Mother Relocates Daughter Abroad Amid Death Threats Following Investigation into Achazia James’s Death


A mother, worried for her daughter’s safety, has quickly relocated her from Antigua and Barbuda.

The young girl was recently questioned by authorities regarding the tragic death of Achazia James, whose body was found with multiple wounds on Runaway Beach last Sunday.

Following the police interview, the teenager received severe death threats from a gang linked to James’s death.

To protect her, the family decided to move her abroad and has informed authorities about the threats.

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  1. Like seriously what is going on? This is a height of stupidity and nonsense. I just hope that little girl will be ok and no harm comes to her. Parents we have to be vigilant with our children. See this thing that name social media. I can bet my last dollar. That , that is how these wicked people get in contact with this little girl. Be careful what they engage in, conversations and check their Facebook, Instagram etc. I always vowed I’m not going to buy no phone for my children. They going to have wait until they start work for them owener money. Some people get vex, and say I’m old fashioned. Well look what is happening in my little island. I not God, but I pray for my children and I check on their social media content. And I’m absolutely strict about not posting pictures of themselves on any social media. No tik tok nonsense, they don’t need to be advertising them young little selves. Do what you can to protect your children, it’s nasty ,evil world out there. Boy, mmmmm…………..let me stop here, cause I’m so outraged at this .

  2. and it must be asked…how could the content of an interview with police trigger death threats against the interviewee? How they find out what she tell de police?

  3. Oh please kids meet people everywhere they go even at school not only social media you do know they have parental control apps on devices right if there is a case that your child have to contact you how will they cause I think it’s pretty dangerous to ask a stranger to borrow there electronical devices

  4. Dear Prime Minister Browne,

    This is now getting totally out of hand with these criminal elements plaguing the country at present.

    Please correct me if I’m wrong, but when someone, a group/gang or even a country declares warfare or armed conflict, shouldn’t we respond in kind?

    Unless I’m missing something here Prime Minister, do these criminals have more FIREPOWER than this government? then if so, please accept my misgivings and misunderstanding of this dire situation.

    Antigua & Barbuda, and especially the ABLP are being goaded by these utter miscreants.

    The country looks forward to your response … and not your STRONG words.



  5. Any body being questioned about the little girls murder shouldn’t have the option to fly out. Especially if they don’t know if the person is involved or even there on the sceen of the murder. Reguardless

  6. And you have now made it public instead of silently sending her away safely.

    Btw…..What does she know why she is being threatened?

  7. So if she was involved she is now out of the country and safe? While the family still mourn the loss of their loved one.

  8. All you mothers out there that have young girls 16 and under and cannot control them ,we have a department to help u deal with them and some of you parents show no sort of example to these young girls,ebay can cup knack you allowed them to go and you yourself as a parent just like them so you carnt help, a child should be well monitored and u must show respect ro get respect ,not becas they don’t goplaces, or they do t get expensive phone mean that you do t love them..parenting is not for everyone but you have sex u get pregnant and that’s what happened. Keep your children off of social media is 18 and up..some of you parents is dam well to blame of all these crime plaguing our community.

  9. Is free Visas and American citizenship are you a look? it was not just threatening the daughter alone but the family so why all are you didn’t hall ya raises out Antigua then?? ..

  10. What if she was involved? Because by all “Street reports” its her friends that turned on her!
    Now she’s out of jurisdiction???

  11. You, Pelle,have no good intentions for Antigua/Barbuda. A man who has been for years, accused of all sorts of criminal activities, a trigger-happy, barbaric individual and one who is presently before the courts for allegedly attempting to steal our identities and you are hailing for him to make a return? Guy, be careful what you wish for.

  12. All im saying this shouldn’t hit news if you got death threats. Which means this is something serious cuz why threaten the sister as well? Something is wrong,but at the same time they had no right in murdering that child. I hear the old proverb saying you live by the sword you die by the sword. This report should have been under secret only to the police and a few family members,you still have to becareful who you tell cuz you can’t even trust people these days. Friend a walk a kill friend. Brother a walk a kill brother and sister a walk a ride sister man and mother a walk a ride pickney man. If you ketch where I’m coming from. This was a mistake putting this on social media if you really wanted safety for your child. Don’t trust a soul you hear I tell you.

