CABINET NOTES: The Minister of Heath informed that four new pieces of legislation will have their first reading at the next sitting of Parliament.
They are: the Mental Health Bill; the Abandonment of the Elderly Bill; the Licensing of Nursing Home Bill; and, the Sugary Drinks Bill. They are all aimed at improving healthcare in the nation.
The Medical Benefit Scheme has agreed to set aside 1 Million United States Dollars to purchase vaccines in the event of a serious outbreak or a pandemic.
Both the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have suffered a decrease in contributions since the United States has signaled its intent to withdraw from these regional and international organizations and to end the funding that it once provided. Antigua and Barbuda needs to be in a state of readiness.
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Lard god them done a talk about vaccine for next pandemic . Like these people know what the hell they doing . When COVID-19 was out you hear them talk about get ready for a next pandemic like you people are trying to control Gods world but one day they will see. Why you’ll can’t come back from space all now can’t see God a show you’ll to stop try to find things out that’s why you’ll go missing out in space get stuck and you’ll still wanna do the do. Black ppl wake up, and stop let them fool you’ll.
Calm down. The head of the W.H.O. already said that it’s not a matte of “if” but WHEN the next pandemic is coming sooner than you think. signs of the end. Prophecy MUST BE FULFILLED!! The Second Coming of Jesus is imminent!
History has shown that on average pandemics occur every *100 years or so (the plague in 1720; the cholera outbreak in 1820; the Spanish flu in 1920; and in 2020 the Corona Virus).
So how on God’s green earth does the MBS know that they can utilise another $1 Million dollars on so-called vaccines on another pandemic or major outbreak so soon???
Unless they know something more that the History books have already shown us, and plans are afoot for more lockdowns, school closures and small to medium business collapses.
Will our own Health Minister take note and do his due diligence for the sake of the citizens of this country?
His recent history doesn’t bode well …
* Statistics taken from the Austin American Statesman
Well, we know Kill Gates is already planning the next one since he made so much money from the last one, and he still thinks the world is overpopulated so God alone knows what they’ll put in it this time
Look up “Turbo Cancers” on Youtube by Dr. John Campbell. He explains how the lipid nano particle used in MRNA vaccines makes it easier for the carrier DNA in the “vaccines” to pass through the cell’s fatty outer membrane and contaminate the DNA in the nucleus, inhibiting production of key enzymes which inhibit cancer growth. Open your eyes people.
Loving the comments. God botherers and conspiracy believers coming together to deny reality
@ Make 2025, doesn’t FACTS override “God botherers (are those two words even a coherent phrase?)” and “conspiracy believers”?
You sound more like a denialist suffering from cognitive dissonance …
Lawd when they open that pot when the next plandemic hit you go find pure aluminium coins in dey like when ya move inna one new house.
Agreed, that MRNA vaccine killed so many people in little Antigua. How the stupid government doesn’t see this is beyond me. Gaston Browne’s younger brother dropped dead from a heart attack at 40! Wake up!!! Kill Gates doesn’t give a shit about you and has taken the lives of so many along with that lunatic Anthony Fauci – make sure to read ‘The real Anthony Fauci’ – I hope Trump send his rass to friggin prison along with Gates! Why are we even a part of the World Health Organization? They do nothing but take money and create pandemics that stifle our economy and sicken our people! Get away from these demons!
Antiguans, y’all have no excuses why your immune systems won’t be ready for whatever they unleash next . Your natural immune system can fight off anything as long as it is healthy. Sunlight is FREE in Antigua… and having a high level of vitamin D is paramount to making your immune system functions properly. The key is not to wait for an outbreak to try building up your defense; make sure you’re ready when it hits.
So they putting aside, 1 million USD to buy vaccines that has no proof of them working in your body. They do not work. Instead they make your health get worse. COVID vaccine, HPV vaccines, none a them no body. Instead, HPV vaccine help young women not to have children. That ne sound like kill Gates, as someone put his name earlier. Tou all need to stop trusting these people from W.H.O and PAOH. How you going to take health instructions from Massa. When Massa had us under his rule. It was no meds for us. So is a good thing, we had our own, bush meds and them work. He used to heat us silly. one Massa heat his man slave so bad, and left him for dead. He was found by his own kind. The carried him to the hot springs in Nevis and gave him herbal teas to drink and dressed his wounds with poultices of bush meds. And that how he lived again. One massa, beat his house slave when she was heavy pregnant, lawrd, she begged him please to stop, but he continued to beat her. All because, she forgot to bring in the cow, to it’s stall. She was attended to with bush meds. But she lost the baby. God in high heaven have seen, the enormous atrosities that has been done to us Caribbean people’s ancestors. And to finish off the offspring of their ancestors.They come to kill is off with the blasted vaccines them. When comes to health or anything for that matter that includes them kind a people dey. No,no,and no me Nuh trust them.‼️‼️‼️and I dear say, neither should you. I know a lot aru house slaves going to Tek them vaccines but, you and them can Tek them. They ain’t for me and my children. Wicked sons a bitcxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxes.
in a nutshell : A&B is going to give our money to Big Pharma and Kill Gates so they can destroy our economy again with another “plandemy” and make us sick again with a new “safe and effective” poison.
One question was never answered in the first place : why did the US leave the WHO ? Ah because Trump is crazy… okay okay. Fine.