Antigua and Barbuda will be hit with the reduction of 14 cruise calls for the next cruise season, new information has revealed.
In an email to stakeholders, President of the Cruise Association Nathan Dundas said: “Regrettably the cancellation of Fourteen (14) Cruise calls received today March 12th from Holland America Lines and Seabourn Cruise Lines commencing next season November 2019.”
The cancelled calls are listed below.
Seabourn Odyssey NOV 19 2019, Volendam Nov 15 2019, Seabourn Odyssey Nov 28 2019, Konigsdam Dec 11 2019, Seabourn Odyssey Dec 12 2019, Seabourn Sojourn Dec 23rd 2019, Seabourn
Dundas warned on Monday of possible additional cruise calls cancellations.
He was strongly criticised for his warning.
In a brief statement Prime Minister Gaston Browne said he was standing behind his decision to make steps to improve the cruise industry.
He said, “we will continue to stand firm and fight for economic justice, even in the face of the tyrannical interventions of the powerful. We want a sustaining profitable partnership for the empowerment of our people; not an exploitative, extractive cruise industry for the benefit of the few.”
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The FCCA is a bedroom bully!
Not sure if the PCA is trying to tell the government they need to listen to the PCA/FCCA and re-examine their programs or he gloating in the interest of playing politics within the organization or nationally. Hoping it’s not the latter and people will listen and communicate with all stakeholders to rectify the issues……this is not about politics more-so it’s the livelihoods of our people that is at stake.
Pirate (ships) come, they take, plunder and then leave.
Yada Yada. hey Mr Green where can i get that voice changing software you seem to be have used this morning?
LMAO…was thinking the same thing but in terms of accent.
On a serious note though now is not the time to be horsing around this is a serious topic with dire consequences if we do not right the ship (no pun intended) soonest.
“We want a sustaining profitable partnership for the empowerment of our people; not an exploitative, extractive cruise industry for the benefit of the few.” For the empowerment of “WHO”? So all the “changes” that have and are taking place in the Point area (for some time now) are for the empowerment of our people? How many of “our people” are going to benefit out of those changes? Without any cruise ships of substance I have to wonder if the “dredger” will continue to dredge on a daily basis, which we pay for. I have to ask the question who is/are the benefactor/s from the Global Ports agreement, why are we not seeing the apparent missing pages in the agreement/s and how long ago (in years) did the conversation with GBH begin? What is the origin of the fuel being pumped into cruise ships and where are all these cruise ships registered…One can only hope Antigua does not end up on any radars for disregarding sanctions.
Lord Jesus, Antigua and Barbuda need You. Our nation need healing.
Stand firm Antigua! Don’t be bullied or misled by these corporate giants.
I travel to your beautiful island about 2-3 times per annum, and I make sure that my hard earned wages go to the locals and the local economy; whereas the cruise ship visitors (as well as those who spend most of their money with the package hotels) do very little to boost Antigua’s local income.
No more kow towing to the corporates’, if it means losing more cruise ships in the season, so be it … STAND FIRM GASTON!!!
you are so right
The choir singers said it was only one ship we lost yesterday now today its 14, what will tomorrow bring. I cant wait to see what the distributed talking point is. Oh those aren’t real cruise ships they are sailboats.
The one on the side seems measured and insightful in his observations but the other 10 is frantically convincing us that it is raining while the ALP pisses on our heads.
Amidst all the name calling, this country is bigger than you and I. Now let us see who will be the man in the room. It would seem to me that a simple phone call summoning the President of the Cruise Association to the offices of the Prime Minister, to also include the Minister of Tourism, the CEO of the Tourism Authority and other stakeholders, would help to diffuse this tension and bring about some sensibility to this whole affair. At the end of the day, it’s all about Antigua, our image, our reputation and what is best for our country. I have no doubt that everyone wants the very best for Antigua & Barbuda, so why not lets talk about it and discontinue this hostility.
As a retired advertising executive of Travel Agent Magazine, I sanction these statements.
Oh boy, “When it rains it pours” the Donald Trump admin. has announced that the US government will impose secondary sanctions on all countries that support Maduro…………..
Jesus is coming soon.
IF GB were smart the GBH agreement would be revoked, not just because of these cancellations. It is a terrible deal and benefits who?????
Stand firm Antigua! Don’t be bullied or misled by these corporate giants.
I travel to your beautiful island about 2-3 times per annum, and I make sure that my hard earned wages go to the locals and the local economy; whereas the cruise ship visitors (as well as those who spend most of their money with the package hotels) do very little to boost Antigua’s local income.
No more kow towing to the corporates’, if it means losing more cruise ships in the season, so be it … STAND FIRM GASTON!!!
You come 2 – 3 time per year. We live here and have to deal with the fallout from this mess. A true supporter don’t stay in the safety of his yard and say fight on. Come and live the struggle then say fight on
Prime Minister Gaston Browne is correct. These Cruise Companies cannot dictate for Antigua and Barbuda . Thank God for our Strong and Decisive Prime Minister Gaston Browne . I was sooo happy to hear Mr. Saiid Greene handled the interview this morning. He did a FANTASTIC job. We need more Antiguans like Mr Greene to educate the Nationals about Global Ports. Global Ports will open Antigua to more Cruise Lines. The Representative for Global Ports mentioned in an interview on ZDK this morning. This wonderful for Antigua.
