REAL NEWS: MP-Elect Kelvin “Shugy” Simon says the members of the Antigua
Labour Party (ALP) should get rid of Prime Minister Gaston Browne, given his failure to win the St. Mary’s South seat after having spent millions of dollars in the effort.
Simon says that Browne’s unsuccessful attempt confirms him as an incompetent failure; and if he, Simon, were a member of the ALP he would push for Browne to step aside and resign.
Further, he claims that Browne went against the advice of others in the ALP when he selected Dwayne George as the party’s candidate.
This, he says, could explain why most of the Labour Party parliamentarians failed to support George’s canvass of the community – unlike Simon’s colleagues.
Meanwhile, according to Simon, the prime minister will have to work equally hard, or even harder, to win the St. Mary’s South seat next election, as the people are fed up with his style of governance.
The MP-Elect says that – with all the resources expended in St. Mary’s South alone, and with the UPP candidate still emerging the winner – Browne should be rethinking his strategies.
And he strongly believes that the next General Election will be the
end of Browne and his Labour Party.
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gaston clown is a disgrace to all of Antigua and is not fit for the office of prime minister, he is crazy and behave like a loose Cannon, gaston clown please step aside and put Antigua in the hands of capable people !
Who do suggest that would the capable people you speak of? . I hope is not Pringle at the helm along with the other five idiots
Shuggy you won’t last long in politics, so enjoy while you can, your days are numbered like Pringle. You won a seat and feel high and mighty but you still have a long way to go.
@ red red seems like u just crawled out of your hole. The more you talk the more upp wins so keep talking. By the way, u need to address Pringle as the HONOURABLE Jamal Pringle and the Honourable Kevin Shuggy Simon! Take that in ya ……. lol
Jamal Dingle nor Shubby Simon have no honor two waste of space!!
it certainly wasn’t a batty hole that you blue fishes love.
You said his time is not long, but then you said he has a long way to go
So which is it Red Red!!??? Boy you full of crap!!
I wanna crap in your face!! oh and by the way dont worry I’m quite sure I earn more than you.
@ red red; jump high, jump low it is the Honourable Jamal Pringle and Honourable Kelvin Simon. There is nothing u can do to change that! So keep talking, we have our popcorn.
You guys are so stupid and CANNOT THINK FOR YOURSELVES.
You spent circa $5,000,000 to win an extra 29 votes.
Is that a good return? HELL TO THE NO- you were tumped in your face like how Gaston threatened to tump Asot 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
What about asking the entire U.P.P to call it a day and make way for THE D.N.A after losing 3 consecutive elections to Gaston Browne…
Please give an aspirin.
And what those 3 wins for ABLP cost you and this country? Debts that your grandchildren will pay back years to come, pensioners can’t get their monies, you still can’t get a decent shower, don’t get sick and go hospital lack of resources, food prices and taxes going up, millions of money spent, given away in 1 constituency just to loose a by-election, thousands of dollars on Alfa narro monthly and it don’t belong to us, Yeda another fail, Antigua name being called for dead African. And the list goes on and on.
Boy the country really did well with those WIN!!!
@ Dexter Pelle
UPP would have called it a day IF THE ELECTIONS WERE NOT STOLEN BY GASTON BROWN AND THE ABLP…..in his own words GASTON admitted to transferring voters to other constituencies to enable his colleagues to win their seat.
Obviously you became DEAF conveniently. Normal attitude of the minions.
DNA still exists? BTW has any DNA candidate ever gotten back their deposit? You’re a total clown, just like Gaston Browne!
Gaston is an embarrassment to Antigua and Barbuda! But the ABLP is crumbling slowly, Dean has already made a post about Gaston on Instagram and trust me the others are gonna speak out soon because they are tired and fed up of Gaston!
A Gaston a de donkey leadership??? From top dog to donkey leader? Asking for a friend of a friend. My my my poor Antigua
Spice keep dreaming. ABLP is not crumbling and will never crumble we are here to stay so put that in your pipe and smoke it
Shugy really; You lost support in such A short time, You and your party thought it would have been an easy win. It was actually a tight one. Me myself surprised George got so many votes🗳 That move the priminister made was a bold but risky one; but it paid off, “in my view” ABLP MP in Parliament Support; was very strong!!
You need to keep your pledge that you promise the people of SMS. I can tell you, George is in a much better position than you are…. to contribute to SMS. When that time comes for the next the General election, you won’t have the support that you have today, you may loose your seat. So careful wha you ah say!! Humble yourself.
@ Independent Thinker
You are chatting crap.
For all the monies spent on the St Marys South by Election and SHUGGY’S votes increased—NOT DECREASED. ABLP spent millions of dollars and still could not reduce Shuggys vote share, so I do not know what kind of math you learnt in school.
People like you cannot think for yourself. Gaston does that for you.
And NORMALLY in any by-election the party in power is expected to win because they have all the resources of state at their disposal and EVEN THEN THEY LOST.
… and Gaston and Dwayne better finish what they started for the constituents of St Mary’s South.
You also talk about pledges and promises from the Honourable Kelvin Shuggy Simon. I hope you are doing the same with the former UPP member Dwayne George?
Thought not!!!
You are NO independent thinker … far from it, you out and out ABLP acolyte.
