family in their time of grief.

I also call for a thorough and swift investigation into this senseless crime. It is imperative that the perpetrator(s) are brought to justice promptly. Our police force must be given all the necessary resources and support to ensure that justice is expeditiously served.

This tragic event also highlights the critical need for greater parental and societal interventions to protect our minors. We must all take a proactive role in safeguarding our young people. This includes providing them with listening ears, and the necessary support systems to prevent such tragedies from occurring.

It is incumbent upon us as a society to look out for the well-being of our children, and to take collective action to prevent violence and ensure their safety. This is not only the responsibility of parents, but also of educators, community leaders, and every member of our society.

In closing, I reiterate my deepest sympathies to Yenifer’s family and friends. Let us come together as a community to support them, and to work towards creating a safer environment for all our children.

Richard S. Lewis MP

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  1. Richard as the MP of that constituency what have you done in the past and what will you do now to make your constituents feel saver. It’s easy to criticize and out the blame on others. But surely you should have some plans for your constituency.

  2. I agree with MP Lewis as well as the comment above from “Less we forget”. Community programs must be implemented, increase safety by adding more police, more vehicles for patrolling and for calls. Never should a station say there’s no way to respond expeditiously!!

    This is also to parliament as a whole to back Rodney the Super Intendent of Fire to add apparatus and stations!! There needs to be one in Crosbies or Cedar Grove, one in Urlings or Cades area, one in Falmouth or Picadilly (central to English Harbour area) and one in Wilikies!! These stations can house 1 or 2 ambulance and get your country more PARAMEDICS!! the EMTs work hard but many of them want to become medics! Put them through a NREMT-P program!! And each of these locations need a stand-alone ER to stabilize patients in those areas picked up by those Ambulances. Once stable they can be transported to the hospital to a ward applicable to the care they require!!

    This is my dream and aspiration for Antigua! I am an American who has lived here 5 years and my daughter was born here. I am a Firefighter Paramedic who has gone on to obtain my medical degree (MD) for Emergency medicine.

    I will be advocating for these changes for many years to come until I see it come to fruition!! Antiguan citizens deserve quick response times, quality emergency care and safety from a larger better trained police force who is eager to respond and world diligently to enforce the law!!

    When you hear this again… understand that this is a serious matter and government finds should be reallocate towards the safety of all who reside and visit Antigua!

  3. Condolences to the bereaved loved ones!

    @Less we Forget: you should FIRST ask the ALP government that collects the tax payers monies (even in the areas that have a UPP representative) what are they going to do to address the increase in crime and violence in Antigua.
    The ALP government is responsible for ALL of Antigua’s residents, so start there.

  4. B.S…when a stinky politician open hea to convince little ignorance nigg..s to believe in their sh.t

  5. the perpetrator(s) will be caught, I know you’re reading the news and trying to cover your tracks…but you can’t erase credible evidence, somebody always sees and knows, so when you’re creeping in the dark be sure to look around…


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