The Cabinet invited eight officials from the Ministry of Finance, led by the Financial Secretary, to report on the revenue and fiscal performance of the nation in 2023, and for the first month of 2024.
The Ministry of Finance officials spent more than two hours, detailing the performance in the year just ended with the previous year of 2022.
The team also presented the fixed expenditure projected in the first quarter of 2024, compared to the anticipated revenue intake for the same 2024 period.
It was agreed that more vigorous collection of the ABST will be pursued, and that discretionary exemptions will be greatly reduced.
Each month, the Ministry of Finance team will report to the Cabinet using an agreed format that will reveal the success of the balance sought between revenue and expenditure.
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Same of script…havent we heard this before?
ABLP( A bunch of lying politicians )More jobs !less taxes!
Who remember that promise? Promise made promise break
In the labourites eyes wrong is right once labour party is doing it. It’s my party alot of duncites
Try collecting the sales tax from those who owe 51% and stop squeezing the poor Gaston Browne? What a joke you are, posing as finance minister, a job you are not qualified for.
Gaston Drown is trying to drown the poor in poverty, and uplift the rich for his personal benefits, the worst leader of all time
I recently explained to a restaurant owner that they were actually paying a lot more ABST then they should have. They were paying the ABST at every store where they purchased their supplies. Then they were collecting and remitting the full amount of ABST from customers to the IRD. They did not know that all of the ABST that they paid on their purchases should have been deducted from the money sent to the IRD.
This business owner uses an accountant to prepare the ABST remittances. So apparently, some accountants also do not understand how ABST is correctly calculated.
I can only wonder how many businesses in Antigua are in fact OVERPAYING their ABST remittances.
Gatson Browne is running this country like a Ponzi Scheme, he will show you great financial statements and talk about profits everywhere,only for when the people ask for their monies, none can be found, he’s too busy spending it.
Does someone with the name of “Allen Sanford” come to mind?
Same ole script..
bwoi I’m really sorry for my fellow Antiguan’s that they have to deal with this shit for 4 more years. Smdh!
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