Minors Implicated in Majority of Crimes, Says Attorney General
Attorney General and Public Safety Minister, Hon. Sir Steadroy Benjamin, revealed that minors are responsible for the majority of crimes in the country.
In a television interview the Attorney General cited alarming statistics that show over 85% of crimes are committed by young people, including both boys and girls.
The Attorney General referenced a recent armed robbery on Fort Road as a prime example.
The crime, which took place Wednesday morning at a pre-owned tyre shop, involved assailants estimated to be between 14 and 16 years of age.
The masked robbers made off with approximately $900 before fleeing towards the Princess Margaret School Playing Field.
“It appears that it is the young people in the country who are involved in crime,” Sir Steadroy Benjamin remarked. “Our records show that they are responsible for over 85% of the crimes being committed in the state. Regrettably, this does not involve men alone; it involves young girls as well.”
In response to this disturbing trend, the Attorney General announced plans to introduce anti-gang legislation in Parliament. “We have gangs all over this country,” he said. “We will not allow that to fester; we will not allow it to grow. We shall nip it in the bud.”
The proposed legislation is expected to target the growing issue of youth involvement in criminal activities, aiming to curb the influence of gangs and prevent young people from falling into a life of crime.
The Attorney General’s statements have sparked a national conversation about the role of youth in crime and the urgent need for intervention to address this crisis.
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The law currently does not allow for the disclosure of the identify of minors who commits a crime. We are in crisis mode now and this should be changed, even temporarily. There also needs to be provisions for them to be charged as adults at the judge’s discretion without the intervention of politicians. These young criminals with connections are ruining the country and it’s reputation while those playing politics allow themselves to be prostituted for a vote.
85% of crimes are committed by minors? So, my recommendation published here to send officers into school since 2022 to conduct classes pertaining to safety and hearing what kind of policing children want to see could have since then deter minors from committing crimes and Learn of these gangs made up of minors since 2022 when I publish that article on this same news portal?
Are you telling me the government that include the PM, AG, COP and deputy is to blame because I literally sent them a copy of that idea which I said can be used to determine them from committing crimes and learning from students who want to see the police taking certain kind of actions because they are in fear of certain groups and gangs and will easier be able to express that in a safety class performed by officers dressed in their ceremonial uniforms?
Does anyone on this platform remember this suggestions in 2022 and as recent as yesterday?
More evidence of my skills in this area? Yep. Will they listen, nope.
now what if some was to takebmatters in their own hands and just start shooting all of them dead?
Police start running up on the places known drug dealers and bad man frequent. There are plenty more guns and drugs on our streets.
someone need to start killing these youngsters I fnt care there age!!! once you involved in crime you must die!! I praying to God they try rob the wrong person one dsy an that person spray them with bullets killing them this is over doing now they starting too freaking young someone need to tske them out
Until the recent crime wave of armed robberies, why wasn’t the public made aware of this statistic as the say.
Cutie Bejamin is corrupt and incompetent. Gaston Browne can’t fire him for Gaston needs him to do his dirty work.
If the overwhelming majority of the crimes are being committed by minors, what is the Minister of Public Safety doing to address an insecure public.
They claim they are going to be using AI to help them tackle the crime epidemic; but they are still using outdated statistics rather than real time data.
Where are the AI teams of machine learning engineers with expertise in algorithms.
If we don’t have any in Codrington, there certainly aren’t ant in St Johns
They throw around words to a gullible public. Neither Gaston, Cutie or the police brass have a clue.
ABLP and Gaston plays on the emotional immaturity and short memory of the public. The crime epidemic is not going away unless its addressed. Tourism is likely to decline as a result in the future.
Keep these reprobates out of Codrington
Look at what is happening to the country that only invests in TOURISM.
So much money is spent making tourists happy what about investing in your young people. Young people are bored and only have the internet to occupy them- of course they are going to start to copy what they see.
It’s a very sad situation but the government will never wake up and start to invest in young people. They only care about making their tourists happy and when their own children are off school they’re straight out of the country…
They don’t care about the average person.
How do law enforcement ascertain the ages of the minors? Are they just asking them how old they are and taking their word? Some children looks younger than their age. I’ll tell y’all something young shoplifters would do in NYC. If they are caught, they would tell the police they are under 16 years that why the police you just let them go without a parent having to come get them. I’m not willing to buy that 85% number. I do believe some minors are involved in criminal activities but I think that percentage is an over exaggeration to justify the curfew on that cohort.
*would* let them go
Boo shit
Dawg shit
Bird shit
Diarrhoea of the mouth
Well, we need to start holding the useless parents accountable. Charge the parents with their degenerate kids.
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