LETTER: May Day, May day !!- Dear Captain Pringle


May Day, May day !!

Dear Captain Pringle

Our UPP political ship has been hit by a double whammy which include 1. Lack of confidence in your leadership skills and 2. The fierce attack from our enemy headed by their astute captain Gaston Browne.

Our political ship has now fallen on a reef and is fast sinking. Please captain Pringle, I beg of you to tell us what to do. It is a very serious position that we have found ourselves in. We need help. Perhaps, a Devine intervention is needed immediately……

Now captain Pringle, if you & lieutenant Pringle can not find an answer, I can assure you, that myself and a few more members like Brixtonian & others will also be jumping ship, to ensure our political lives & reputation are saved.

The last roll call I took, the following crew members were no  longer onboard  our UPP ship.

Elston Adams……………..… jump ship
Gregory Athill ……………..… jump ship
Lamming Newton ………….  jump ship
Malayka parker ……………… jump ship
Ambassador Goodwin…….. jump ship
Colin Browne ……………………… jump ship
Colin Derek ……………………… jump ship
Anthony stuart …………………….. jump ship
Joanne Massiah ………………….. jump ship
Dean jonas …………………………. jump ship
Winston Williams …………………. jump ship
Wimoth Daniel …………………….. jump ship
Mervyn Richards ………………….. jump ship
Dr. Phil more Benjamin ………… jump ship
Dr. Errol Cort …………………………  jump ship
John Maginley ……………………….. jump ship
Hilson Baptiste ………………..……. jump ship
Chanlah Codrington ………………. jump ship
Pastor Clephane Roberts ……… jump ship
Dr. Edward Mansoor ……………… jump ship
Donna Chaia …………………………. jump ship
Trevor Young……………………….. jump ship
Kieron Simon……………………….. jump ship
Chaniel Imhoff……………………….. jump ship
Lenworth Johnson……………………… jump ship
Luther Lee……………………….. jump ship
Anderson Carty……………………….. jump ship
Elmore Charles……………………….. jump ship
Bishop Dorsette……………….. jump ship
Chevaughn Benjamin   ……. jump ship
Anthony Smith …………….  jump ship
Sean Bird ……………..    jump ship
Arif Jonas  …………. jump ship
Demani Tabor ………  jump ship

Captain Pringle, I am sure there are many more members who have jumped our ship that I have overlooked. Bear in mind that I did not include the young crew members who recently join our crew and now has jumped ship also. It certainly does not sound good or good look neither. Please captain Pringle tell us what to do……


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  1. Imagine, with all these people ‘so call leaving U.P.P.’ the country still have a Gigantic Deficit; Cost of Living and Crime have reached the outer atmosphere; and I could go on and on.

    Alex, the U.P.P. will be just fine.

    A few more have to go, and the U.P.P. will be back to the U.P.P. and not the ‘new U.P.P.’ which have ran the train totally off track.

  2. Yes! The upp may have issues just like any other organization. But the members that jump ship say alot in my view. Loyalty to the organization and it supports are in deficit. When the next ship reach it maximum capacity and conflict start because of personal greedy. When the sharks start to circle the ship I they can swim. Because thee other side is decimating alot of political bomb on upp. My advice to the upp team have an honest conversation with your supporters amputate and heal.

  3. Again, much more comments incoming about the UPP than Gaston Browne’s destruction of Antigua’s way of life.


  4. The transformation will soon be completed, the new opposition party will soon emerge. The GPP (Giselle Pringle Party) with 160 new ghost members fielding 10 new ghost candidates will soon have its launch with Brixtonian as Chief Party Organizer. Watch out,, coming soon.

  5. D’Onally you’re kill me 🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂😂 what “transformation”???? You mean OBLITERATION

  6. All these resignations are a clear message that there is a lack of confidence in the hierarchy who is manning the UPP ship.

    If I were you Giselle I would call it a day. Clearly the people don’t like your management style and your interpersonal disposition and as for you Pringle the people realizes that your intellectual depth has a deficiency in managing a country

  7. Well Mr. Pringle told Jackie that some ignored his calls and messages. Evidently Mr. Tabor is one such individual. Will the elder Tabor jump ship too? Will he rather become shark food than put on his life jacket??? 😭


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