Ministry of Education Introduces Policy to Address Student Hair Practices

Rear view of African girl with braided hair at studio

CABINET NOTES -The Minister of Education presented a draft Student Hair Policy given the difference in practice that have been identified within several public schools.

The policy signals that school rules should not discriminate against students based on the natural texture, length or natural color of the students’ natural hair; this rule would not preclude extensions, but brightly artificial colored hair that does not occur in nature will likely be deemed unacceptable.

Their hair should be neat, groomed, clean and orderly in its presentation. Further hair should not pose a health risk to the wearer or others and cannot be a distraction to the general school population.

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  1. This is a start,but needs work. The instructions leave room for all kinds interpretation. For example, are you saying that students can now braid their hair? The word”preclude” suggest rule out in advance but including “not” changes the whole meaning.
    The clowns sitting in Cabinet could have asked a committee to include active teachers, hair stylists etc, to come up with a more practical, placid policy.
    Let’s see how it pans out.

  2. Dear MoE and Cabinet please review this policy immediately before Monday marrrning.

    “preclude extensions”???????????????

    What length of extensions is acceptable; cause know arh dayz the woman them extensions laaanger than them morale character.

    So please have an emergency meeting between this afternoon Friday and Sunday midnight, to discuss:
    1. a basis of acceptable types of extensions
    2. a basis of acceptable lengths of extensions

    Please and thunk you!

    yes and I know some fool gonna come and say that ppl should know better but apparently lots of fools dont know better!!

  3. Well all these parents who send their kids to school with long braids and weaves need to let children just be children

  4. Sound good but maybe elaborate on it more to make it clearer because some people will try put hair dye in and say it’s the natural hair colour. They need to be specific so these young people can present themselves in a more proper manner. Some will put on head coverings to hide the outrageous styles. They need to say only children of Rasta parents can wear tams or turbans to cover their locs, but otherwise it is a good policy.

  5. My request to the ministry of edu is for them to implement a mandatory resume and interview program from primary to secondary school and this program will add points to their completed grad point average to graduate. The program should not be coed, but have male mentors teach the boys in primary how to tie a tie two ways and how to dress for a job interview and how to grammatically articulate themselves during an interview ie what to say and not say, posture, grooming, cutting of fingernails or filing them. Even if it is for a job for construction or digging a ditch or solid waste you still need to present and articulate yourself in the right manner. The class should also have managers from different sectors come in and conduct mock interviews for students and elaborate on the downfalls they encounter with interviewees. The female students should be taught by women presenters on how to dress for an interview and stress the fact that a skirt should not be above their knees or tight especially when our ladies possess curves and tight clothes only take away from the qualities they possess and attributes they could add to the job as a potential employee. During the Secondary school portion of this program they should focus on more interview prepping skills, articulation and grammar, but also the important part of this section for secondary school should be focused on constructing a resume and typing skills for both males and female students. I hope someone take my suggestion into account. I am sure private mentor groups might do this stuff but it needs to be part of the school curriculum.

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