In the 21st century, leadership demands vision, knowledge, and the ability to navigate complex global and local challenges. Education, particularly higher education, has become an indispensable tool for cultivating these qualities. However, the United Progressive Party (UPP) appears intent on downplaying the critical importance of higher education in leadership and governance, while attempting to portray educated individuals as elitist.
This disturbing trend comes even as the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP) has made monumental strides in expanding access to tertiary education, most notably through the establishment of the University of the West Indies (UWI) Five Islands Campus in Antigua. This historic achievement has placed Antigua and Barbuda at the forefront of educational progress in the Eastern Caribbean, creating a pathway for thousands of citizens to achieve their full potential.
Leadership in today’s world is deeply intertwined with education. The challenges of climate change, economic transformation, public health crises, and technological advancement require leaders who are informed, analytical, and forward-thinking. Higher education equips individuals with these skills, enabling them to craft policies and solutions that address the needs of a rapidly evolving world.
Yet, the UPP’s narrative undermines this reality, casting educated individuals as detached or elitist. This divisive rhetoric does more than insult those who have dedicated themselves to personal and professional growth—it alienates the very citizens who benefit from progressive policies that emphasize education. It dismisses the achievements of teachers, students, and families who view education as a vital investment in their futures.
The establishment of the UWI Five Islands Campus is a bold statement of faith in the transformative power of education. It reflects a vision for Antigua and Barbuda, where opportunity is accessible to all and where higher education is no longer an aspiration limited to a privileged few. It also creates a dangerous dichotomy—one that pits “educated” against “uneducated,” sowing seeds of division and resentment within our society.
The ABLP’s commitment to education extends beyond the establishment of UWI. It includes scholarships, grants, and investments in primary and secondary education along with technical and vocational training to ensure that no child is left behind. By contrast, the UPP’s dismissive attitude toward these efforts raises serious questions about their vision for our nation’s future.
Prime Minister Gaston Browne has once again demonstrated his unwavering commitment to education and national development by offering scholarships to members of the United Progressive Party (UPP). This generous gesture underscores his belief that access to higher education should transcend political divides, fostering a culture of inclusivity and progress. By extending this opportunity, Prime Minister Browne highlights the ABLP’s dedication to uplifting all Antiguans and Barbudans, even in the face of political opposition, reaffirming that education is a unifying force and a cornerstone of effective leadership. Whether they capitalize on the opportunity or not is left to be seen.
The fact is, higher education is not a luxury—it is a necessity in today’s world. The UPP’s attempt to downplay this reality is not just short-sighted; it is a disservice to the people of Antigua and Barbuda.
We must reject the UPP’s outdated rhetoric and embrace the reality that education is not just a personal benefit—it is a national necessity. Leaders must be equipped to make informed decisions that affect the lives of citizens, and this requires a foundation of knowledge and understanding that only education can provide.
The ABLP has proven its commitment to creating a brighter future through education, and the UWI Five Islands Campus stands as a beacon of hope and progress. As a nation, we cannot afford to regress into an era where ignorance is celebrated, and intellectual achievement is vilified.
Antigua and Barbuda deserve leaders who recognize that higher education is not a luxury, but an essential pillar of effective leadership. It is time to move beyond the UPP’s divisive and shortsighted rhetoric and continue building a future where education and leadership go hand in hand.
Hon. Daryll S. Matthew
Minister of Education, Sports and The Creative Industries
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“I would be very disappointed in UWI if it were to open a university here…….it would be WATERING DOWN ITS BRAND” ~UPP Chairman, Gisele Isaac-Arrindell
How many times have ABLP put uneducated people in vitally important roles that demands those with advance degree? Everytime.
How many times ABLP have attacked me for saying those with advance degree should be placed in their fields? Everytime. One even threatened to have me killed because of my constant blogging about these failures of ABLP.
