Media house condemns attack on it’s journalist by police in Dominica

Emonews reporter being attacked by police in Dominica

Statement on the Mistreatment of an Emo News Reporter

The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Dominica guarantees the fundamental rights and freedoms of every person. Section 10 upholds the right to freedom of expression, while Section 8 ensures protection under the law.

Emo News is deeply concerned and outraged by the incident of police mistreatment that occurred on March 19, 2025, near Fort Young Hotel in Roseau.

The actions of the Assistant Commissioner of Police (AG) and other officers involved represent not only a violation of constitutional rights but also an unacceptable abuse of power by those sworn to protect and serve.

Since 2015, Emo News has been committed to reporting news and live events from Dominica to the world. From covering Tropical Storm Erika and Hurricane Maria to the COVID-19 pandemic, Carnival, the World Creole Music Festival, funerals, police drug burns, press conferences, and many other events, we have brought Dominica to a global audience with a proud record of free and fair journalism.

We firmly believe in the words of Aung San Suu Kyi: “The press is the guardian of the public interest, and the independent press is the guardian of the public interest.” At Emo News, we take seriously our duty to inform the public, hold power to account, and report on events without fear of persecution or mistreatment.

No one should suffer mistreatment at the hands of law enforcement—especially a member of the free press. We demand full accountability, a thorough and impartial investigation, and justice for Soanna Benjamin.

Furthermore, we call for urgent reforms to prevent such violations from recurring and to protect both the public’s right to know and our right to report the news.

Emo News stands firm in our commitment to justice, transparency, and human rights. We urge the responsible authorities to take immediate action to address this matter.

Emerline Anselm CEO, Emonews Ltd

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  1. That’s should not be the end of it Emo. I hope you have consulted with attorneys and intend to take this to full matirity in the courts.
    It is inconceivable that such a high ranking member of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force would not know his responsibilities towards the journalists and populace at large. It was incumbent on him to provide maximum security to the journalist to cover the activities. It is obvious that he didn’t want the world to see the criminal behavior of the force under his command.
    Political allegiance does not trump the responsibility of every police officer to be a guardian of the peace security and protection of every citizen.
    Nothing less than the retirement of this officer would suffice.

  2. The world is a different place nowadays. Populist leaders exploit democracy to consolidate power, dismantle institutions and threatening global stability. One of the most visible effects is the systematic erosion of meritocracy in public administration. Political loyalty increasingly supercedes expertise in government appointments and elected leaders demand total loyalty from everyone including the MEDIA. If you do not toe the line, you are negatively branded and marginalized. What we see happening in Dominica is a once highly loved and respected “peoples” leader, acting on the fringe of dictatorship, tyranny and authoritarianism. It’s a sad day for Dominica and the Caribbean.

  3. Stupes tan…. that soanna Benjamin always in thing with police. I don’t know if she does it especially for public attention then try playing victim… give me a break. Let them police do their work. If they was not doing all u will complain. Now they doing all u still complaining

  4. Who for them to miss treat they not doing it look how my land of my berth was so peacefull what doiminica become now a qaw zone shame on you all.


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