It has come to my attention that today in a civil suit in the Magistrates’ Court, the learned Chief Magistrate has issued a bench warrant. Bench warrants are issued to secure the attendances of witnesses or defendants, to my knowledge in criminal matters. In this civil suit my attorney was present, but due to illness I was not. I was first made aware of the warrant by my attorney and then by social media. I have had no other communication from anyone including the Court on this matter.
The issuance of the warrant gives the impression that I have willfully disobeyed a summons to attend Court. This is not the case. I am defending what I consider a most outrageous claim against me. On the last occasion that the matter was heard the Learned Magistrate adjourned for the claimant to get documents and/or witnesses he said that he had but did not bring to Court.
The matter was set for continuation on 09th September at 2.00 pm. However, due to illness I was unable to attend. I did produce a sick certificate and my attorney did attend in my absence. It was my wish and request that the matter continue in my absence.
It is my understanding that the Magistrate did refuse to accept the sick certificate and then forcefully by police officers brought the doctor to Court, leaving some seventy patients awaiting his care. The Learned Magistrate also refused to proceed in my absence, I do not know why.
Having examined the doctor the matter was adjourned to the 21st September. I do not know why the Learned Magistrate has taken this course of action to issue a warrant.
I wish to assure the people of St Peter’s and the general public of Antigua and Barbuda that I will always abide by the decisions of our Courts. I have requested no special treatment, nor do I expect such from our Courts or judiciary. However I do not expect to be treated in any lesser way than my fellow man.
Rest assured that I will seek appropriate redress.
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If I am to go by the statement issued by the Hon. Asot Michael, then I am left to conclude that there is something rotten in the state of Denmark! What say you, Chief Magistrate???
😂😂😂😂😂😂🏏…I am looking for a bowler! No MASKS required, on the cricket field!
Asot, as usual is MASKING the truth, with his spin like a Cedar Tap, spinning at mac speed!
This time, the joke’s on him!
Alcohol really is Spirit, and can morph into an uncontrollable deadly one, as it energizes your cells, especially if one is under its SPELL.
…school pickey neargah, say dat him claim, Nana and Papa Elegba wuk Obeah pan he, and hab Jumbee a chase he, lakkah blood hounds!
This to me is outrageous on the magistrate behalf justice must not just be done but be seen to be done for her to go that distance need a explanation magistrate have to understand that they are public servants and when the fairness of the court is in question the public deserves answers dont have to come from the magistrate in question but from the judiciary.
These magistrate seems very much to operate by they mood or purely by the power of the chair. If a medical professional deems someone unfit to attend court we must the complainant be penalize or the doctor is dragged before court.
Magistrate must understand that powers resides in the law and not the chair when a magistrate actions is questionable it can bring the court into disrepute and the persons who are affected site some level of prejudice in there matter and if such is established then the magistrate should be remove from the matter.
Sad to say our justice system is in a mess and is not the chief magistrate behave so the thomas magistrate in the family court is just as bad she does as her like is her court she treats persons as if they are criminals in a family court mediation is total not present in her court we are we trwated like this by these magistrate
But this going a while now so asot you just got it but poor people getting it worse.
He always “sick” for these matters but never too sick to do his wutlessness.
Guilty or innocent or whatever, some people on the street are saying it looks like Asot might be at the end of his political career. What is going on with this man anyway? Is everything okay?
@Maynard, the streets are talking .
It was also stated by other news outlet Ms Walsh summons his Dr to court who advice the court that he was in good enough health to attend the hearing…
@Ras Smood: You too terrible.Maybe Jumbee Pickney a chase he.In my opinion.Asot needs to see any bottles of spirits and run like hell.
@The Falcon and the Snowman – I can only manage, one terrible. Because, by the time, that I’m approaching two, my 92 year young mother, would already have, the cast iron skillet in hand, aiming for my mouth!
And, one lash with that skillet from her, will definitely give birth, to Jumbee Picknee!
A wah guarne?
@Ras Smood: What has become of our Brother,Skyewill.I have not seen a post from him for some time now.Just hoping he is doing well.
