Minister Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin expresses sympathy at passing of Michael Burton

Michael Burton


“Before Michael Burton was my political rival, he was my friend and protégé, I am truly sorry to learn of his passing”.


That is how Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney-General, Steadroy ‘Cutie’ Benjamin reacted to the news of the death of Michael Burton.

Mr Burton died today at a facility in the United States after ailing for some time.  He was a candidate in the 2018 general elections on a United Progressive Party ticket, running against Minister Benjamin who is the elected representative, on behalf of the Antigua and Barbuda Labour Party, for the constituency of St John’s City South.


In expressing his sincere condolences to the family and friends of Mr Burton, Minister Benjamin recalled his early association with Michael Burton.

He said that “Michael was a member of ‘Cutie’s Ovals OJ’, one of three basketball teams that I had established.  He also worked with me in my constituency, and I was very fond of him”.

The Minister said that he chooses to remember Michael Burton, “not as a rival for political office, but as a friend and supporter”, adding that “we had fruitful times together”.

On behalf of the people of St John’s City South and on his own behalf, Minister Benjamin said “Our sincerest sympathy goes out to Michael’s family and friends.  Our hearts and our prayers are with them at this tragic time.  May Michael rest in peace”.


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    • I been wondering the same thing? Why is this guy called “Cutie”? Maybe he was a cute little baby when he born. Can somebody explain?

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