28 year old Shyrainne Joseph who was reported missing has been found.
A missing persons report was filed with Liberta Police station yesterday but the good news is that Shyrainne is okay.
The family is thankful for the tremendous show of support.
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These types of reports are nothing to take lightly in and im very glad she was found safe.
However, given her character at times I really hope it wasn’t a hoax to gain attention because sad to say she is that tyype of person.
I hope it’s not a hoax. IF it is, then she will need to be charged. I hope there is nothing out o order going on here. Maybe she was just visiting a friend(s).
Come on, wha happen she???? There has to be more to this story! And the people want to know.
Anna ya godamn business aru to f**ing nosy and want people business before aru mind aru own.
Your mouth needs a good soap-washing. Profanity usually indicates emotional problems. Others say it’s an attempt to get some attention. Who raise you anyway? What you trying to cover up? When people are declared missing that means $$$$ will be spent to find them. That’s tax dollars, and that’s the reason citizens have a right to know. Do you know something????
Anna aru f***ing business way di gyal min dey aru need fu mind aru own f**ing business an keep out other people own!
Your mother must be very proud of your filthy tongue. Nobody else is.
@Cuptz II- my mama is sleeping wid di angels so mi nah k. Anna aru f***ing business. Gwan go min aru own f***ing business and mek people business lone.
What kind of new article is this?
For such article the #1 thing is that she was missing or reported missing.
The #2 is how long she was missing for.
The #3 is what date/time did someone reported her mission.
I am glad for the good outcome, but our new writers need to pull up their socks.
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