@The Falcon and the Snowman…Skye’s keeping well from, all reports! Like everybody else; he’s staying close to home base. COVID-19 is some trying, crazy, fluent, you know what! But, we’re prepared.
Stay well, and safe!
If the statement is correct as indicated by the MP. Something is drastically wrong with the Magestrate decision.
ANR what is the matter about? Who is involved in the matter?
The story is deliberately ambiguous. Why?
No free media, everything has a price? Really?
Sounds like they are trying to get Asot out by any means. It’s sad. He is a great politician and looks out for his people. He helps them a lot and does a lot for the community. The PM has an ego and an agenda.
This is corruption at its best. It’s sad that Antiguans accept anything being done in their country
How much were u paid to post this crap?
Wheels are in motion to have that seat vacated…….Young lady hope there is nothing in your past that will cause you to withdraw. Me smell someting an me know anna me mout so it muss be fishy!
Asot Michael vs John Public.
From Asot’s corner: Statements easily verifiable by requisite evidence.
From the podium of John Public :
Hallucinations, innuendos, what-ifs, trash talk.
Heaven help us all. Guess this is the negative side of the highly touted “free speech”.
Maby we will soon hear a recording of him and the doctor discussing how to give him an alibi
Of course the doctor would have no idea at all that anything was being recorded, but keep repeating Asot name so there is no confusion who he ah talk to….
@Cool Ruler…😂😂😂👀R U a kill me teeday! Lard Gad, han mercy pan me, me cousin Percy and Tanny!
Me thinks something underhand going on here to get Asot out of the way to make room for the big dawg nominee. Modus operandi of the Labour Party. Didn’t Papa Bird have George Walters jailed so he could never run against him again? There is no love and loyalty in the Labour Party. Just wickedness and thieving and when the leader thinks you are no longer useful, you will be discarded like garbage.
Since when a magistrate in a democratic country can have police escort a doctor to court to give evidence against his patient about his health? Doesn’t the patient have to give consent? If the doctor says he is unable to attend court because of health issues, what gives the magistrate the power to question it? I Think this is an abuse of power.
I hope the magistrate is not in somebody’s pocket as people in law enforcement should be above reproach.
I am not a fan of Asot Michael.However,the Court must exercise fairness to all.Regardless of whom those persons standings are in Public.This is a Civil matter.Not a criminal one.So in my opinion the matter could have been heard in his absence.A judgement could have been reached.Because he had his Lawyers there to represent him.I do not see why his Doctor was escorted to the Court.Unless he was subpoenaed to do so.And did not show up.I as an individual have never been to any Courts.For any criminal and or civil matters.However,I have heard some real scary things about this Magistrate and her decisions in Court cases.I would say no more at this time.Go back to this medium from some weeks ago.With all of those cases in the Courts involved older men and sex with underage girls.The results of those Judgments.
@ Take Note.
Take note that the Father of the Nation, the Rt. Hon. V. C. Bird did NOT lock up Sir George Walter. His malfeasance in public office did, having been found guilty by a jury of his peers. Take note that as Premier, George Walter imported steel frames ostensibly for, the GOVERNMENT ( PLM,) but converted same for his/his family’s personal use. Sounds familiar? Stop trying to distort history lest your version of the truth makes its way to a shelf in the National Library, right next to ‘To Shoot Hard Labour’ and other works of fiction.
He bought 2 sets of steel frames from Dominica.He then sold one set to his own Administration for the prices of both steel frames.So in essence he got his steel frame for free.That should not have happened.It was wrong then.It is right now,in 2020.For worse than that is going on every day in Governance in Antigua and Barbuda.Not one darn thing is being done about it.Malfeasance in Public Office needs to be sterilized.Politicians needs to be brought before the Courts.What Courts? Which Courts? In my opinion,those in positions to Administer Justice impartially are in the same Lodges as the Politicians.Hence the rogue mentality and behaviors in Public Office.
Elmo at large again.
@The Falcon and the Snowman…Skye’s keeping well from, all reports! Like everybody else; he’s staying close to home base. COVID-19 is some trying, crazy, fluent, you know what! But, we’re prepared.
Stay well, and safe!
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