Maturity and Leadership: A Call for George Wehner to Apologize
As the St. Peter’s by-election approaches, the United Progressive Party (UPP) is facing a critical test of its leadership and maturity.
At the center of the storm is George Wehner, the UPP’s candidate for St. Peter’s, who has been embroiled in controversy since his inappropriate, misanthropic, and vulgar display at the UPP convention.
Wehner’s decision to rip off his shirt and engage in a heated confrontation with Richard Lewis, his wife, and their young children was a disturbing spectacle that has left many questioning his fitness for leadership.
The incident has created a rift within the party, with some senior MPs, including Kelvin “Shuggy” Simon and Richard Lewis, noticeably absent from recent UPP rallies in St. Peter’s. Algernon Serpent Watts, who pretended to support all sides, only attended one rally.
To heal the wounds and move forward, George Wehner must demonstrate maturity and leadership by apologizing to Richard Lewis and his family for his actions.
This is not a sign of weakness, but rather a sign of strength and a willingness to put the interests of the party and the people above personal pride.
An apology would be a crucial step in rebuilding trust and unity within the UPP. It would show that Wehner is committed to leading by example and that he values the relationships and well-being of his colleagues and their families.
The people of St. Peter’s and Antigua and Barbuda deserve leaders who can put aside their differences and work towards the common good.
By apologizing and making amends, George Wehner can take the first step towards healing the divisions within the UPP and demonstrating his commitment to leadership and public service.
It’s time for George Wehner to show maturity and leadership. Will he take the high road and apologize to Richard Lewis and his family, or will he continue down the path of division and confrontation? The choice is his, but the consequences of his actions will be felt by the people of St. Peter’s and Antigua and Barbuda.
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This news portal needs to stop playing politics. I am not saying what Whenner did was right but now?
The level of arrogance offends the soul its quite obvious as they say empty barrels makes the most noise the way in which he participated in that ABS interview so disrespectful so annoying as for some one who wants to be a leader ship Mr Richard Lewis is a man of integrity he has the capacity and energy when one engages him to make you want to talk and ask questions he is not loud, a boaster or arrogant he is likeable and warm such leaders never fail they always rise to the top on the contrary Mr Turner will beat him terribly he too has the personality engaging syndrome and its time that Antiguans choose the best of us because they are deserving of the best leadership Mr Gaston Browne towers over them all he gets the job done he is a visionary and accomplishing no task is difficult for him and so he sets a high bar for others to follow when a leader can present himself internationally and become renowned that is a big deal he is fearless and says truth t o power with the dynamics of global politics he has been tested and recognized most importantly he likes to be challenged and will always win
The Whener affect…I’m George Whener..the military Man.
The so called rift was caused by greedy men who refused to wait ther turn, and traitors. Please note that i was at the convention. Were you there?
Except to inflame situations or incite and provoke anger, not sure ‘…WHAT THE HELL’ people, sometimes pick at.
Seemingly, the ‘…INTELLECTUALLY NAIVE’ believes that this ‘…BY-ELECTION’ rests solely on that described as ‘…The critical test of [Paragraph 1]:
(b) …LEADERSHIP: and
(c) …APOLOGY.’
What does:
One shall not mix-up:
From a ‘…Professional Perspective,’ as these affect ‘…INTERNAL MATTERS,’ these have always been the ‘…FUNCTIONS’ of, and among the ‘…RESPONSIBILITIES OF ORGANIZATIONAL LEADERSHIP.’
These, ‘…EFFECTIVE LEADERSHIP’ shall address and seek ‘…RECONCILIATION.’
That which some ‘…INTELLECTUAL IDIOTS’ shall know, is that ‘…an ENLIGHTENED ELECTORATE,’ not only knows just what are the most ‘…CRITICAL ISSUES,’ but also those that might be ‘…INIMICAL’ to their interest.
Organizational ‘…MEMBERSHIP RIFT,’ appears not to be one of them.
MEH DUN TARK (Vernacular).
@POMPEY Wehner’s emotive exhibition went way overboard. There were two sides vying for leadership at the Convention and the behavior of Wehner after his side wins was disgraceful. The UPP as a political party does not know how to resolve differences. We have seen many examples of that. People like Wehner, Gisele and Pringle do not have the personality and ability to mend fences and that is the problem with the UPP. Another BIG PROBLEM with the UPP, and that’s the reason for their present crumbling, certain PEOPLE can do anything and get away with it. Gisele and Wehner are examples of that. The UPP as presently constituted will struggle to survive. Mark my words as an object observer.
