Democratic National Alliance Leader Joanne Massiah is denying newspaper reports that she called for a complete lockdown on the country.
She took to her fast growing Facebook audience today to “set the record straight” after the Daily Observer reported, “Massiah calls for complete lockdown of country.”
“I have NEVER called “for a complete lockdown of country” the opposition politician said.
“Journalistic dishonesty must be called out,” she exclaimed.
Massiah later reported that the story had been pulled and that the media house promised to make it right on Monday.
Massiah was making reference to the decision taken by the Bahamas to lockdown the country despite being heavily dependent on tourism.
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Duncy Bat: But Miss JM if the country lock down wouldn’t that lead to possible starvation?
JM: Well me power hungry lang time so wha happen if we haffu starve fuh likkle food?
Duncy Bat: Oh is so you see it?
JM: How else d thing supposed to set up?
Duncy Bat: eeeeeem
How would it lead to starvation?
Antigua has no money or resources in reserve? If so, you have a completely corrupt government.
And even if that’s the case, the government can borrow enough to sustain the country (giving cash stipends to citizens/residents) until the pandemic is over or until they can figure out a safe way to open borders.
Welcome back friend ‘…Duncy Bat.’
Seems you came back ‘…Brattish’ in your interview, and more ‘Battish’ with the answers provided.
Might be a darn ‘Dunce,’ but certainly not a ‘Bat.’
Speaking about ‘Starvation’ and then answering that is ‘…how the thing supposed to setup,’ could never be right ‘Duncy.’
And don’t end behind ‘…Brattishness or Battishness.’
Continue to write interviews like this and see how ‘…you can get out or get away.’
Have a talk with ‘…Ras Smood.’
Mr. Pompey is Mr. Sheffield Bowen qualified to run on a UPP ticket with a MURDER CRIMINAL RECORD ? Kindly enlighten me !!!!
THOMAS G yes Mr. Bowen is qualified to run. Section 39 of the Constitution deals with the qualification to run for an election to be a member of the House of Representatives and he is not disqualified under the Constitution. I am sure Mr. Pompey would agree with me but I await his response to your question.
@ Tabor. If UPP is victorious or let’s put it in your world, when UPP is victorious can you see Mr Bowen in charge of gender and youth affairs? I think he will do an excellent job, what say you?
Mr. Tabor I listened to Hon. Gaston Browne last evening on Pointe Fm which I am quite sure that you had a chance to listen also. Hon.Gaston Browne said that Sheffied Bowen asked Him to run on ABLP ticket in 2014 and 2018 and He outright told Him ” NO “. ABLP will destroy SHEFFIELD BOWEN and SERPENT on the Campaign trail. These Guys have too much BAGGAGE to run on a recognized Party ticket. They should run independent. BIG mistake by UPP to choose SERPENT and BOWEN. WOW. WOW.
Likened to others vying for elective office, ‘…Sherfield Bowen’ equally enjoys ‘…Constitutional Eligibility’ to do so.
Sure many people may remember the conviction of ‘…former Premier Sir Georg H. Walter’ whose conviction of “…Misbehavior in Public office’ was ‘Quashed’ by the Appeals Court.
(i) …An incident did occur;
(ii) …Death resulted in which he was held
(iii) …Charged with, and convicted of
(iv) …Appellate Court ‘…Set Aside’
(v) …Conviction ‘judicially expunged’ from
In ‘Murder,’ there has to be ‘Premeditation;’ that is ‘…an intention to kill.’
The evidence did not show this and the trial Judge apparently;
(a) …Misguided himself; and
(b) …Misdirected the Jury.’
The Appellate Court felt it was ‘unsafe or improper to convict him on ‘Murder.’
The lesser charge of ‘Manslaughter may have held.
This appeared not to have been considered by the Jury.
Criminally, there is no conviction on record against him for murder.
Currently, there is nothing to make him ineligible to participate in an election.
What i am peeved most about having read the article is that Ms. Massiah never alluded to any alternative measures that may improve the present situation. Unless that too was an error on the part of the journalist.
