Michael Freeland hits the ground running as new ABLP Caretaker for St. George


Michael Freeland, the newly elected ABLP caretaker for St. George, along with Comrade Rayne and the Public Works team, spearheaded a critical drainage improvement project in Potters today. This initiative aims to enhance flood prevention measures in the community ahead of the upcoming hurricane season.

In a statement, Freeland expressed his gratitude to Hon. Maria Bird-Browne and the Ministry of Works for their support. “Special thanks to Hon. Maria Bird-Browne, the Ministry of Works, and the Public Works Department for their dedication to this essential project,” Freeland said.

The collaborative effort between Freeland, Comrade Rayne, and the Public Works team aims to improve the community’s drainage system to help safeguard residents during heavy rains. “I am grateful to Comrade Rayne for joining me to ensure relief for the people of Potters ahead of the hurricane season,” Freeland added.

Highlighting the importance of teamwork, Freeland noted, “When there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.”

The project, which includes clearing blocked channels and enhancing water flow, is expected to significantly reduce flood risks as the region prepares for another active hurricane season. Residents of Potters have praised the proactive measures, confident that these improvements will bolster their community’s resilience during future storms.

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  1. Just wondering if the sitting MP had approached Maria Bird-Browne if he would have gotten such quick response or any at all, I think not, not with the shitty politics practiced in Antigus and the Gaston Browne regime

    • He has no interest in approaching anyone fir anything. A lady approached the sitting MP about helping her children to pay for their CXCs. He went on a helluva RANT on Facebook cussing de woman.

  2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! So as soon as Michael Freeland is elected labour party caretaker he begins to see the needs of the constituency.
    I almost though that he was an opposition caretaker.
    Is he aware that is is his government in power?
    Serpent has done so much and can only do so much for the constituency from his pocket.
    I hope the people of St George remember it was Freeland party leader who said that constituencies who rejected his government would never see development. So when Freeland comes as the light and shining armour on his Trojan horse he is just doing the prime minister’s bidding.
    He is not in the constituency doing anything out of love. He had his opportunity to show love to Rural East however he stepped aside to allow the prmine minister to begin to build his family dynasty.

  3. Good job guys. There will be naysayers cause some of us are so political and just cannot help our mouths from spewing garbage all the time. The people and community of st. George’s will be better for your collaborative efforts. Keep it going.


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