MP Algernon Watts Returns From China Trip

MP Watts, with other officials/ PHOTO WAYNE MARIETTE

MP for St. George, Algernon Watts, described his three-week trip to China as a “rich experience,” highlighting advancements in hybrid corn and pepper production. Organized by Yuan Longping High-Tech Agriculture Co and the Chinese government, the trip exposed Watts to modern agricultural techniques, which he discussed on his radio show. He emphasized the need for Antigua to advance its agriculture industry, seeing it as a business that requires investment beyond government support.

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  1. 4 CLOWNS 🤡 in the photo.

    One is referred to by Man Cow as LAZY!!! He nah even have a Facebook page. Tings so good under LABOUR PARTY that he gone run taxi making 💰

    The other them say is “HALFWAY BTWN HEAVEN AND HELL”

    The next one is a GERIATRIC SENATOR taking up th3 spot that UPP promised to the youth. All he good for a deceive liat employees and chat shit!!

  2. Kudos to him on being willing to learn. Clearly unlike some of the UPP supporters he understands that China has much to offer that can move A&B forward

  3. Modern and Useful are not always the same thing… Did he take along a technical consultant with a certificate or degree in agriculture and many years of farming experience to evaluate the feasibility, utility, pros and cons etc. of these techniques in the context of our region? China is a wonderful country with interesting innovations, but they are not renown for health and longevity. In fact, at one point the life expectancy was very low compared to other countries. Their climate, environment etc. is also very different than ours. And what kind of hybrids are these – natural or GM? Wouldn’t it be better to get advice on food systems and agriculture from countries known to be excellent at those? What about visiting Japan or some Mediterranean countries known for health and longevity instead? It’s a bit dangerous to have politicians making decisions on food systems for political reasons instead of truly finding the best systems for the country in consultation with independent local and international experts in the field.

  4. I was listening to the praise for this trip, don’t get me wrong any education is a god thing. I will also go one step further and say the Chinese have made great strides in Agricultural Technology.

    However big picture is Antigua can not afford the Technology they are using. This Technology is so far in our future that we can almost call it a dream at this time.

    Who will pay for it
    Who will fix it when it breaks
    Where in Antigua has the infrastructure
    Who will provide the tools to use it
    Who will maintain it
    Who will control it.

    I’ll tell you, CHINA.

    It is important to consider these things, but more importantly, it is more important to build a foundation to sustain these things. Antigua has no foundation for this yet.

    Why don’t we start with what we already know and support our existing farmers, invest in Agri Education, mandate big hotels and grocery stores to buy locally what is being grown here and what can be grown here.

    Then we can start taking steps to get to this dream. One step at a time.

  5. @tenman October 9, 2024 At 5:25 pm
    Tenman, you really think he has the brain capacity to learn anything. I really doubt that. All it was I believe is making use of a free trip all expenses paid. I applaud the Chinese government for making this happen and not letting it be only the government appointed persons. Because it is sad that the Chinese came here to transfer lots of agriculture knowledge over to our farmers and almost none of them took the opportunity. It was just a waste of time and money for the Chinese. What I think the Chinese should do is bring agriculture teachers here and let them teach our young students the new agriculture techniques and encourage some to start early in the profession. There is lots of money to be made in Agriculture. If done by the new technologies. You know these days farmers wear suites in Europe to go to their farm which are large green houses. And they wear white coats like doctors. Their hands do not get dirty nor their feet. Because the ground in the green house is tiled. They inspect the quality of their crops on a daily basis. That is where our agriculture needs to go. At least those crops that can be planted in green houses like, tomatoes, bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, Brussel sprout, Spinach and many others.

  6. he posted a video to this social media saying he learning kungfu.. WASTED MONIES!!! it was a just a FREE TRIP for the snake!!!!!

  7. @No October 9, 2024 At 10:17 pm
    Stupidity should really be a crime. because here you have a topic that people can contribute intelligently to, and you say this stupid thing that, “We don’t need industrialized food.”
    Maybe you do not understand what new technology means. But it in simple term it mean we will work smarter and not harder. We are not going to let pest and other bugs and bacteria, damage our crops. We’re going to study the crops and ensure the quality we are producing is of a very high standard. We’re going to use less chemical pesticide by controlling our environment.
    Agriculture is a science and therefore it is not something these days for school dropouts. Because you remember from your early school days that not all brains understand science, let alone Math. That is why I do not understand that anyone can go to CMC farmers depot and buy chemicals, not knowing how to use it. Thank God we have not been poisoned as yet. Many of those chemicals have warning signs on them saying “Dangerous”.

  8. I see the Labourite vultures are out in force. @Tinman,Forget et al. Let’s not forget the fake, Watching@ above. Why you Labourites can’t come up with you own damn moniker? Eh,eh! Tinman raises his compromised, political prostitute head. Again. Come on Tin,explain to us the silence of the FSRC. Where is Stroll’s money? The Barbuda Irma money?
    Anyway, to the matter at hand.
    Are you dirty, bad-minded, mudslinging Labourites capable of anything other than kissing Gaston Browne’s derriere?
    ALP historically has NEVER been kind to agriculture. V.C Bird thought it was slavery. What it bun you all that Algenon Watts added class and quality to the trip? That he actually came back with a report on the trip? Your ALP politicians rape the treasury, taking millions in per diem and NEVER bring back anything to benefit the country.
    Ah,it makes you clowns nervous that in spite of all your efforts to mash up UPP, they’re still standing.
    Beware Labourites! The babyface traitor’s days are numbered. With the stroke of a pen,this whole thing could blow up in your face and you’re staring another bi-election in the face. A guaranteed loss for ALP. With the Sadad on the brink,his condition hidden from the public, (in normal countries the public is kept abrest of these things,because they’re the employers. Of course, unless you’re the DAWG who hides a sick man to win an election) we’re back to square one. Deal with that Labourites


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