How does this become an issue now??? These ABLP people are trying really HARD, while appearing as sheep but are really wolves. They are speaking for Shuggy, speaking for Richard Lewis, speaking for UPP while all the while trying to bring about the demise of ALL of them. They will never catch sensible people though because it is so easy to see exactly what they are up to. I urge ANR though that allowing this continuous stream of CRAP is not being fair and balance but an overrun of this media to spout and promote ABLP garbage. How do I know this? I have been here for a very long time having this political back and forth with the likes of: Tenman, Sideline and others and never did I see what is taking place now on this media. It is used now to attack UPP on even nonexistent issues.
Come on ANR, deal with this.
So when he apologizes at this ninth hour to Richard Lewis, will he be doing this because he is indeed sorry for the harm his actions produced at the convention, or will he be doing this just so he can get the gentleman’s endorsement now that he is a candidate?
Because if it is the former, he has had lots of time to do this, and didn’t. If it is the latter, are we foolish enough to believe Mr Lewis will accept his apology, or do we underestimate Mr Lewis’ strength of character so much that we think he will just embrace Mr Whenner on stage and sing kumbayah.
I’m rather disappointed by your contribution. Don’t you realize that there is a rift in the UPP that was exacerbated by the immature and irresponsible behavior of Wehner Sr post the convention’s election results?
Even his mature son (it is alleged) took it upon himself to make apologies on his father’s behalf. Does that display good leadership qualities?
I’m trying to fathom your rationale in relation to ANR articles regarding character. Do you know that you can submit an article for them to publish?
This military man has created some frightening videos of members of the current administration with telescopic ammunition blown to their heads.
He refers to it as political satire. Well, in literature class, I learned of light and bitter satire.
Which one is it?
In first world countries, he would have been arrested, charged and convicted of a virtual crime
He ALLEGEDLY attempted to overthrow my cousin, Colonel Sir Trevor Thomas, KCN, who was then the Chief of the Defense Force, but was intercepted because of a tip-off, which also caused his discharge to to be not so honorable.
If we cannot choose candidates who are decent law-abiding citizens to represent us in Parliament, who will we become?
Anger, rude and aggressive behavior is not who wish to lead us. Responses in interviews to simple questions without being derogatory to people’s characters are not what we’re looking for in legislative walls.
My ‘…OBSERVER FRIEND,’ deep respect for:
(a) ‘…Your Observations, ‘…THEN:’ and
(b) …Your Comments. ‘…NOW.’
From a professional perspective, ‘…WEHNER’ is known to the commenter.
He, a ‘…Military Personnel,’ as a then ‘…Law Enforcer,’ worked along together.
Socially, and in new ambition, really not connected.
No familiarity with the identified ‘…Organizational Colleague.’ …NEVER MET.’
Rawlston Pompey is guided by the ‘Scripture- ‘…JUDGE NOT’ [Matthew 7: 1].
This could never have been discerned in the previous comment.
(ii) …CARIBARENA: and
…LEAVE ‘ANR’ out of the ‘…Environmental Shenanigans.’
The interview on ABS was distasteful because Berford was not a neutral interviewer. He was involved in hard line ABLP campaigning to and thought he could set up Mr.George Whenner. Aides by Joan Massiah whom I have lost what little respect I has left for her. Their plans failed miserably. Antigua people don’t like hypocrisy and bad mindedness. I hope she got a container of grip water. She said that the 10 years she was in government that the UPP was guilty of doing nothing at St.Peters. Yet immediately after that she tried to become the political leader. That alone discredits her. Gripe water. I would have lost my cool and walked out that station. Whenner brave bad- he stood right there and fought toe toe toe.
Aided by and little respect I had left
Always ‘…Followed Comments’ posted by your ‘…Good Self.’
You have been among the few that ‘…DO NOT HIDE BEHIND PSEUDONYMS.’
Do realized that you preferred not to ‘…OFFEND’ some people in the environment.
Though not necessarily employing ‘…RADICALISM,’ still a ‘…DOCTOR’ might wish to guide some responses to suit that which currently obtains.
This shall be so, irrespective of the possibility of a: ‘…SUNAMI OF NEGATIVITY.’
Was Gaston called to apologize after he threatened Mr. Michael with a fist to his face? Was Mr. Michael, in any way, threatening him. You know the answer and yet, the dregs praised the villain and condemn the victim.
Did Baldwin Spencer apologize for URGING the nation to:
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