@ “independent thinker” for someone who has no resources and competing against a party who spent perhaps atleast half a million and still convincing lost speaks volumes!! You are obviously clueless in your so called independent thoughts! The ALP has to buy their votes, Shuggy won the hearts and minds of the voters and that is what is burning Gaston and his clowns. Don’t get it twisted I am sure Gaston went home crying like a baby after the results!! Sometimes u guys should just shut it because u not adding any value to the discussion.
Dexter pelle u na see everyone a resign from DNA, soon from now a Joanne masiah go resign she own party .
Red red. George and gaston political career soon come to an end, George never compete with Simon it was gaston all the way, and with the over a million of treasury money and still lost the election speaks volumes. Tell gaston he will be 60 before the next General elections, all eyes are going to be on him to go on retirement to go home and look after his grand / daughter. Hope gaston can live with the shit that he chat.
And in the meantime the Alfa Nero is in St kitts sitting under the Antigua flag, still costing us plenty money. This man Gaston just love to gubble up hard working people tax money with no return.
What a damn embarrassment.
Dexter Pelle, you must be crazy! You don’t see the last of the DNA resign 2 days ago! That ship has sunk!! @Stamina, you see the idiotic decisions that Gaston making and continually embarrassing the country? Pringle would never! A stutter doesn’t making one and idiot, idiotic actions like those of Gaston etc al do! Study that! Also, @Independent Thinker, you must be delusional or a liar cause you well know that Shugy did not have the overseas voters! That is the only reason that the votes weren’t further apart. You also know that Gaston was bribing people left right and center but continue to play dunce. Gaston got a huge defeat.
@ Seriously
It would have been better…if the U.P.P supporters had thrown their votes behind D.N.A and retired the U.P.P. just the PLM became the UNDP and then the ACLM+UNDP+ Another became the U.P.P
How many times since 1971 the so called opposition party sank…imaging only winning 3 elections in 55 years…over 6 different leaders..4 name change PLM to UPP and joined with a party you branded as communist to defeat the ALP now ABLP…no stability..almost a different slate of candidates after every loss…and the quality getting worse and worse….same how the people reject the ACLM the party with the best policies and programs…to Elect a party which is a carbon copy to the ALP…same thing now with THE DNA….Antigua is a strange…we settled not for changes but for exchange in 2004 – 2014..that’s the people went right back from where whence it came….and put the UPP in OPPOSITION Where they belong.
I do really like the Honourable Kelvin Shuggy Simon.
You can see from his recent performances and demeanour, he is not INTIMIDATED or in AWE of Gaston Brown (unlike our former UPP leader Harold Lovell).
And why should he?
Shuggy has shown that he is way way smarter than the Prime Minister by outmaneuvering him in his outstanding win in St Mary’s South – he was always one-step ahead of him – Gaston couldn’t read him at all.
Furthermore, by letting everyone know that the PM isn’t fit for purpose, Shuggy is only saying out loud what the majority of citizens are thinking at present.
At last UPP have someone who can take the Prime Minister down quite easily.
The future looks bright, the future is Shuggy’s and the UPP’S … onwards and upwards!
Gaston has NEVER come across anyone like the Honourable Kelvin Shuggy Simon in his political life.
The cabinet members of the ABLP ‘fraid to confront him; his supporters and acolytes NEVER query any of his questionable decisions; Gaston’s advisor(s) also ‘frad ah he; and also notice that his Caribbean colleagues seem to keep a wide berth from him when he’s in attendance (dancing abroad 😁).
I predict that Kelvin ‘The Gaston Destroyer’ Simon will lead the country to a new beginning in 2028.
I guess Shuggy can pronounce superficial now, so he talking big.
You all keep talking talking I her see shuggy in bolands I live where shuggy live and have seen him all he do I bolands is pass people in his Jeep dark out up and down thats all he do
@ Love u all
Why don’t you go back to school and learn to read and write so you can communicate. People do not understand what you are writing.
Ask someone to read my blog to you. GOSH!!!
True dat, a typical uncouth and illiterate ABLP acolyte or Gastonite worshipper … no wonder Gassssston still ah run tings still in Antigua, if @ Love u all is a typical supporter.
@ retard
Love u all is a Labour Party supporter. This is how the majority of them are. They can neither read, write or reason.
Why some you embarrass your selves…just to say that you are posting. ..you are a useful idiot can’t even construct a sentence ‼️ The honorable Kelvin Simon.. might be in the same school.,.but you surely is not in his Class… SETTLE DOWN ‼️
Antiguans r dumb and inbred y’all deserve everything u get. Neither Gaston or any other politician runs Antigua. Antigua is run by slightly over a dozen wealthy families. They make the rules. They run the country. Without them Antigua would starve. Keep bickering about the puppets while the masters sit back with a big cigar and laugh.
First time I’m hearing a party of out power stealing an election….that was an amazing feat the opposition in 2014..Gaston Browne out of office steal the 2014 election…come back and win two more consecutive elections…Ah reject the people reject UPP…after two fail terms…you lucky you get two terms…unlike your predecessor the Failed PLM…and you come like soldier crab and jump in their shell…the AWU…change you name three times like if its a new party…and tek you 28 years to win government and lose in 10 years… Government that do great no lose election…no mek them fool you…a good performance win election
This thread is illustrating where we as a community and one of the many ways the public fails as a notion.
At a time when we should be focusing on the issues and policies to make the country better, we hide behind internet names and throw debasing statements at each other; as the politicians get away with pissing on us, and tell us it’s raining.
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