Antigua and Barbuda are fortunate to have a prime minister like Gaston Browne. A man who will tell you straight like it is. Others say he is arrogant. I say he has balls. Since the day he took office and the IMF wanted to show their power and force him into another one of their program, even though he was broke as hell, he told them to hit the road. At that time the entire UPP could only spell doom and gloom coming for this country. Gaston at that time didn’t know where the money would come from, but he stood his ground on his principle. Antigua and Barbuda would not bend over backwards nor forward for no body. And we have seen time and time again how he stood up for this country. Always showing courage and strength. And when the time came he even paid off the IMF before its time. He went to the United Nation and called out the USA for the manner in which they treat us in the WTO gaming dispute. Without fear. He called them out on Climate change. He stood up for Venezuela no matter what and we saw how we got listed or even left out when it comes to visa free access to Canada or special processing of US visa for our citizens. Now Royal Caribbean thinks they can bring him to his knees. They have something else coming. I do not bet but watch what will happen. When Royal Caribbean sees what is happening in Antigua and Bahama’s they will come begging to come back to our shores. Of course this will be done very diplomatic under the disguise of negotiations with GPH. But I believe Royal Caribbean has been mislead by their agent here as to how to respond and hurt the government. And one more thing. When the rest of the Caribbean will see the transformation going on in Antigua with GPH they too will fall in line and beg GPH to manage their port. And soon GPH will be the manager of almost all the cruise ports in this region. Cause what they can do we all, even when we come together could not do. And all because we did not stick together to demand better treatment from the cruise ships. Thank God GPH is willing to take up that fight on our behalf. One thing Royal Caribbean should understand we did survive before they came around and we will survive after they gone.
Mr. Dundas, I compliment you for being able to be who you are in a ‘foreign’ country. I am sure you are not at the helm become someone knew someone, so please embrace your ‘foreignness’. As a black individual I am very much embarrassed for the foreign-themed barrage of abuse. I need to know when did you suddenly become a foreigner?
The ‘foreigner-bashing’ just uncovered the hypocrisy about their love for non-nationals. Dundas did not give himself his position; his peers endorsed him over and over. On fact, his tenure has transcended various administrations. What has gone amiss now? Did he step out of line?
You know today after having listened to my favorite radio station, where the GPH reps made their case again to the Antiguan and Barbudan public, which they also did on the morning show with Darren Matthew Ward. I mean I must give it to Darren, He was at his best today. He didn’t hold any punches when questioning the people from GPH. I first had to laugh when he called them friends. I wonder what was up with him. If he had made friends so quickly with them. But then the truth came out of course he was as sharp as he could with his questioning. But of course these gentlemen are not inexperienced and know how to deal with him. They answered all his question and put right ALL the misinformation that the UPP and their cronies had been spreading. But as I said I turned to Observer to listen to Dave Lester Payne. And to my surprise there they were the two dummies. trying to so called safe the day. Spewing out all sort of nonintellectual and uneducated statements. One in particular made me laugh, as I thought really no wonder why I keep saying the UPP and their supporters are really a bunch of inept people. One of the leaders said. That if GPH would go in receivership the receivers would take hold of our port. Because they have a 30 year lease. Oh sorry thy claim it is 40 years. But on really has to wonder if these guys are for real. Just put it simple you are a tenant and you fail to pay the bank your loan and the bank will come and cease my property? How stupid can one be to think that a tenant can give a property he leases as property. Lets take the Barbudans. They are tenants of the land thy live on for life. Yet they cannot go to the bank and take out a mortgage because they have no title. That is the reason why the PM went to parliament to give them title. And because of this very same stupidity they still have not taken up the offer from the PM. So come a next hurricane and they suffer the same fate. Too bad for them. But as I say this simple principle cannot be grasped by these two gentlemen. The hold fast to their stupidity and would take many of their supporters with them. So So Sad. The blind leading the blind. We really need to set the standard higher and demand that people who want to lead the people must have some higher level of education. And then make it a criminal offence if they act below their ability.
The issue GHP will have to deal with big time when they take over is the enormous delinquent rent payment.The last time I saw the receivables from vendors and store owners it was in the millions of dollars. There is a culture that anything government should be for free. And government cannot evict you or they will get bad publicity. And given which party is in power and you are a supporter you certainly do not have to pay. That culture will come to an end with Global Port as the Landlord collecting the monies. But I warn them it will not be easy. Some of these merchants have not been paying their lease for month and they are been getting even more properties to rent. And since these merchants know the game will change they will make the most noise not to have Global Port manage the operation. The free ride is over guys.
And guess who was in charge of SJDC when all of that took place? A guy name Anthony Steward. Who now has the biggest mouth. Rather than to come and tell what happened under his stewardship. Max should show us the financials and the bad deals about the dredging when he was in power. What was the last financial report he completed when he was at the helm of SJDC. What a mess he left behind
All of these cruise lines are owned by Carnival Corporation. When Royal and NCL pull up anchor; then they should worry.
It’s all about the Carnival Corporation.
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