Samantha Marshall: Upon being elected as the Member of Parliament for St Mary’s South in 2014, I have had the tremendous privilege of serving the constituency and its people, from Bolans to Cades Bay. You’ve stood by me for two terms as we delivered many developmental achievements despite the seemingly ever-insurmountable challenges.
Today, St Mary’s South has embarked on a new chapter in its history. I extend my heartiest congratulations to Kelvin Simon on his election and offer my best wishes over the tenure to come. I also extend my heartfelt gratitude to #TeamMarshall for your steadfast commitment and dedication to my vision of improving the lives and livelihoods of persons across St Mary’s South.
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Gracious in defeat. The hallmark of a good leader. That is how it ought to be.
100% agree. Appropriate and professional.
Shuggy Simon a Pumkin Pie
Like TIAN sh King.
Lovell have Sleeping Police
In LABOR still
Gas look out for Tilt..
Amen! Samantha, you will play a bigger role in the Labour Party in the years to come;if you’re not knuckled out by the current leader and his Chief of Staff!
That’s the definition of true sportsmanship, bow out gracefully. Well done to you both
Now I understand when they said next level, it is a next level of politics where people are awake, a different variety of ministers in Parliament can enable our country to move forward with fresh ideas. Leaders make Leaders!
Great Thought Great Dynamism
Diversity minimize Generosity
Rocket Science Majick Jack’s.
Empty Theeats
Congrats Gas Made Century 🏏
Politics Will Never Be the Same
Gaston ACED de Game
As 👑 Charlie Reign… 93.5
All these young UPP candidates will have the opportunity to sit across in parliament from politician who were in parliament before some of them were born. Let’s take Sir. Robin for example, this term will make him 50 unbroken years. Twice the age of the representative from All Saints West. This means that he will be listening, learning and be schools by parliamentary matters by the best. By the end of his first term he will be well equipped, well trained and educated. These young MP’s will also be guided by Sir Gerald Watts, one of the best legal mind Antigua has produced.
Guided by who? You obviously don’t know learning and leadership. Nor do you understand old age and the next level of stupidness!
Thanks to all of my relatives from Bolans to Urlings on voting for SHUGY. Good luck to you now and into the future.
Gaston said that once they complete two terms, they loose their drive to win. Do they qualify for a pension after two terms? Take the money and run.
Samantha Marshall is a true patriot. It is my hope that the new representative for the area will continue to represent his peoples as well as she did and continue the forward progress for his community. Forward Ever!!!
Samantha was an excellent and transparent leader. Bigger things are ahead for her. I predict one day she will be leading the ABLP instead of it’s current dictator
Shugy aka Bolans village ram have plenty more seed to fling now 🤣😂
Awesome Samantha I love you girl that’s the way it should be love you.
Well it ain’t over until it’s over. Bis seat sill be challenged. And the court will decide whether or not he was properly nominated. And if not, I feel sorry for him.
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