@ Alvin J. And why are you surprised that she has no alternative. It is the same tune from the UPP. They all speak about diversification diversification. When they get into power is the same tourism industry they embrace yet they talk about the need for diversification when in opposition.
Are you telling me the UPP OBSERVER headline and article was not true? There must be more to this story than we’ve heard. Journalists, get to work and dig out the facts.
It is sad when the opposition opposes a situation just for political milage instead of being pratical and realistic especially during a national crisis. Joanne knows better, she should say better…. Persons like her who has a reputable position in our society and hence vying to become perhaps our next prime minister needs to come to the public with ‘sound data’ to support her argument, in order to convince us, the masses, that the country needs to lock down at this time.
Wonder if it was the “BRITISH-TRAINED” Editor that engaged in this round of journalistic dishonesty.
If you read the article you would see who the journalist in question is. Is reading esoteric or tabu? Come on man. It’s not that hard. Every single day, you guys keep confirming Papa Bird’s statement. READ RRRRRR…
Hold up I thought that’s their media house so why would they called her out? Even with their own media outlet there is no unity. These people foot is is too close to their mouth. If the World Boss take a stand he have the courage enough to stand by it and not be flapping man. Any decisions the PM make the opposition is going to go against it and that’s a fact. So because you get flag by your own supporters you denying the statement? That says a whole lot.
Just Saying in a UPP Administration why would you want Bowen to be the Minister of Gender and Youth Affairs? He is a highly qualified person and would be able to fit into so many different areas. Please don’t pigeonhole him.
Sir I am not trying to pigeon hole him. as a convicted murderer or whatever term the court had used I just think he would have been sufficiently reformed to act effectively in that role.
What really is too much baggage? Fraud, murder, sexual harassment, deceipt, lies, hate, blackmail, selling drugs, perjury, rape…because all these things God forgives. We need to move on from any mentalities that enslaves us. Just as UPP have people with baggage, the ABLB has people with baggage too.
Diamond I agree with you completely and when it comes to baggage with personalities in political parties, the word has become synonymous with many characters of the ABLP over the years and also with their current set of characters.
WE are talking about MURDER…..Do you really understand the ISSUE. Both YOU and TABOR are a sleep at the wheel. WAKE UP GUYS.
LIND P. I am not asleep at the wheel and I clearly understand the issue. Bowen was involved in an unfortunate accident where a young lady tragically lost her life. He was charged with murder but was found guilty of manslaughter. He subsequently appealed and the Court of Appeal quashed his conviction and set aside his sentence. Yes, it was a horrible situation, particularly for the young lady and her family. Our judicial system was at work and Bowen was exonerated particularly because the whole sad affair was an unfortunate accident. Bowen did not set out to intentionally kill the young lady. Should Bowen now be barred from running for political office because of the accident? I say no and the Constitution also says now. He is not precluded by the Constitution to run to become a member of the House of Representatives. There have been members of the ABLP government who have been known to be engaged in serious corruption and were allowed to run in elections. The current moral outrage exhibited by some with respect to Bowen running for political office is unwarranted. And by the way, most of this moral outrage is fueled from the government side. It begs the question are they genuinely outraged or they are afraid of Bowen’s candidacy in St. Phillips South.
We need people who has a clean personal slate to be the people’s representative in our parliament. With such slate, these persons will certainly earn themselves the title to be called ” honourable “. In my view, with the baggage that Serpant & Bowen have, the title ” honourable ” will definitely not fit them
Bluddy Bloke as the title would not fit many in the present government including the Prime Minister.
Good thing Lovell slate squeaky clean.
Charles Tabor
None of ABLP Ministers went to JAIL / PRISON for MURDERING Someone. I read all your narratives on this medium and you typically avoiding the real issue. What the HELL is the matter with you Tabor. Bowen nomination should be REJECTED. This does not put the UPP in a winning situation. I heard on the POINTE FM on the weekend the BAGGAGE that BOWEN and SERPENT bring to the UPP. This is mind buggling. Why would a Leader have these two Guys on Their ticket. Tabor as a Legal advisor to UPP this shows your judgment is VERY VERY POOR has a Lawyer. Tabor you keep avoiding the issue. One for Child support. Other Murder charge. Tabor still defending ????
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