The Daily Observer: If what the AIDS Programme Manager suspects is true, then most men who are infected with the HIV virus in Antigua and Barbuda could be bisexual.
Delcora Williams voiced that theory during an interview on Observer radio earlier this week.
Her assertion is based on the trend of the transmission of the virus among local men who have been recording the highest number of infections since HIV was first detected here around 1985.
“Most of our males [who are known to be HIV positive] are bisexual but they don’t want to admit that. They are going to want to look ‘normal’, and so they are going to have their man on the side and their girlfriend that makes them look ‘normal’,” she explained.
Williams said that in situations like these, the HIV virus will spread much quicker among the population.
“The woman is at risk because he is having sex with another man which is riskier because the anal sphincter gets torn and the virus is transmitted more easily,” she explained.
Meanwhile, HIV positive people are not legally required to inform their employers about their status and they can take legal action against any company if they are fired because of their illness.
“[A worker who is] cleaning a bed, washing dishes, teaching, whatever profession, does not transmit HIV. In Antigua and Barbuda, the major modes of transmission [are] unprotected sexual intercourse and from a mother to her baby,” the AIDS programme manager said.
A patient who contracts HIV may develop full blown AIDS, which causes complications that may also lead to death.
However, over the years, the disease has been successfully treated through the use of antiretroviral drugs.
Antigua and Barbuda has also successfully eliminated mother to child transmission of HIV.
To date, 1,304 persons — 684 men, 591 women and 29 children in the country — have tested positive for the HIV virus, while 301 patients have died. — Observer Media
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When you married but need a Nikes money lol
Bisexuality is rampant in this country. Over half of the men are into it and the majority of the others are curious and in the right circumstances would consider it. That’s why we have these problems.
How do you know that for a fact? Hmmmm
Even many guys who consider themselves “hetrosexual” are into bi-sexuality, but they don’t consider themselves “gay”. Usually they say they are just “curious”, but they must like it because they keep on doing it over and over. Hence, the problem we have.
How come if a lot of the men who have it are bisexual there are only 16% more men than women who have tested positive? You need to factor in bisexuals with gay only, and overlap of bisexuals with other already HIV men.
In the UK its over 70% of HIV positive people are men where homosex is allowed.
I more believe is woman that selling their body that giving it to all these men cause sex sells in Antigua like hotbread. These women sleep with numerous partners knowing that they are infected but they don’t care cause they are after the money.
And socially accepted here
And men and women regularly coverup and lie for the cheater
There are only 8 cases of covid but over a 1000 cases of AIDS! Let’s talk about that let’s have cabinet meetings about that. Get your priority in order Antigua
The test as few people as possible to keep the numbers as artificially low as possible
Also HIV isn’t spread by respiratory droplets and aerosols
And you’re not going to die within a few weeks of getting HIV
And there are treatments for HIV such that you can have a normal life
I considered this but Antiguans are unhealthy and overweight. If we had a COVID problem, I believe our hospital admissions and death rate would be higher. In the USA it says this virus affects black and brown people disproportionately so unless we are super strong, I think we would see it
Agree 👍
I don’t think the stats are that stark. Yes, many men are on the downlow. Yes, many bisexuals exist. But let’s get our sets and sub-sets correct.
Parents please pray for your children; sexuality is now almost a lucky dip. Wives pray for your husbands and vice versa. Unwed couples, first be true to thine own self. Companionship comes at a cost, but please let’s stop paying too high a price.
@ Kristi how do you know? Did you conduct a survey? Over half and many smh! Did you date a switch hitter and assume thats a reflection of the male population in Antigua
The bi-sexual community in this country is huge, especially amongst the under 40 male crowd. This is what happens.
Wow, must say with all the negative “anti-man” slurs I have heard for years, did not think it was really lip service
Gays and bisexuals in Antigua (of which there are thousands) regularly engage in anti-man slurs themselves, as a cover up for their own nastiness.
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