Show me someone with an advance degree in finance and or administrative/regulatory law as director of the country’s financial regulatory body. Administrative/regulatory law is so amazing, I scored a 98% in that class in law school (that is area of law in focus on for a living). This should not be misconstrued as being interested in your position. Just making a point. You have an issue with a state or federal government agency/administrstion/bureau, it is my way that can help you get that greencard or your license or permit or national security clearance, etcetera.
Anything an agency, any agency deny you or try to take away from you, that is what I do, I help you get it or I help you fight the government from taking it.
Financial license, immigration benefits, crime victim benefits, medical license, drivers’ license, national security clearance, liquor license, gun license, pilot license, business license, removal from no fly list, sanctions/fines from Osha, sec, fbi, cia, and to many to list.
Get the experts to be in their field let folks see they have a chance of being in the lead of the fields they have advance degree in, show the country you value education and merit and stop promoting only the your family and friend.
Does the police service commission have anyone in it with an advance degree in police science or criminology or criminal justice or psychology or sociology or any social science degree?
Why is ABLP encouraging people to get degrees but punish them after for doing so?
But when will Mr. Pringle enroll in classes to improve his intellectual capacity? Also COMMON SENSE he is lacking, but that cannot be taught.
Is Mr. Pringle too puffed up and prideful to admit that he has a serious problem, much less accept/seek help to address this serious handicap??
Pringle himself knows that he’s woefully deficient intellectually…No shade – just fact.
He went twice and perhaps was
embarrassed by his short comings. I can understand not wanting to be in a situation where this would be on display.
Frankly speaking, I don’t think Pringle really believes this improvement is necessary –because his seat is SAFE — and he makes more money in opposition anyways.
The desire to change requires a conviction that the change is necessary and that you truly want it.
Mr. Pringle is LAZY INTELLECTUALLY. He has zero interest in education, understanding, knowledge and wisdom. He makes more money under LABOUR PARTY GOVERNMENT than ever before. Even the huge amount he made from the same SIDS CONFERENCE that he protest against.
You think he don’t know what he doing?? He purposely kip way from the “ELITIST HOITY-TOITY” cult leadership-within-the-leadrrship hooligans
Daryll Matthew, you know all that you say is a big lie The UPP does not dismiss higher education for Antiguans. And you know it.
You were your cousin, Kiron campaign manager. In the middle of his campaign for Rural South you turned traitor and went over to Gaston Browne. Traitor! Those things are eventually paid for. You wait and see.
Have your forgotten that you were part of the UPP when the Five Islands Secondary school was acquired for the young people of the Rural West community by the Hon Baldwin Spencer? You must remember that the UPP had already set up a committee to work on the University of Antigua and they had started too present their plans?
But your spiteful leader who doesn’t want anything UPP did good to be acceptable to the nation decided to rob those poor children of their secondary school. Bow Tie Michael Browne saw the school and decided that it was too good for picky-head people children. Wicked? Spiteful! When are you and Gaston Browne going to give back the children their school?
You have to remember the reasons for building that secondary school. It was to service the young people of that constituency and others areas because Ottos Comprehensive and PMS were overcrowded. You know that. The base was identified by the UPP as the perfect place (and still is) to turn into the centre of higher learning.
When your new boss Gaston Browne brought on board a man like Beckles who saw this as a way to rekindle his fading legacy, you became a choir boy to your leader.
It was well known that that school at Five Islands was not suited to be a University. At least in the tradition of the UWI that many here graduated from. All the UWI’s have specialties. What is this one?
The worse part is that your ministry has cannabalized the State College to make up numbers there of persons who do not even have entry qualifications. The place is like a glorified Sixth Form and the institutions of addition learning are all suffering while Gaston Browne plows ever cent of the education budget into the B & B (Browne and Beckles) University.
Gaston Browne radio station has two hard-tone man who acting like they are the only people to go to a university. The muscle one is suddenly the brightest man on Antigua. He now knows everything and loves to correct people. He knows that what Daryl is saying about UPP is not true but as long as he could go down Five Islands he does not care.
So stop the lying, traitor Daryl. These things could come back to haunt you. Not the Dawg. He is highly favoured by the evil one.
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