  13. All im saying this shouldn’t hit news if you got death threats. Which means this is something serious cuz why threaten the sister as well? Something is wrong,but at the same time they had no right in murdering that child. I hear the old proverb saying you live by the sword you die by the sword. This report should have been under secret only to the police and a few family members,you still have to becareful who you tell cuz you can’t even trust people these days. I hope there’s justice for the Spanish girl,this young girl too.

  14. Many of these violent young people from these gangs are young. I hope when the Police clean them up we don’t hear any crying and gnashing of teeth. The Police must be supported to clean up for the good of all of us and the country. It is my understanding that the deceased young lady and the friend who was interviewed were/are both members of a gang. Nuff said

  15. There are a lot of ignorant comments here. Especially the one talking about if they looking free visa, or others saying it’s just a threat. God forbid if any of these idiots chop your children up, dismembered their body parts and then drop them on a beach. Tell me if you wouldn’t take the threat serious. Antiguans are pathetic. I am an Antiguan and I can’t believe the ignorance I’m seeing here. Whether the daughter involved or not, it’s still a threat and getting her out was best.

  16. I think y’all who are saying “this shouldn’t have made the news” are DRAGGING it. I think this is RELEVANT news! They were very mindful not to release the name of the child, nor the new location. It was never that deep, y’all really need to relax.

    For the public it’s literally just a means of understanding the measure that the child’s parents are undergoing in order to keep her safe. Which, to each his own, nobody is telling you what to do with your child. These parents obviously fear for her safety. There’s nothing wrong with the post.

    Name? Not released.
    Parents name? Not released.
    Location? Not released.

  17. RAY JOHN?????
    That is your solution.
    I think that would be an excellent choice.
    Bring back an accused criminal, that would really be a nice look for Antigua….

  18. Ray John that sells passports? sin correcting sin?
    I need the police sharp shooters to find these gang members in Antigua and also the guys by Cool and Smooth and shoot them all with a high powered rifle killing them all on spot are you wicked!!

  19. These bastards all they know is that she spoke to the police. That’s enough for
    Them to get scared and issue a threat. It’s an old mafia code of conduct they are using.
    These are young kids who have no clue about life unfortunately the police has to grow a pair and do some serious gang intel. You gotta weed out the head and crush it.
    Disrupt their lives and then have them call a truce. They don’t seem to have a purpose and their crimes are random.
    The police know who they are so why they aren’t disturbing their peace and creating a sense of unease baffles me.
    Keep them on the run then move in and captur them one by one

  20. So where this did so called letter of threat came from

    Bcos ANYBODY could’ve write that

    Was it found on ur gallery
    Was it hand delivered
    How was the threat announce

    Or out of fear you feel sending her abroad will help

    And taking her out the country is clearly she knows what happened
    Why threaten them / her if they dnt know anything or said anything

    This note nar sit well with me

  21. Sooooooooo …..basically the police CID already know who the killer/ s are !

    Why haven’t they made any moves
    I believe from day one they knew who killed her but want confirmation
    So they got confirmation
    What they waiting on now

    Seems like the police too scared of 2 drily
    Or they carefully plotting bcos they know the gang dnt fraid dem ……like it gonna be a blood bath when the police strike.

    What has ANTIGUA come too where we now have gangs

    What has overtaken our youngsters bad parenting or music glorifying killing

  22. So y’all still coming on here talking to y’all self and not making groups or community groups to ensure the safety of our country yall just come online and talk y’all opinions then wait till something like this happen again or worst to talk bout it
    Most of yall who talking on here y’all haffa 35-50
    And y’all ain’t doing shit but point fingers y’all should stop it and be more aware of the powers y’all have am sick of seeing ppl my age go through depression while some y’all don’t care bout the youth until they react and listen to foreign people and do what they say cause all y’all do is say negative things bout us but won’t do anything bout it
    We are the government aren’t we?

  23. This gang just like all other gangs have some form of political affiliation and is serving their masters agenga.
    There is no way in Antigua this gang and its affiliates are not known to family members and law enforcement.
    This murder case, the shootings at Shanty Town, the body on fig tree drive and the body behind the stadium could be as a result of, A Local Mafia War.

    Is this a #WARNING to the #GREENee_HAUS?

    Jumbee Picknee aka Ras Smood
    De’Ole Dutty Peg🌚Garrat_Bastard

    Vere C. Edwards

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